Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike shrugged. He didn't answer at first, taking another sip of the vodka. Then he said "Do you think, if we didn't play the game, Jen would cheat on me?"

"Hold on cowboy, no fair," Allie said taking the bottle from Mike and taking a sip. "She's my best friend. You can't ask me that."

"You know about Wesley right?" Mike said.

"... yes," Allie admitted after a moment's hesitation.

"Were you part of that?" Mike asked.


"Did you setup Jen with Wesley? He was your boyfriend's friend back then."

"God Mike she didn't tell me until after," Allie protested.

"But you never liked us together," Mike said.

"Mike ..." Allie sighed. "That was a long time ago okay? I like you together now."

They were silent for long moments. Then Allie said "Look Mike, people make mistakes. Jen was young. She was getting hit on all the time. You were in London. I'm not saying it was right. But shit happens sometimes."

"She cheated on me another time, when we were living together in New York, before we got married," Mike said.

Allie knew about that one too. "Are you really upset about this?" she asked. "With all the kinky shit you're into?"

"You asked me why," Mike said. "I'm telling you why."


"Why we keep playing the game," Mike said.

Allie frowned, not sure what he meant by that. She asked "So, you play your game, because otherwise you think Jen'll cheat on you?"

"No," Mike said. "We play the game because Jen loves sex. And the variety. And all the romance. And I'm - like you said - I'm into shit."

Allie stared at Mike. Then she laughed. "God Mike," she said smiling incredulously at him. "At least you're honest." Mike couldn't help laughing (at himself).

Still grinning, Mike glanced behind them at the big mansions just beyond the dune. The one directly behind was incredibly big. The sight triggered a memory. He said "I wonder ..."

"What?" Allie asked.

"The last time we were here," Mike said. "Jen just met Scott. They walked out here. Jen told me she saw a huge house. I wonder if that's the one."

Allie remembered and laughed. "Oh yeah I'm sure they were looking at the houses."

"What?" Mike said not understanding.

Still laughing, Allie said "I doubt Jen was looking at the houses with Scott's dick in her mouth."

Mike froze. It was like his heart stopped. But he didn't show it to Allie. Instead he kept a fake smile plastered on his face. "We better get back," he said abruptly, standing up.

"Oh okay," Allie said. She looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah fine," Mike said tersely. They walked back to the beach house in silence. Inside the house Mike asked "Do you want the bedroom?"

"I already used it," Allie said. She gave him a conspiratorial grin, like a pilot to her wingman. Maverick to Goose.

Mike managed a smile. So RH got lucky with Allie. Well, good for him.

"Goodnight then," Mike said, clearly distracted.

"Yeah, goodnight," Allie said. She studied him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Mike lied with the fake tight smile still on his face.

After leaving Allie, Mike went downstairs to the playroom. Seeing Anna still sound asleep, Mike rushed upstairs to his assigned bedroom. He sat down on the edge of the bed, his heart pounding. He clutched the sheets as thoughts and emotions swirled through his head.

Jen gave Scott a blowjob on the beach? But that's not what she told him. Jen said they kissed and fondled but that's all. (Author's note: Jen told Mike this in All In My Head Part 2.)

Did it matter? After all, Jen DID go down on Scott later that night, in the bathroom. Beach or the bathroom. Why did it matter?

But it DID matter! Jen said they only kissed on the beach. Real intimacy - oral - came later that night, in the bathroom. Actual penetration sex with Scott only happened some time later after Jen admitted everything to him.

If Jen lied about the beach - if she DID go down on Scott - then she probably lied about everything else. That meant she probably had intercourse with Scott BEFORE she admitted everything about the Hamptons. In fact, she might have actually fucked Scott in the bathroom instead of just going down on him. Or maybe they even started fucking at Jack and Jill's wedding when they first met.

It was more lies and broken promises! More cheating! How could Mike trust Jen? For all he knew, maybe she was still fucking Scott. Maybe she was still fucking Clint or Ricky or even Drums.

Mike violently pressed his palms against his head. How could Jen do this to him? He adored her! Worshipped her! He gave her so much freedom. He forgave all her indiscretions. And yet ... and yet! She still repeatedly lied and broke promises. Still! Like tonight, auditioning for Frank's Broadway friends. What the fuck?! When she knew it was so important to him?! When she promised not to do that?! Another broken promise! What was he supposed to do?

Did she really love him? How could she with all the lies and broken promises? Maybe she was just using him. Maybe he was really just a friend to her, an emotional rock in the hurricane of life. Maybe this way she had it both ways, the security and stability of him and the romance and excitement of her lovers.

That's when Mike's emotions really started going off over the cliff. When he thought about the possibility of Jen not really loving him. Faking her feelings and affection (like the way she faked her orgasms sometimes). Really just loving him as a friend.

Maybe it wasn't just a game for Jen. Maybe, intentionally or not, she was trying out men for real. Ricky, Scott, Tom, Drums, Clint, Frank. She had Mike until she found the one she really wanted. The man who could give her everything. Then she'd dump him. Or keep him around as a safety net. That would be even worse.

Mike imagined that beach scene with Jen and Scott. Like a movie in his head. Maybe it started out as kissing. Then petting. Scott's hand inside Jen's blouse and bra. Jen getting hot as Scott rubbed her nipples and kissed up her neck and behind her ear.

