Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen smiling and making eyes with a guy. Holding his hand. Kissing him. Sharing sweet nothings. And wearing his shirt. Intimate things like that were the worst. They made his cuckold angst go into overdrive. And they got him really hard.

This wouldn't do of course. Tenting his bathing suit. Not around Anna and DJ. And certainly not around Allie.

Mike turned his thoughts to sports. The Mets and Jets, that always did the trick. The collapse of the Mets in the World Series. The litany of Jets embarrassments, like the butt fumble and the backup linebacker breaking the starting quarterback's jaw (probably deserved but still embarrassing, especially when Ryan immediately signed him).

That did the trick. Mike lost the erection. Wanting to keep it that way, he decided to wait until later to text Jen back. There was another reason he didn't text back immediately. In her text, he sensed Jen's need for an update on Anna. That made sense, probably all mothers were wired that way, having the need to know the whereabouts of their children at all times.

Well, Jen made her choice. She was with her boyfriend in New York, instead of here in the Hamptons with her husband and daughter. She was getting fucked and cumming on Frank's cock. She was wearing his shirt. So if she had to wait for an update on Anna, too bad.

Mike knew that was unfair. After all, he encouraged her to stay in the City and meet Frank's Broadway friends. Still, she didn't have to enjoy it so much. Barely the afternoon and already fucking Frank? Whatever happened to not spending too much time with him?

The water was too cold for swimming but that didn't stop Anna and DJ from splashing at the edge of the surf and making sand castles. Mike managed to put lotion on Anna before she ran off with DJ. With her fair, lily white complexion (just like Jen's) he ladled on the sun tan lotion. Allie sprayed on lotion but wasn't as concerned about sun burn given DJ's caramel colored skin. She wasn't worried too much about herself either, not with her olive Mediterranean complexion.

Mike and Allie sat next to each on the sand as they watched the kids play. She wore a short stringy sundress with a bikini underneath.

"Heard from Jen?" Allie asked.

"She texted me."

Allie heard something in Mike's voice. She asked "Can I see?"

Mike was a private person so his instinct was to say no. But he didn't want to be rude and Allie knew all about their game. On top of that she was Jen's best friend. So he handed his phone to her.

Allie read the text: "Hey baby. Did you make it okay? Having fun? How's Anna? Seen Allie yet?" She grinned when she looked at the picture of Jen looking freshly fucked and wearing her lover's shirt. "You two are so out of control," she said with a laugh.

"Thanks a lot," Mike said with a laugh back, but it was without any humor.

Allie studied Mike for a moment. "Why do you keep doing it if you hate it?" she asked.

Mike shrugged but didn't say anything. Allie frowned at him. Feeling annoyed, she said sarcastically "You know Mike, it's easier to have a conversation if you actually talk instead of grunt all the time."

Mike frowned back at her, stung by her rebuke. This was the Allie he knew. But while Mike was anti-social to the point of being a recluse, he didn't want to be impolite. He said "Sorry. I guess it's a defense mechanism. When I don't have a good answer."

"Most times people don't have good answers," Allie told him. "That's why we talk. To work things out."

"Yeah," Mike said with another shrug, feeling chastised. At least this time he added "yeah" to his shrug.

"You know she's just dicking with you," Allie said. "Wearing his shirt."

"Wearing his shirt after sex," Mike pointed out with a "yeah right" tone of voice.

"I so don't get you bubble boy," Allie said with a laugh. "You want it but you don't want it."

Again Mike shrugged but didn't respond. Allie shook her head but didn't give him shit this time.

"So what did you say back?" she asked.

"I haven't," Mike said.

"What?" Allie said her eyes going wide with surprise and alarm. "You've been here for hours and haven't called Jen to say you're okay? She's probably worried sick."

"I doubt that," Mike said, waving his phone to remind Allie about Jen's freshly fucked look.

"God Mike, don't be an ass," Allie said disapprovingly.

Allie's judgmental retort stung. Mike knew she was right. He gave up the silent treatment and typed a message to Jen. He still felt raw about the picture so his text was pretty unemotional. It said "We got here okay. At the beach now. Ocean too cold for swimming but Anna is making sandcastles with DJ."

Jen didn't see the text until later. At the moment she was being pampered by her stylists.

Mike and Allie were silent for long moments as they watched the kids play. Finally Allie said "So you asked about Darren."

"Yeah," Mike said turning to her.

"I wanted to ask you about him," Allie said. "I don't get him. Maybe you do."

"Okay," Mike said. He waited for Allie to explain.

"So yeah, it's about his fantasies," Allie said, answering Mike's question from before. She was talking about Darren's BBC fantasies and his desire to bed married white wives. "It's made a wall between us."

"I thought you worked that out," Mike said.

"We opened our marriage," Allie said with a nod. "But the sex isn't enough for him. He wants to get other white girls pregnant. Like Stacy. That's fucked up Mike."

Mike nodded. He understood how it was with black bulls like Darren and Deshawn. The turn on for them. Mike was on the other side of the equation and it turned him on too.

Reading his thoughts, Allie shrugged and said glumly "No offense."

"That's okay. It is fucked up," Mike agreed.

