Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike walked over to Allie. "Thanks for being here," he said.

"Always fun in Andrewsville," Allie said. She wore that same smart-alecky grin. Then she got serious and whispered, "Hey, we should kiss goodbye."


"We need to kiss, so Nadine sees," Allie whispered. "She saw you staring at Jen." Seeing Mike's deer-in-the-headlights look, Allie grinned and said "Don't worry bubbleboy, I'll handle it."

Allie leaned in and pressed her soft sexy lips against Mike's. She was an expert at kissing of course, just like Jen. It was only a moment. There wasn't any tongue. But it certainly was way more than a friendly goodbye kiss. Nadine saw it.

And so did Jen.

Duncan and Nadine left first. Then Allie. Frank rode in his limo with Hugh and Lou. Mike and Jen got in an uber.

Mike was still excited about the audition. "You were so incredible Jen!" he gushed. "I want you to take the part. I called Apple. They offered me a job. It's a lot of money and I can work remote, here in New York."

Jen was already excited about the part. And now she was getting caught up in Mike's excitement too. "See how Duncan didn't mention my hair?" she said happily. "The wig worked."

Mike ran his fingers through Jen's long lush blonde hair. "I'll be okay if you have to cut and dye your hair," he said. It was the last thing he wanted but he wasn't going to let his blonde hair fetish interfere with her dreams.

"I don't want to Mike," Jen said. Jen might be okay with cutting it but not dying her hair. She was a blonde. It was a big part of herself. But most of all she wanted to stay blonde for Mike. She knew it was important to him.

And, she was a blonde. Allie wasn't.

"How will we handle it with Duncan and everyone else?" Mike asked.

Jen looked thoughtful. "I don't know," she said. "I'll ask Frank." Seeing Mike's frown, she squeezed his hand and said "They're his friends Mike. It's only right we ask him."

Mike knew Jen was right. Revealing their marriage to Frank's Broadway friends affected Frank, not them. But he hated that Jen deferred to Frank so much. Although, it turned him on too. Also ...

"So you're saying we might have to keep it secret?" Mike said. Keep their marriage secret. An image of Jen on Frank's arm at the opening appeared in his head. While he stood like a third wheel off to the side. Everyone knowing his wife was with another man. It disturbed him. But like everything in their game he was conflicted. "Is that what you're saying?" he said.

Mike felt bitter but his cock was hard as a rock. It was of his favorite games, pretending they weren't married. This time it was more dangerous because their paying was closer to their real lives. But the danger made it more exciting. Delicious. Intoxicating.

"No baby," Jen said immediately, seeing the agitation and distress in his face. "I'll take care of it. I promise." She tenderly stroked his face. "Okay?" she said gently, looking into his eyes.

"Okay," Mike said. They were approaching Frank's building. They didn't have much time left to be alone. "So you had adult fun in the dressing room? Frank told me," Mike said. He grinned. "Both Frank and Lou?"

"God my nympho switch's so on," Jen said with a laugh. The laugh carried both embarrassment and amazement at herself.

Mike smiled and tenderly stroked her beautiful face. "I love you this way," he said.

"Just when I'm a slut?" Jen asked with a grin back.

"Always," Mike assured her. "And you're my goddess."

Jen knew she was a slut, not a goddess. Frank said she was a slut and he was right. Already that evening she'd gone down on Mike and fucked Frank and Lou. And she wasn't nearly satisfied. Especially after the excitement of the successful audition. She was like a guy. She wanted to celebrate by fucking all night long.

Jen didn't say any of this to her husband because she knew it would upset him. He was sweet to always think the best of her. But sooner or later he had to accept her true nature, just like she'd accepted his.

Jen had something she wanted to talk about anyway. "So you and Allie are getting along," she said. She was bothered by the "kiss" but she kept her voice light and nonchalant to make it sound like she didn't care.

Mike was too distracted by his lusts to notice anyway. "Yeah she's okay," he said, not interested in talking about Allie. He put his hand on Jen's toned flat stomach. "Tell me what happened in the dressing room," he said. There was a lot of excitement in his voice.

