Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Do you have sex with Frank or just other men?" Allie asked.

"With Frank too," Jen said. There was a delighted sparkle in her eyes. "He's really good. God Allie, he's so freaking thick."

"Okay, tmi," Allie said with a laugh, holding out her hands in playful surrender. She and Jen had both been wild in college, after college too. Allie was still certainly no nun, but she felt like she was calming down. It seemed like, though, that Frank was tapping into Jen's slutty wild side.

"So you're Frank's submissive slut?" Allie said with a grin, knowing Jen's sub-space fantasies.

Jen grinned. Then she shivered as she remembered the other night. "I wasn't even attracted to the guys," she said as if reveling in the memory from Saturday night. "They were horrible. But that made it feel real too."

"God Jen," Allie said shaking her head. Four men. That was pushing it even for Jen (or her).

Jen read her best friend's thoughts. She said "I know it's really slutty."

"Ya think?" Allie said with a laugh.

Jen laughed back. She shrugged and said "Frank brings out the worse in me. But, it's not like I just did 4 guys. It was the situation. You know?"

Allie nodded. She got it. Jen had always had a submissive streak. It kind of went along with her insecurities of being deserted, her need to be wanted, desired, loved. It probably started with her abusive, neglectful father. Parents could so fuck up their children. And it probably explained why Jen always went with uber-confident, controlling, alpha men. Or maybe it was the other way around. Chicken and egg. Who knew with such things?

So Allie got it. It was Jen's sub-space and her bang fantasy. Four men she didn't know made it feel real. Still ... "Aren't you worried about disease?" she asked.

"Frank always makes them use condoms," Jen said. She imagined if they took her bare. Shot off inside her. God that would make it feel even more real. She shuddered at the thought. But no. She had herself and her family to worry about. She said "I'd make them if he didn't."

"That's good," Allie said. "I guess I get it. Frank's pushing your boundaries."

"Yeah. I mean, we've got Anna now," Jen said. "Mike wants another one. I do too I guess. We have to stop playing eventually. Frank might be the last one. Yeah, he's really pushing my boundaries. No one's done it like him. I guess I want to experience that a little more before we stop."

Allie nodded. She understood. No way Mike could give her this. He treated her like his queen. And it wasn't his personality to get rough and nasty. So Jen was getting off on Frank making her fantasies come true. But if this really was Jen's thing, could she really just turn it off with Frank?

"So you think Frank will just go away?" Allie asked, voicing her concern. "If he's that controlling ..."

"He'll get tired of me," Jen said with a shrug. That was Frank's history. He went through lovers like a little boy through toys.

"What if he doesn't Jen?" Allie was with an incredulous laugh, as if saying "you haven't thought of that?"

"And what?" Allie continued. "You're just going cold turkey on your fantasies? What about Mike? You think he's going to stop?"

"We'll probably keep doing something," Jen admitted with a shrug. "Maybe we'll go to Vegas sometimes, or AC. I don't know. We'll have to talk about it. But it'll be less intense. Not as dangerous. Don't you see? This is our chance to push the boundaries."

"You're pushing your boundaries," Allie said, emphasize your. "What about Mike?"

"Well, he's got you now right?" Jen joked, grinning at her.

"Yeah right Jen," Allie said rolling her eyes. "Mike looked like a lost puppy with you not there."

Jen smiled. That's what she wanted to hear. "You hooked up with RH?" she asked with a grin.

"Yeah," Allie said, grinning back. "I wasn't going to. But Mike talked me into it. One of those "get back on the horse" speeches. He was really sweet."

Jen frowned and pursed her lips. After a moment she dismissively said "Yeah, well, whatever." It was clear she didn't want to talk about Mike being "sweet" with her.

"Anyways, I'm making sure it's good for Mike," Jen said. As if wanting to make sure Allie knew her place, she added "He is my husband after all."

"Okay," Allie said with an awkward laugh, feeling the sudden tension. Then she got melancholy as she realized how Jen was making it hot for Mike. She said "Let me guess. Pregnancy."

Jen realized her mistake. It was that same fantasy (from the other side) that was tearing Allie's marriage apart. "Sorry," she said looking apologetic.

Allie shrugged. She said "Tell me what you're doing."

Jen hesitated. She felt stupid, she shouldn't have brought it up. But now she had to talk about it. She hesitantly said "... I went off the pill."

Allie eyes went wide. "God Jen," she said disapprovingly. In a derisive voice she said "Do you seriously think the rhythm method will keep you safe?"

"Allie, I said I'm off the pill," Jen pointed out. "I didn't say I'm not using birth control."


"You know men," Jen said. "It's the pill, IUDs or condoms. That's all they know."

