Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen was still slowly stroking Mike. He didn't soften a bit. She knew this talk turned him on. Yes, he looked bothered but she could tell it wasn't bad hurt.

"What about my mom and dad?" he asked. "And your parents? Your sister?"

Jen took them one-by-one. "I don't care what my dad thinks. He probably won't even come see me. My mom knows I'm not a saint; the rumors won't surprise her. You know Emma. She's not judgmental. She never says anything bad about anyone." They both knew that included her no-good husband; but that was a subject for another time.

"Your parents?" Jen continued. "I mean, your dad's easy," she said with a laugh. Mike grinned. Jen had her father-in-law wrapped around her pinky. He adored Jen like the daughter he never had. As long as Jen loved his son (which she did), Mike's dad would never say or think an unkind word against her.

"My mom?" Mike asked.

Jen winced at the mention of Mike's mom. She was the hard one. "She already suspects," Jen whispered. "Once she asked if you were Anna's father." (Author's note: see Life After We - Part 7).

Mike's eyes grew wide. "What did you say?"

"I said yes of course," Jen said. Looking pained, she said "I think she knows I'm not exactly a perfect wife for her son."

"You are," Mike assured her immediately.

"It's okay," Jen said giving him a weak smile. "It's the price we pay for playing the game. We both get off on it. But my mother-in-law knows I'm a slut."

They were silent for long moments, each in their own thoughts. Mike realized the game wasn't always paradise for Jen. Yeah, she got to fuck whoever she wanted. She got to enjoy the excitement of new romantic relationships. But there was fallout. Like the emotional baggage of breaking up with her "boyfriends." And also, your mother-in-law thinking you're a promiscuous cheat.

Jen felt Mike softening in her hand. She kissed him and said "It's okay. I decided a long time ago it was worth it."

Mike gave her a crooked grin. "Because you like the variety?" he asked. He felt himself getting hard again.

"Yeah," Jen admitted with a laugh. Then she said seriously, "And otherwise, you wouldn't be happy. Right Mike?"

Mike didn't have to think about it very long. "Probably not," he admitted. He said "Seeing you with Ricky, that first time. I got hooked."

"I guess I did too," Jen said with a grin back. "I guess this is how we are."

"Yeah," Mike agreed.

Jen was still stroking him. He was hard as a rock again. "So anyways, that's how we're going to handle it," she said. She wasn't asking him. He was her cuckold, her bottom. She was telling him. "Also, my stage name will be Jenny Johnson."

Mike stared at his wife. It made sense actually, given everything else. But still it shocked him. And it felt like a knife through his heart. "So Frank gets what he wants," he said bitterly. "On stage we're not married."

Jen sighed inside. Wasn't that what they just talked about? But she didn't say that of course. Instead she said consolingly, "It's just a stage name. Duncan will know my real name. Other people will too. They'll have to. For the legal stuff."

"So why do it?" Mike asked, bitterness still in his voice.

"I guess because that's what Frank wants," Jen admitted.

"Great Jen," Mike said disgustedly.

"Mike baby, it's just a stupid stage name. Actresses use them all the time. Our friends will understand that," Jen said. "Anyone who googles me will know we're married. You're kind of famous you know. Probably more famous than Frank."

"Why do it then?" Mike asked again, frustrated.

She gave him the same answer. "Because that's what Frank wants," she said.

Mike didn't know what to say. He was teetering on bad hurt.

Jen knew it too. Trying to explain better, she said "It doesn't change anything. Think about it Mike. People will talk. But they're already talking. And most times they'll see us together, living together, going out like today. See? It's the exact same thing. But this way Frank gets what he wants. And tell the truth Mike. You get what you want too."

Mike stared at his wife. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Jen gave him an understanding smile. "It gets you hot baby," she said knowingly. "The rumors. People thinking I'm with another man. The game where we pretend not to be married and you get to watch. You love that Mike. I know you do."

Jen was right. It was the ultimate voyeur / cuckold experience. And it really DIDN'T change anything. The rumors were already out there. Although, this was so close to their real lives. It made it more exciting. Still ...

"I guess what bothers me, you're doing it for Frank," he said.

"Yeah but, Mike, think about it," Jen said imploringly. "Let's say the show's a hit. What's going to happen? They'll be reporters. Maybe people will google me. What will they find out?"

"They'll find out Frank's your lover," Mike said bitterly.

"No," Jen said squeezing his hands. "They'll find out I'm your wife. The wife of the famous Mike Andrews. There might be rumors about Frank. But that's what I'm saying. There are already rumors. But the real story is, of course, I'm your wife."

Mike was starting to get it. "So, you're saying, you're doing what Frank wants, but he's not really getting anything."

"Yes," Jen said grinning. She tapped Mike on his nose. "Right on the nose baby. Sometimes I don't think Frank thinks things through. He's so used to getting his way, he just assumes it always happens that way. But Frank lives in the shadows. He's not a public person. You know he doesn't have a Wiki page? You do Mike."

"I'm not sure that's a good thing," Mike said sourly.

"Go read it," Jen said. "It talks about Liberty-gate. But mostly it talks about Sapphire and the Ring and the Apple Code Master job."

Mike was surprised. "Did you write it?" he asked suspiciously.

"I didn't, I swear," Jen said.

Mike thought about Jen's plan. She was right, the rumors were already out there. As long as they stayed rumors and not fact, it might work. But ...

"Anna can't ever find out," Mike said firmly.

