Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Stockings. When had Jen last worn stockings or hose of any kind? Mike couldn't remember. And now she was wearing stockings for Frank. For Frank. It made his heart ache, but also got him hard.

Mike panned around and zoomed into the picture. Jen was his wife and he last saw her just that morning. But it was like she was a different person. At that moment she was Frank's girlfriend, not his wife. And he couldn't get enough, he wanted to see every detail, every nuance.

He zoomed into her beautiful face. Her makeup was different, a shade darker and heavier. Was that how Jen did her makeup when she was with Frank? Is that how he liked it?

Mike panned and zoomed to her lap. He searched for the tale tell signs. It took only a moment before he saw them. Slight bumps in her skirt. Jen wasn't just wearing stockings, she wore a garter belt too. For Frank. Mike felt dizzy with cuckold angst and lust.

He panned and zoomed to her chest. She looked a little bigger than usual and he saw no sign of the nipple rings. That told Mike she was wearing one of her new padded bras. The ones Frank bought her. The dress was new too. Another gift from Frank. Mike knew she wore Frank's diamond jewelry underneath the dress.

Yes, she wore his Sophia ring on her right hand. But Frank's jewelry was more intimate. In her sweet belly button. And also literally under her lingerie, in her perky nipples.

Frank was really into piercings. Was he done? Where was next? Mike knew. Jen's most intimate spot. Her clit. Would she let Frank pierce her clit? Put his diamond there?

It was like a home settler claiming land with a flag. "Her breasts are mine, her stomach is mine," Mike imagined Frank saying. "Now I'll make her pussy mine."

Mike thought about his limits. No boob job. No tattoos. No changes to her hair. Why had he said nothing about piercings? Because he wanted to leave the door open? He wanted Frank to claim more of his wife's sexy body?

Mike felt dizzy. He put his hand on the sink to steady himself. "It's alright," he told himself. "They're only piercings, they aren't permanent. It's only a game."

After steadying himself, he looked at the phone again. He saw there was another text. From Frank. It said "Jenny and I are about to go to dinner. I hope you're enjoying your evening with Allie. Give my regards to Allie and Anna."

There was a picture. Of Frank and Jen. They were sitting close, their cheeks practically touching as they looked into the camera. Frank's arm was around her. They looked like a couple out on a date. Mike knew that's what they were. A boyfriend and girlfriend out on a date.

He couldn't stand it any longer. He took out his cock. He held his iPhone in one hand. With his other he stroked himself, scrolling through the pictures. It took only a moment before he came. His body lurched and he shot a rope of semen into the toilet.

Panting, Mike fixed his pants and washed his hands and face. As always, with his lust sated, he was hit with all the dark emotions. He looked at the picture of Frank and Jen again. His eyes focused on Frank. Mike's insecurities flared. He knew Frank was the better man. He might be older but he was handsomer, he had the better body. He was rich and powerful. He was going to make Jen's Broadway dreams come true.

Mike stared at the picture for long moments. Jen looked happy. Sitting close to Frank, inside his arm. Snuggled into him. Happy to be with him. Happy to be his girl.

Mike clenched his eyes shut, trying to get hold of himself. "Get a grip! It's just a game!" he told himself. Jen was still his. She was just playing with Frank.

Composing himself, Mike thought about calling Jen back. But she was probably still at dinner with Frank and his Broadway friends. So instead he sent her a text: "Anna's great. Already asleep. We went to that pizza place for dinner."

Then Mike left the bathroom and went in search of a drink. He saw Allie coming in the door with a bunch of other people. She was walking close to RH. So close in fact they seemed to be together.

To Mike's surprise, Allie immediately left RH's side and walked over to him. "Just get back?" she asked.

"Yeah. How's the bonfire?" Mike asked.

"Too windy," Allie said with a shrug. "Everyone's going to the pool." There was an indoor pool in a pavilion connected to the house. Seeing the unenthusiastic look on Mike's face, Allie grinned and said "Come on, you've got to come with us. Jen'll be pissed at me if I let you be a hermit all weekend."

At the pool Mike chatted with a few friends as Allie flirted with RH. Allie peeled off her sweatshirt and shorts (she must've changed since dinner). Every male head (including Mike's) turned to look at her. Allie had a classic hourglass figure. For a time after having DJ she'd let herself go a little. But she'd been dieting and working out with Jen a lot. Now, Allie had her pre-baby figure back. She looked fabulous, definitely back to her Allie-Oh-La-La glory.

Abruptly Allie looked over at Mike. His cheeks flushed, realizing she caught him staring. Mike's thoughts flashed back to the last time he was at this house. It was a few years ago when the Jen/Scott thing was just starting. Just as now, Allie caught him staring at her in a revealing bikini. Back then she'd given him one of those withering "you have no chance with me looks."

This time was different. To his surprise, Allie gave him a friendly smile and an inquiring "are you okay?" look. Mike nodded to her, as if saying "I'm good." Allie looked at him for a moment longer then returned to flirting with RH. To his surprise, Mike felt a kinship with Allie, like they were on the same team.

Mike took out his iPhone and was disappointed to see Jen hadn't texted back. He looked again at the pictures from before. He was studying them so intently he didn't notice as Allie walked up.

"What's so interesting?" she asked.

"Nothing," Mike sputtered out.

Allie gave him a knowing, sly smile. "Come on, let me see," she said holding her hand out.