Jen moving her hand to his crotch. Rubbing him, feeling his size and hardness. That's when Jen would have lost control. When she felt how big he was. She probably missed having something so big after having only Mike's disappointingly thin, not even 5 incher for such a long time (since after Ricky ended and they got back together).

It would have happened fast. Jen undoing the snap of his pants. Edging her soft hand down his boxers (Mike imagined it was her left hand, with his wedding ring). Feeling him. Pulling him out. Looking at his big cock in the moonlight.

Jen would have a major cum face on. Maybe she hesitated a moment, thinking of Mike in the beach house, probably looking for her, worried about her. But the big cock in her hand was too much to resist. So she pulled her long blonde hair back and then lowered her head. She opened her lips wide and took Scott into her mouth.

Jen bobbing up and down on Scott's long thick shaft. Her chin getting wet from her saliva and Scott's pre-cum. Scott's hands in her soft blonde hair, urging her to take him deeper down her throat. His hand going under her and back into her bra to fondle her small perfect breasts as she blew him.

Scott on the edge. Almost there. Jen sucking and stroking him faster, more urgently, wanting to give him pleasure. Scott's fingers locked in her hair. His head rolling back, a huge moan. His cock exploding in her mouth. Jen's throat muscles working frantically to swallow all of his huge load.

Jen cleaning Scott with her tongue as he softened in her mouth. Finally pulling off his cock. Seeing that even soft he was way bigger than her husband.

Scott pulling Jen into his arms and kissing her. "Give me a minute," he said. With her beautiful face and sexy body it would only take a minute or two to get hard again. And now he wanted to fuck.

"No, I have to get back," Jen would say, pulling out of his arms. "My husband."

"Forget him," Scott would say.

"I can't forget him Scott, he's my husband," Jen would say.

Not "I love him." Just "he's my husband."

"Can I have that?" Jen said reaching for the beer bottle.

Scott handed her the beer bottle. Jen would take a big slug of the beer, sloshing it around her mouth, using it like mouth wash. So Mike wouldn't be able to taste Scott's cum.

"We have to get back," Jen said getting up.

"Wait," Scott said grabbing her wrist. "You haven't cum." He'd go down on her, or at least finger her.

"We've been gone too long," Jen would say, desperation creeping into her voice. "Mike's probably looking for me. I need to get back."

They walked back to the beach house. Jen let him hold her hand as they walked. Only as they got close did she let his hand go. But she still walked close to him. People looking at them would think they were a couple.

"Can I see you later?" Scott asked just before going into the house.

Jen hesitated only a moment. "I'll come get you tonight, after Mike's asleep," she would have said. She only made one mistake. She forget to tell Scott to bring a condom.

It was a measure of his cuckold obsession that Mike urgently stroked himself as this scene played out in his head. He came so hard his jizz shot up into the air (even though he already came a few times earlier that day). As he panted after cumming, he was flooded with all the dark emotions.

Mike tossed and turned all night long. Before sunrise he went to the Dunkin Donuts and got dozens of donuts, box carafes of hot coffee and a case of OJ. Back at the house he shunned the donuts and pounded black coffee.

Anna and DJ wanted to play on the beach again before going home. Normally Mike would prefer to go home immediately, to see Jen. But why? She was probably still at Frank's. Getting her brains fucked out. Kissing him. Snuggling with him. Wearing his shirt. So why rush? Especially after what Allie told him.

"What the fuck is wrong?" Allie said to Mike as they sat on the beach watching their kids. He hadn't said 2 words since getting there. "You look like shit."

Mike turned to Allie. He didn't want to get into it. So rather than answering her question, he said "You like RH?"

Allie rolled her eyes, feeling frustrated. Did this guy EVER give straight answers?! She sighed feeling frustrated. Finally she said "He's okay. But I'm not ready for anything serious."

"He's a nice guy. You know, he's wearing 17," Mike pointed out. "Keith Hernandez."

Allie rolled her eyes again. "Why do men always think sports solves everything?" she asked, frustration in her voice.

Mike shrugged but didn't say anything. They watched the kids in mostly silence for another hour. The entire time Mike held his iPhone in his hand. He willed the phone to ring. He willed Jen to call him.

"Tell me anything," he said to himself, feeling desperate. "Tell me why I'm wrong. Tell me why it wasn't a lie. Tell me anything. I'll believe you. I'll forgive you. Just tell me."

But Jen never called. She never texted. Nothing. Mike knew why. She was too busy with Frank. She didn't care about a lie told years ago. She probably didn't even remember it. It was just one of many.

Finally Mike got up and said "I better get going."

Allie looked at Mike. "Are you pissed at Jen over something I said?" she asked. "Because if you are Jen is going to kill me."

"It's not you Allie," Mike said. To Allie's surprise, Mike leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. Then he corralled Anna and took her back to the beach house to wash up before the drive home.

Allie stayed on the beach, replaying the conversation from last night in her head. Mike had been fine but then he fell off the edge. What happened? Suddenly she realized her mistake. The blowjob on the beach! Jen's lie! "Fuck!" she said to herself. She got DJ and ran to the beach house. But when she got there Mike and Anna were already gone.

Mike took his time driving home. At some point his iPhone ran out of power (he forgot to charge it last night). He barely noticed.

They stopped for lunch. Then gas. Then a snack. Once inside the City he purposely parked the Zipcar miles away from the loft apartment. Then he took his time on the subway home.

Mike and Anna finally arrived home. As they approached the loft apartment the door suddenly swung open.
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