"She won't," Jen promised. "I've been thinking. Maybe after Spring Awakening we'll move. Get a fresh start away from the rumors."

Mike smiled. "I like that idea," he said. "Someplace warm, a beach maybe. Anna loves the sun and surf."

"I do too," Jen said smiling back at him. Mike definitely liked this idea. Away from the rumors – and away from Frank too.

"So you're okay Mike?" Jen asked. She was telling him her decisions, not asking for permission. But she wanted to make sure her husband – her bottom – was emotionally okay with everything.

"Yeah, I think so. I just need to process all this," Mike said.

"I get that," Jen said. She leaned over and kissed him. She continued to stroke him.

Mike was close to an orgasm. He moved his hand up to caress Jen's breast but she pulled away. "This week will be hard for me," she said with a weak smile. Mike remembered. She wasn't allowed to cum until she saw Frank again.

Mike frowned. It bothered him Frank had so much influence and control over Jen. And now, because of his command, he wasn't allowed to touch his wife's body? Really?

Jen sensed her husband's annoyance. She realized her mistake. "I'm sorry," she said. She pulled his hand to her breast. "You can always touch me." She pulled him on top of her. "You should cum inside me again anyway. To be safe."

Mike stared in his wife's eyes. Jen squeezed her hand between their bodies and took his hard penis. She guided him towards her pussy. "Come on honey," she urged him, looking back into his eyes.

Mike pushed into Jen. His breath caught as his cock was surrounded by the velvet smoothness of her pussy. It felt so good!

"You did this before," Mike said as he rocked back and forth. He was looking into Jen's eyes. "When you cheated on me." Once Jen had a 1-night stand. She let the guy cum inside her. At the time she wasn't on birth control; Mike was using condoms. Later she made sure they had sex bareback. She made sure Mike came inside her. Just in case.

"Yes," Jen admitted. She flushed with shame. She cheated, she admitted it (eventually). Sometimes Mike liked talking about it. What could she do? It made her feel bad to talk about it, but she had to take it.

"But you know, it only takes 1 sperm," Mike said. "Whoever gets there first. And that guy fucked you first."

Jen didn't respond, not sure where Mike was going with this.

"So you made sure we had sex so I'd think it was my baby, right?" Mike said. "But you knew he was really the father, if you were pregnant. Right? So we're fucking now and I'll cum inside you, like last night, so I'll think it's my baby. But we both know if you're pregnant it's Frank's baby."

Jen looked back into her husband's eyes. She still felt ashamed. But Mike couldn't be more wrong.

She said "We made love, we don't fuck." It was the same thing Mike said to Frank, although she didn't know that. Then she said "And all my babies are your babies Mike. All my babies."

A little while later Jen was on her side and Mike was spooning her from behind. "Are you okay?" Mike asked, cupping her breast.

"Okay, now you're torturing me," Jen said with a laugh. "Don't expect a lot of sex this week mister," she added. But she was joking. In all their time together, she never denied Mike her body (except when they first started dating and she was trying to be chaste to make a good impression on him).

"I have to go to CATF this week," Mike told her.

"Oh," Jen said surprised. She turned to look at him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just meetings," Mike said with a shrug, downplaying it. "Maggie'll babysit. And I've got another teacher covering my classes."

"Remember I've got a Jasmine fundraiser this weekend," Jen said. "I'll tell her then. That I'm quitting." She shrugged. "Maybe I'll just tell Leo. I'm sure Jasmine won't care."

"When will you tell work?" Mike asked.

"I don't know," Jen said grimacing. "The partners won't like it. Especially Johnny." Johnny was her mentor at work. They were close, almost like father-daughter.

"So this is really happening?" Mike asked.

"I think so," Jen said. "I'm excited about it. It's not just Broadway. I'm tired of advertising. I don't know Mike. Maybe I'll never go back to advertising. Would that be okay?"

"It's perfectly okay baby. You've been tired a long time," Mike said looking into her eyes. He knew it was more than the job. It was Liberty-gate. Their breakup. Being alone at Anna's birth, and then a single mom. Then, after they got back together, having the pressure of being the primary wage earner while he futzed around teaching high school. Jen was exhausted.

Yeah, Broadway was a big change. But Jen was a goddess. And goddesses don't ride off into the sunset when they go on sabbatical. No, goddesses do something bold and exciting, like Broadway. At least, that's how Mike viewed his wife. She was a goddess and her name was destined to sparkle in the lights of Broadway. Even if those lights said "Jenny Johnson" instead of "Jennifer Andrews."

Mike felt determined. He was ready. To leave the shelter of teaching and go back to the real world. He would do this for Jen and Anna.


Colonel Banks watched the QC (quantum computer) meeting. He was pleased. Mike was definitely more engaged. At times he was leading the discussion, with Abraham and even Brent taking cues from him.

Mike never picked up the yellow tennis ball, the QC team's symbol of the person in charge. That concerned Banks. The QC team needed a leader. They needed direction. Otherwise they were just a debate club. Someone had to step up and lead. But Abraham was too old. Brent too brash. And Mike Andrews was debilitating shy and too much a recluse.

Still, the team was making progress. Banks could tell by the excited faces and animated debates. They were all smart. Some – like Abraham and Brent, and maybe that young girl Maria – were probably smarter than Mike. But Andrews had an intuitive feel for math and computers. Like Mozart with music. And his instincts were breaking log jams. The QC team was moving forward again.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:08 PM

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