"So - can he change?" she asked.

Mike thought about his own fantasies. Can HE change? "I'm not sure," he said honestly, answering for both himself and Darren.

"That's so fucked up," Allie said, frustrated and angry. "I don't want my husband getting other girls pregnant. Is that too much to ask?"

"No," Mike said honestly.

"What about you?" Allie said challengingly. "You want other men to get Jen pregnant?"

Mike's cheeks reddened. "It's a fantasy," he said defensively.

"But it happened twice," she pointed out.

Mike's face clouded over. They both knew the first time ended in a miscarriage for Jen and almost death for Mike. "Sorry," Allie said.

"The first time was an accident," Mike said. "The second time, we weren't together."

"Yeah but, are you still playing that fantasy?" Allie asked, although now her voice carried less of an edge.

"Allie, look, I said it was fucked up," Mike said evasively. "But sometimes fantasies are hard to stop. Don't you have fantasies?"

Allie gave Mike a withering, derisive look. It was like she was saying "Do you seriously think you're good enough to hear about my sexual fantasies?"

It reminded Mike of college. Back then she gave him that look a lot. Back then it was "Don't even think about it bubble boy. You have no chance with me. I'm so far out of your league we're not even on the same planet."

After a moment Allie's expression softened. She said "Sorry. I guess that's my defense mechanism."

Despite her apology, Mike felt small and awkward. Like the way he felt around Allie back in college. She was the uber-popular chick and he the shy math geek. Jen was super-popular too. But Jen was bubbly and friendly; she wanted everyone to like her even the non-populars. Allie was feisty and aloof; she didn't give a fuck if you liked her or not. Of course, most people did (especially men).

Mike gave Allie a shrug but didn't respond. They sat that way for a while, not talking, watching the kids play in the sand.

"So anyway ...," Allie said to break the silence.

"Darren probably can't change," Mike said. "But you can still make it work. You just have to find a middle ground."

"Like what?"

Thinking about Jen going off the pill but making Frank pull out or use a condom, he said "Something that'll make it feel real for Darren. But not really be real."

"I don't know," Allie said gloomily. "I think he wants it to be real."

"If he loves you, he'll meet you halfway," Mike said encouragingly.

"Do you think Darren still loves me?" Allie asked hopefully.

"I don't know Allie," Mike said honestly. "I haven't talked to Darren in a while."

Allie looked distressed at his answer. She said "You know Mike, most people would say 'yeah Allie, Darren definitely loves you. He just needs time.' Something like that."

Feeling like he put his foot in his mouth, Mike stammered "Sorry, I -."

"That's okay," Allie said with a humorless laugh. She looked sad and resigned, but perhaps a little grateful too. "I'm tired of bullshit. Maybe time to face reality. No more bullshit." She went silent, looking contemplative.

Mike felt like an idiot. He hadn't helped the situation at all. It was at awkward times like this he didn't know what to say. That's another reason he loved Jen. She took care of all this. She always knew what to say to make people feel good about themselves. If she was here Mike would've been able to let her handle it. He could relax knowing Jen would handle it.

They were silent for a long time, watching the kids play, watching the sun set. Finally Mike stood up and said "We better get the kids dinner."

"Yeah, good idea," Allie said. She stood up too and shook the sand off. Still looking melancholy, she said "I don't feel like going back to the house. There's a pizza place down the road."

"Sure," Mike said. They corralled in the kids and the 4 of them walked to the pizza joint.

As they shared a cheese pizza, Mike said "RH's a nice guy."

Allie knew where Mike was going with this. Still looking melancholy, she said "Nice try bubble boy. But I'm not looking for a weekend fling."

"Doesn't sound like the Allie I know," Mike said giving her a grin.

"What?" Allie said with a surprised laugh.

"The 'fuck the world' Allie. The 'I'm better than everyone else' Allie. The 'in your dreams' Allie. The feisty Allie. The in-your-face Allie."

"Thanks a lot. You make me sound like such a nice person," Allie lamented.

"I'm just saying, the Allie I know would say 'fuck Darren,' and then she'd fuck RH's brains out. And love it."

"I don't know Mike," Allie said doubtfully. She knew he was trying to cheer her up but she wasn't feeling it. She felt sad and resigned, tired, defeated even. "I don't think that Allie exists anymore."

Mike felt sad too. He said "That's too bad. I like that Allie. I miss her." To his surprise, Mike realized what he said was true.

Allie stared at Mike. She looked down, like she was blushing. "Okay, whatever," she said with a grin.

It was dark when they left the pizza joint. The sandy sidewalk was lit by a few scattered lamp posts. Just ahead, about halfway to the house, were a few tough guys hanging out next to a beat up Dodge Challenger. They looked like day laborers, heavily muscled and tattooed. They were drinking beer and smoking weed. Allie was on their side of the sidewalk holding DJ and Anna's hands. All the men hungrily eyed Allie in her short sundress. She felt a tingle of fear and clutched the kids' hands tighter.

Mike moved so he was between the men and Allie and the kids. One of the men saw it and shouted out "Don't disrespect us man, we ain't gonna do nothing."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:57 PM

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