Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 35

Mike was about 30 minutes away from the Hamptons when his cell beeped with a text. He looked at the screen. It said "It's done. Mitch."

Mike was happy and relieved. But seeing the text made him anxious too. He didn't feel comfortable. There were too many loose ends.

At the same time Mike couldn't help feeling proud of himself for pulling it off. He called Jasmine. "It's done," he told her.

A huge wave of relief washed over Jasmine. But she needed details. They agreed to meet for a drink later that night.


Mike held Anna in one hand and their suitcase in another as they opened the door of the Hamptons house. But as soon as they walked in Anna bolted. She was so excited! The beach! A big weekend party!

Anna was a blonde haired ball of energy and she loved water and sand. The fact it was chilly outside and too cold for the ocean was no deterrent to a determined 3 year old. Anna also loved parties. She was a big social butterfly just like her mother. She was so excited she barely noticed her mother wasn't with them.

On top of that her good friend DJ was there. Anna immediately rush off in search of him. Mike ran to catch up. Most everyone else was already there and he said quick hellos as he tried to keep up with Anna.

There were 15 or so couples there along with about 10 kids including Anna and DJ. There were a few singles there too, but not many.

Anna quickly found DJ. He'd been looking for her too. They squealed with delight seeing each other and ran off to play, holding hands. Mike ran after them and almost ran head first into Allie.

"Calm down they'll be fine," Allie said grinning at him. "Bobby and Grace hired 4 teenagers as baby sitters. It's like a day care center downstairs."

"Oh okay," Mike said suddenly feeling awkward. He always felt awkward around Allie. Now, on top of that, there was this crazy idea of them hooking up as part of the game.

Allie felt awkward too. But like Jen, she was super-outgoing so she was always able to get pass awkward situations. She grinned and said "Come on let's go check on the kids."

As they walked downstairs they passed and said hello to many of the other party-goers. Almost everyone was paired up, married or in serious relationships. Mike remembered these Hamptons weekends in the past when most were single.

Reading his mind, Allie said "I guess everyone's growing up."

"Yeah," Mike agreed. "Probably a lot of weddings next summer."

"Yeah," Allie said with a laugh. But there was sadness there, not humor; her love life was going in the opposite direction.

They got to the playroom downstairs. It was a big room with lots of toys and an Xbox connected to a huge TV. Anna and DJ were playing with the other kids (all about the same age). The kids were being carefully watched by the 4 teenage girls.

Mike and Allie sat off to the side and watched the kids play. "Seems under control," Allie said.

Mike picked up on Allie's melancholy. He said "Sorry to hear about you and Darren. Are you still trying to get back together?"

"We did therapy," Allie said looking sad and resigned. "Darren comes over once a week to see DJ. But we barely talk. Like there's a wall between us."

"It's all about his fantasies?" Mike whispered.

Allie didn't respond. She looked sad and resigned. As if trying to force herself into a good mood, she grinned and said "Come on bubble boy, I need a drink." She got up and started walking up the stairs.

Mike looked over at Anna. She was in paradise playing with DJ and the other kids and the 4 teenagers seemed to have everything under control. He looked at the stairs. Allie was already half way up. She wore short shorts. Allie's legs weren't as good as Jen's but they were ... really nice. Not as long, or slim, or shapely, but better than most. Way better. Mike got up and followed Allie up the stairs.

Upstairs, Allie was already surrounded by a bunch of guys. That didn't take long. Mike wasn't surprised. That was how it always was with Allie and Jen. They were men-magnets.

Allie was laughing and joking with the guys. She was like a different person now, the melancholy of a few moments ago forgotten. It reminded Mike of the old Allie, the happy-go-lucky Allie who partied hardie with guys like Scott. Mike wondered. Which was the real Allie? This one? Or the one downstairs of a few moments ago?

Mike watched Allie flirt for a few moments. When Jen flirted it was like a subtle tease with everything having elusive sexual undertones. Jen kept you guessing. Was that an accidental touch or an intended caress? Did she mean to reveal so much thigh when she crossed her legs? Was that smile and whisper into your ear an invitation?

Allie was different. She was out there, bold and deliberate. There was little subtlety. She took what she wanted. If she wanted a guy he knew it. Unlike Jen, with Allie there were no doubts or questions. Like Jen though, Allie was so beautiful and sexy she almost always got what she wanted.

Maybe that was the difference between the 2 best friends. Jen wanted to be pursued and conquered; she wanted to be taken. Whereas Allie took what she wanted. Jen was a bottom and Allie a top.

Mike was happy to see Allie getting so much attention from the guys there. Both to get her mind off Darren, and also to keep her away from him. He always felt awkward around Allie. He felt even more so now with this crazy idea of them hooking up. How ridiculous. They were so different. Yes they had history but it was mostly bad (or at best indifferent) history. Also what about Darren? He and Darren were friends. Mike wasn't going to betray a friend by doing something with his wife even if they were heading towards divorce.

Mike got a beer and mingled a little. When people asked (and everyone did), he said Jen got hung up at work.

Mike went back downstairs to the playroom. The babysitters were feeding the kids a late lunch of hot dogs and mac & cheese. Mike didn't want to be a helicopter parent. At the same time, he didn't enjoy mingling and all the mindless chit-chat of the party. So he grabbed a hot dog and went out to the porch next to the playroom. He read his Kindle while eating the hot dog and sipping his beer.

Around mid-afternoon Anna came outside. DJ was with her. "Daddy let's go to the beach," she said tugging his arm. DJ tugged his other arm. Mike laughed and got up. "Let's find your mom," he said to DJ.

Allie was upstairs among a crowd of people. She was talking with RH. Mike didn't know him well, only that his parents loved "Happy Days" and named him Ron Howard. No wonder the dude went by his initials.

RH had separated from his wife a few months ago. He and Allie were flirting. Mike wasn't surprised as RH was definitely a Scott-type looks-wise. "Well good," Mike though. RH was a nice enough guy. On top of that he wore a Mets jersey. Maybe he and Allie could hit it off and help each other get over their failing marriages.

Approaching Allie, Mike said "I thought I'd take the kids to the beach."

"Oh okay, that sounds like a good idea," Allie said.

"I can handle it," Mike offered giving RH a slight nod. He didn't want to interrupt RH making moves on Allie.

"I'll go," Allie said putting her beer down. "See you later RH," she said with a smile.

"There's a bonfire later," RH said.

"Cool beans," Allie said, giving him a smile and lingering look before turning away.

Mike and Allie agreed to meet outside by the dunes in 15 minutes. He took Anna to their bedroom to get dressed. (Mike lucked out. In the lottery, he and Anna got a bedroom. No such luck for Allie and DJ though as they had to sleep in cots hostel style in the playroom downstairs.)

As they got into their bathing suits, Mike's iPhone buzzed. His heart leaped when he saw it was a text from Jen. It said "Hey baby. Did you make it okay? Having fun? How's Anna? Seen Allie yet?"

There was a picture attached. Of Jen. It looked like a selfie.

Mike's eyes went wide. Jen looked gorgeous as usual. But her hair was tussled and her cheeks flushed. She looked freshly fucked. On top of that, she was wearing a man's dress shirt.

Frank's shirt.

In their game, there were some things that really got to Mike. You'd think seeing Jen going down on a guy or getting fucked, or a guy splattering her beautiful face with his cum, those types of things would be the worst. But they weren't. Not even close.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:56 PM

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