Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike said "I've got the girl and 2 kids. What would you do?"

"We ain't no hoods man," another man said. Mike nodded at him and put his hand on Allie's back, urging her forward.

"What would you've done if they did something?" Allie asked as they arrived at the house.

"I don't know," Mike said honestly. Allie stared at Mike for a moment. Then she smiled and shook her head.

Anna and DJ ran down to the playroom as soon as they got into the house. All the kids were there and the babysitters were setting up the cots in rows like a hostel. Anna begged Mike to sleep downstairs with the other kids. Relenting, Mike said to Allie "I guess you can have the bedroom. I'll sleep with Anna and DJ down here."

"We'll see how it goes," Allie said.

Mike gave her a look, as if saying "You can have the bedroom with RH."

Reading his thoughts, Allie laughed and said "We'll see." She seemed less melancholy now. She had more pep in her step.

Despite their excitement, all the kids were soon fast asleep, exhausted from a day of playing in the sun and water. It was just after 7pm. Remembering his meeting with Jasmine, Mike asked Allie "Would you mind watching Anna for about an hour? I've got to meet someone. For work."

"What? Now?" Allie said surprised.

"Yeah I've been doing some consulting," Mike said evasively.

"Yeah, okay," Allie said. She gave Mike an inquisitive look but didn't pursue it.

Mike drove to the bar Jasmine picked out. She was already there waiting in the parking lot looking anxious. They exchanged a brief hug hello. Then Jasmine said "Let's talk in my car." She didn't want to risk being recognized in the bar.

Mike nodded. Being inconspicuous was good. It would definitely be a bad thing if a photo of their meeting ended up on the New York Times society page.

"The video's destroyed," Mike told Jasmine once they were inside her car.

"Willy?" Jasmine asked.

"We made it clear it's in his best interests to leave you alone," Mike said.

"Who's we?" Jasmine asked.

"You know I work at CATF?" Mike said.


Mike shrugged. He said again, "I work at CATF." He said it like that should answer her question. In fact it did.

"So, you're important enough at CATF you can do things like this?" Jasmine asked looking surprised and impressed.

"It wasn't exactly authorized."

"God Mike. Are you in trouble?"

"Not if they don't find out," Mike said honestly.

"God," Jasmine lamented. "I'm so sorry about this."

"It's okay Jas, I owe you way more than this," Mike assured her, squeezing her hand.

"It's really over?" Jasmine said still looking anxious but mostly relieved.

"Yes," Mike assured her.

Jasmine gave him a grateful smile. Then her expression turned hesitant. "Did you watch the video?" she asked.

"The beginning," Mike admitted looking embarrassed. "I erased it. No copies are left," he assured her.

"So ... you saw me and Dee?" Jasmine asked hesitantly.

Mike nodded, feeling embarrassed.

"I guess I owe you an explanation," Jasmine said.

"No Jasmine, it's okay."

"No, I want to," Jasmine said, squeezing Mike's hand. She knew he deserved an explanation for a number of reasons. "So ... I guess I've always been confused. I like boys. But I like girls too. I guess I'm bi."

Mike nodded but didn't say anything, letting her tell him at her own pace.

"I ignored it a long time. Denied it I guess. My dad. He would not be able to deal with it," Jasmine explained. She grimaced at the thought of her father finding out. "Then I met Dee. She was my roommate in college."

"So Deidre's your girlfriend?" Mike asked gently.

"Off and on," Jasmine said with a shrug. "We both had demons to deal with. It's hard admitting to yourself you're different. That you're not like everyone else."

"So ... Dee's bi too?" Mike asked hesitantly.

"I don't know. She doesn't know," Jasmine said looking frustrated. "She's had boyfriends. She was even engaged once. Do you get what I'm saying Mike? You want to be normal. I want to be normal."

"Who defines normal?" Mike said. "Normal changes. Look at Caitlyn Jenner. Compared to her you and Dee are boring and conventional."

"I guess," Jasmine said with a humorless laugh. "Doubt my dad will think so. Or the voters."

"The world's moving Jas," Mike said.

"Donald Trump wants to ban an entire religion from immigrating to the United States," Jasmine pointed out. "It's not moving fast enough." Mike was silent, not having a response to that.

After a moment, Jasmine said "Anyway, I'm telling you this so you know I wasn't just dicking with you. I really liked you. When we were dating."

Mike nodded but didn't say anything. Like before with Allie, he didn't know how to deal with awkward situations like this. Talking about the past with an old girlfriend.

At that moment Mike's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID. His heart did a flip when he saw it was Jen. He decided not to answer though, not wanting to take a chance of revealing he was with Jasmine Kelly. He hit "end" and put the phone back in his pocket.

"Jen?" Jasmine asked. When Mike nodded yes, she said "She's here?"

Mike didn't answer immediately. Jasmine got it. She said "She's with Frank?"

"... yeah," Mike hesitantly admitted, his cheeks going red. "They're back in the City."

Jasmine nodded. She knew all about their game. She didn't approve. She didn't understand why Mike put up with it. But he made his choice. He chose Jen. The flat chested bitch. Over her. It still stung.

Jasmine didn't understand why he would choose Jen over her. Well, that wasn't true. She understood. It didn't help though. It still hurt.

Mike's iPhone buzzed indicating a new text. He knew it was Jen. He urgently wanted to read the text but wanted to be alone when he did. "I better get going," he told Jasmine, reaching for the car door.

Jasmine grabbed his wrist. "Do me a favor? Don't tell Jen about any of this."

"I won't," Mike promised. He had his own reasons for not telling Jen. Namely, she would go ballistic if she knew he had helped Jasmine Kelly.

Jasmine held onto Mike's wrist. She wanted to - what do you call it? Make him an offer? A proposition?

Ultimately she decided not to. Not so much because of Mike. But ...

"So I guess I'll see you," Jasmine said, letting Mike's wrist go. "Thank you Mike. You saved me. You really did."

"That's what friends do," Mike said. "Like how you saved me."

Jasmine nodded. She looked at Mike and gave him a hesitant smile. She had the urge to kiss him. Not just from gratefulness. What he did, that was real power. And it was sexy. But like the unsaid proposition, she didn't.


Mike hurried back to the beach house. He went downstairs to the playroom to check on Anna. She was sound asleep along with the other kids. Allie wasn't around but the 4 babysitters were there, quieting watching a movie and tapping away on their phones.

Back upstairs the party was going strong. People were everywhere, talking, laughing, drinking and having fun. Mike didn't see Allie. Was she with RH at the bonfire? Or maybe in the bedroom?

Mike went into a bathroom for privacy. After locking the door he looked at the text. As he hoped it was from Jen! It said "So glad you're having fun baby. Missing you and the banana. Take tons of pics! Is Allie with you? Anyway, I'm wearing stockings tonight. Knew you would want to see. Love you forever! Your Jen (forever!)."

With both anticipation and wariness, Mike scrolled to the picture. Jen looked stunning as always. She was sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, showing a lot of shapely thigh. Her fabulous legs always looked smooth and toned, like they were air brushed. But in the picture they looked even silkier. Mike knew it was from wearing stockings.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:57 PM

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