Mike hesitated but realized that was silly. Allie knew everything and Jen would show her later if he didn't. So he handed Allie his phone.

Allie looked at the pictures. First the picture of Jen in Frank's shirt looking freshly fucked (the one she saw before). Then Jen in stockings. Then Jen and Frank sitting cheek to cheek with his arm around her.

Allie looked up at Mike and saw the pain and angst on his face. "Why do you do it?" she asked. It was the same question she asked before. Why do it if it hurts so much?

Mike didn't answer at first. Then he said "She's doing what I want."

Allie studied Mike. Yeah, she saw pain there. But she saw excitement too.

Feeling uncomfortable, Mike said "I think I'll go to bed."

Allie looked at Mike for a moment longer. Then she nodded and gave him back his iPhone.

"Do you want the room?" Mike whispered, glancing over Allie's shoulder at RH. RH was talking to others but he repeatedly looked at Allie. He was clearly waiting for her to return.

Allie couldn't help smiling. How far they'd come. Who'd ever thought bubble boy would be HER wingman.

"I haven't decided," she said honestly. "Are you going to bed right now?"

"I might be up a while," Mike said.

"I'll see you later then," Allie said. She gave him a knowing grin, suspecting what bubble boy was going to do with those sexy pictures of Jen on his phone.

A little while later Allie got a text on her phone. It was from Jen. It said: "What's happening? Where's Mike? What are YOU doing?!!"

Allie rolled her eyes and laughed. "What is it?" RH asked.

"It's nothing," Allie said still grinning. Moving away slightly so RH couldn't see, she sent a text back to Jen: "Will you calm down. Mike had a heart attack seeing those pics. He's probably someplace wanking off. Don't worry he's still your BB."

Mike went downstairs to check on Anna. She and the other kids (including the babysitters) were asleep. Mike laid down next to Anna on the cot. He tossed and turned for a while. He couldn't sleep thinking about what Jen was doing with Frank. Finally, not wanting to wake Anna up, he went back upstairs.

The party was starting to die down. Mike wondered if Allie was with RH in the bedroom. For a moment he pictured RH kissing Allie and taking off her string bikini. Then Mike's phone buzzed with a text. Allie was immediately forgotten as he hurriedly opened the text. It was from Jen! It said "Hey baby - Just had dinner with the Broadway crowd. Lots to tell you! Want to talk to you. Call me! Love you bunches, your baby."

Mike stared at the text for long moments. "Lots to tell you!" What did that mean? It had to mean she scored a part. But how? She must've auditioned. But she promised not to audition without him being there. Did Jen break another promise?

Mike immediately called Jen. No answer. He called again and again. Still no answer. Where was she?

Getting worried, Mike called and texted continuously for the next hour. He texted things like "I just called" and "are you ok?" and "Pick up I'm getting worried." Jen didn't pick up or respond to any of his texts. Mike started to get frantic. Was she okay? Was she hurt?

Finally his iPhone buzzed with a text. But it wasn't from Jen. It was from Frank. It said: "Mike - Jenny's too busy to talk. Pictures from tonight. Enjoy. Frank."

Mike held his breath as he scrolled through the pictures. The pictures were of Jen getting fucked by 4 men. The men weren't like Jen's normal Adonis-type lovers. These men were old, balding, ugly, fat. But Jen didn't seem to mind. In fact it was clear from the pictures she was loving getting banged by these men.

Mike saw all the men were well endowed. Maybe that's all Jen really needed, he thought. Big cocks. He knew his wife was a size queen. He also knew his cock didn't satisfy her no matter what she said.

Mike hurried to the bathroom. He went to the same as before as it was off the beaten path and didn't get a lot of traffic. He took out his cock and slowly stroked himself as he scrolled through the pictures. "Fuck that slut," he softly chanted as he scrolled through the pictures of the 4 fat ugly men fucking his wife. "Fuck that nasty slut." Moments later he came.

Mike staggered from the bathroom. He felt unsteady as a rush of dark emotions hit him. He needed a drink so he walked to the kitchen. Luckily he didn't run into anyone so he was able to compose himself somewhat.

To his surprise, Allie was there when he walked in, rummaging through the cabinets. "Oh hi," she said seeing Mike. She had her sweatshirt and shorts back on.

"What are you looking for?" Mike asked.

"Something stronger than beer and wine," Allie said. Mike was all for that. He helped her look and they finally found a bottle of cheap tequila. There were no clean glasses so they each took a slug from the bottle.

"What are you up to?" Mike asked, curious about RH.

"One," Allie said. She took another drink of the tequila and said "Two." Mike grinned.

"I feel like some air," Allie said. "Come on, keep me company." Mike nodded. He could use some air too.

They walked on the beach, sharing the bottle of tequila (but now taking sips instead of gulps). The beach was softly illuminated by the moon and the light from the big mansions next to the dunes. They arrived at the bonfire. They were the only ones there. The wind had died down and there were embers still burning, making it a pleasant place to be. They sat on the sand in front of the embers and looked at the moon over the ocean.

Remembering, Mike said "Happy birthday."

"Don't remind me," Allie said, not happy about turning 30. "I think your pretty wife and I are going to celebrate at happy hour or something."

"Oh okay, good," Mike said.

"How is she?" Allie asked.

Mike hesitated, then said "She's being Jen."

Allie laughed, knowing what that meant. She said "You said you want that."

"I do want it," Mike said.

"But it drives you crazy too," Allie said. She asked again, "So why do you do it?"
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