Allie couldn't help grinning. "So what? And bubble boy doesn't know?"

"No, he thinks I'm unprotected," Jen said grinning conspiratorially at her best friend.

"What are you using?" Allie asked.

"The sponge," Jen said with a "what else?" shrug. IUDs weren't an option. She tried it before and got debilitating cramps and migraines. Same with shots. She didn't want to use a diaphragm. Frank would notice (he was big). And Mike would obviously notice a patch. She always had luck with sponges. She used them in college. No allergic reactions and no babies (even though she and Colin did it all the time). On top of that sponges lasted all night. Jen felt comfortable and secure with sponges. So sponges it was. Jen already had a stash in her purse. For her date with Frank this weekend.


Frank was working in the den of his penthouse when his phone rang. "Yes?" he said impatiently. He despised being interrupted.

"Frank, this is Mike," Mike said. "You hit Jen in the face this weekend. That better never happen again."

Frank composed himself. He could be charming when he wanted to be. "Good morning to you too Mike," he said with a good natured chuckle. "Have a good weekend?"

"I'm not joking Frank," Mike said sternly.

Frank didn't think a lot of Mike. His role in Liberty-gate had been somewhat admirable. But clumsy too since it resulted in jail time and loss of his fortune and livelihood. Also - and more importantly - what man knowingly gives his wife to another man? Especially a better man?

But, Frank was not one to act rashly. Mike still had influence over Jenny. It would be foolish to alienate Mike before his hold over Jenny was complete.

"Mike, I assure you, I was not the one who slapped her," Frank said. "And I stopped the slapping once it began. I, like you, consider Jenny an extremely beautiful girl. I would never do anything that might mar her beauty."

Frank's reasonableness surprised Mike, and also deflated his anger somewhat. Gathering himself, he said firmly "I want you to stop calling Jen a slut. She's not a slut. She might be acting that way but that's because of the situation. It's not really her."

"Mike, listen to yourself," Frank said with another good natured chuckle. "You agree Jenny acts like a slut. Yet you insist she isn't a slut. Where is the line between acting like a slut, and being a slut?"

Mike didn't respond at once as there wasn't an easy answer to that. Pressing his advantage, Frank said "Mike, let me assure you. I find Jenny to be a captivating girl. Do labels really matter? Jenny is what she is. Must we debate it?"

"Yes, labels matter," Mike said. He didn't want his wife to think of herself as a slut. It was a slippery slope that could lead to bad things. It could hurt Jen's psyche, her self-esteem.

Jen had worked really hard to be more than just her good looks. She studied hard in college and was making a name for herself in her job. If Jen thought of herself as a slut - what Frank wanted - she might regress back to the way she was before they met in college, when she thought her only redeeming qualities were her pretty face and sexy body. Mike knew that would not be good for Jen's long term happiness.

"She's my wife Frank," Mike said. "You need to respect my wishes."

"Of course she's your wife," Frank said. At the moment. But Jenny was becoming more his every day. He was already Jenny's primary sex partner; was Mike even a factor in that anymore? It would be a longer process to win Jenny's heart and loyalties. Frank knew that. But he knew Jenny already had feelings for him. He was a patient man. And he always won. Always.

"Say you agree Frank," Mike insisted.

"Mike, let's not play childish games," Frank said. He had to be civil to Mike. For now. But he was quickly losing his patience.

Mike frowned. Frank needed to understand he was serious. So he said, "Frank, you better leave the building. The fire alarm."

"What?" Frank said. At that moment the fire alarm began howling through the building.

"But you can't leave, because the door's locked," Mike said.

Frank frowned into the phone. With the fire alarm clanging, he walked to the door. He tried turning the knob. It was locked. "What have you done?" Frank asked Mike, fear creeping into his voice.

"Never hit my wife again," Mike said into the phone. "Stop calling her a slut. Next time it'll be real." Then he hung up. Instantly the fire alarm stopped and the door clicked open.

Frank looked at his phone for long moments. He forced away the fear. Fear was for the weak. For losers. Frank was a winner. Fear was not part of his vocabulary. Certainly not fear of Mike Andrews.

Frank had to admit, he underestimated Mike Andrews. That would never happen again.

Frank called Lou. Lou used to be fairly high level at the CIA. "I'd like you to use your contacts," Frank told his bodyguard. "I want to know everything there is to know about Mike Andrews."


Jen was bothered after Allie left. Mike was "sweet" to her? She didn't like hearing that. Normally it was okay, like if a girlfriend said "Hey, Mike was sweet the other day, he helped me set up my wifi." That was okay because it was being sweet in a platonic way. But Mike and Allie had been on an unofficial "date." In that context Jen didn't like hearing about Mike being "sweet" to Allie.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:00 PM

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