Jen studied her husband. It was clear he wasn't interested in Allie. All he cared about was her. Good.

She said, "They didn't cum inside me. Lou wore a condom. Frank came in my mouth."

"So you thought about it?" he asked excitedly.

"Of course I thought about it," Jen said with a playful "duh!" laugh. "You know I stopped taking the pill." It wasn't a lie because she didn't say she wasn't using birth control. But Jen knew she dodged a bullet because she didn't have a sponge in during the sex with Frank and Lou. She knew she had to be more careful in the future.

Mike caught his breath. He was barely able to maintain control. As if trying to hide his immense excitement, he joked "Did you take breath mints?"

"I brushed my teeth," Jen said with a giggle. She gave him a knowing smile and said "You wish I hadn't right? You love that." She was referring to those times when she kissed Mike after a guy came in her mouth. And when she made Mike ... do things (like with Mal).

"Only when you make me," Mike admitted with a sheepish grin.

"Really?" Jen said, her eyes wide with delight.

"Yeah," Mike said, the sheepish smile still on his face.

Jen's breath caught. She felt herself getting wet. She threw her arms around Mike and kissed him. "God we're so perfect for each other!" she gushed excitedly.

Their make out session was cut short as they arrived at Frank's building. Jen stroked Mike's hard-on over his pants. "Do you want me to take care of this?" she whispered, gently squeezing his erection. The uber driver was looking back at them in the mirror but she didn't care.

"I'm okay," Mike said. He needed his lust as a shield to get through tonight. Jen understood. She took her hand off his crotch, not wanting him to cum by accident.

Her thoughts again flashed to Allie kissing Mike. It bothered her but she understood what Allie had done. Like her, Allie had noticed Nadine noticing. Still ...

Jen reached into her purse for her wedding and engagement rings. She put them on. She saw the surprise in Mike's face. "I love you Mike," she told him, looking into his eyes. She squeezed his hand over hers so he felt her rings on her wedding ring finger. "This is our real life."

There was a knock on the window. It was Frank. He opened the door and helped Jen step out. Jen looked back at Mike and smiled. Then she took Frank's offered arm and walked with him to the building.


"What's the story with Mike and Allie?" Nadine asked Duncan as they rode home.

"I don't know, I just met them tonight," Duncan said absentmindedly. He didn't care about Mike or Allie, or Frank for that matter. He only cared about Jenny. She'll make a perfect Wendla!

"Hmmmm," Nadine said thoughtfully.

"What? I assume Mike's with Allie," Duncan guessed.

"I don't think Mike's with Allie," Nadine said. "And I'm certain he's madly in love with Jenny."

"Well, too bad for Mike then," Duncan said. "Pretty clear Jenny's crazy about Frank. Frank feels the same way about Jenny. I think he loves her."


Inside his Central Park penthouse, Frank led Jen directly to his bed. There were no polite hellos or small talk. No offers of tequila or scotch. None of that.

Frank was annoyed at Mike insisting that Jen ride over with him. Maybe it was a little thing. But little things mattered. He was going to teach Mike a lesson.

Mike sat in a chair as he watched Frank pull his wife into his arms and kiss her. Jen didn't resist but he didn't give her a choice either. It was clear Frank was in control. And Jen was giving him control.

Frank pulled down the zipper of Jen's dress. He pulled the dress off her shoulders and it fell to the floor around her high heeled feet. Mike had an intake of breath. He hadn't seen his wife in stockings and high heels for a long time. And tonight she was wearing a garter belt too. God she looked so amazing!

But Mike's pleasure was short lived. Frank threw Jen onto the bed and pulled off her legwear - garter belt, stockings and high heels. He took off her bra and panties too, leaving her completely naked. (Frank noted though, that Jen was wearing one of the panties he gave her. Without being asked. He smiled at that, clearly pleased.)
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:04 PM

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