Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
After finishing her makeup, Annette stood behind Jen as they looked in the mirror. Jen almost didn't recognize herself. Annette used heavier make up than what Jen normally used. "Frank likes an older more sophisticated look," Annette explained. Jen normally used light make up, knowing Mike liked a younger, fresher look. Now though, Jen looked more like a movie star about to hit the red carpet. Jen decided to go with it. After all tonight she was with Frank, not Mike.

Still looking in the mirror, Annette stroked her fingers through Jen's long, lush blonde hair. "Your hair's beautiful but maybe a little too long honey," Annette said. Smiling she said "You'd look better with a little trim. And Frank likes shorter hair."

"You know I'm married?" Jen whispered to Claudia and Bridget as well as Annette. "My husband likes my hair long."

"I understand honey," Annette whispered back. "But it would only be an inch or two. This isn't really about Frank. You'll look better, I promise. I own a salon, I'll take care of you. Your husband will probably not even notice. If anything he'll think you look even more beautiful."

Jen knew Annette was right. Mike liked her hair "pass her bra strap." But really, at the moment, her hair was too long. If she cut it an inch, even two, she'd look a lot better and her hair would still fall pass her bra strap. But if Jen cut her hair now, even a tiny amount, Mike would have a meltdown. It was on his list. And he WOULD definitely notice. "I better not," she told Annette with a weak smile.

After finishing with Jen's hair and makeup, the stylists helped her dress. Jen was relieved to see Claudia had selected one of the padded bras, especially since the dress was clingy. Jen didn't want to meet Frank's Broadway friends with her nipple rings hanging out there.

To her surprise though, Claudia laid out a garter belt and stockings. Seeing her surprise, Claudia said "Frank picked out the lingerie."

"Oh," Jen said. She hesitated only a moment, thinking of Mike. Then she carefully pulled up the silk stockings. Annette and Bridget helped to attach the garter snaps. Jen couldn't remember the last time she wore hose. It felt comfortable and reassuring, like an old friend.

After slipping on the dress and high heels, Jen had an idea. "Can you take a picture?" she asked Claudia, handing over her iPhone. Jen sat on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs. She tugged up her skirt a little so a lot of her legs was showing. Claudia snapped a few pictures. "I'll be right out," she told them. "I need to check in with my husband." The stylists smiled politely and left the bedroom to give Jen privacy.

Jen checked her iPhone. Mike had texted back after she sent the picture of her wearing Frank's shirt. Finally! He said: "We got here okay. At the beach now. Ocean too cold for swimming but Anna is making sandcastles with DJ."

Jen frowned at Mike's unemotional "just the facts" message. She sensed he was bothered by the picture. Well, Jen kind of wanted him bothered. To keep his thoughts on her instead of Allie. She noticed his message didn't mention Allie. Were they hanging out? Had they talked?

They must be together since Anna and DJ were playing. But maybe not. Allie trusted DJ with Mike. Jen was DJ's godmother and Mike his unofficial uncle (Allie was Anna's godmother). DJ really liked Mike. So Mike might be watching both kids at the beach while Allie partied at the house. That would be so like Mike. And so like Allie. But Allie was supposed to be with Mike to take his mind off her and Frank.

The idea of "Allie with Mike" bothered Jen. She knew she was all over the place on this stupid arrangement/setup idea. Why couldn't Mike just stay her bubble boy? But she knew why. No sense in second guessing herself.

At that moment though, Mike wasn't with Allie. He wasn't even at the beach house. He was with Jasmine Kelly. Alone. In her car.

Jen called Mike. No answer. She wasn't surprised. Coverage at the beach was always spotty.

So instead Jen wrote another text to Mike. She wrote: "So glad you're having fun baby. Missing you and the banana. Take tons of pics! Is Allie with you? Anyway, I'm wearing stockings for Frank. Knew you would want to see. Call me when you get a chance. Love you lots! Jen."

Jen looked at the message before sending. She wanted Mike anxious and a little bothered. Distracted. That's why she took the picture. But she didn't want him hurt. Thinking about it, she changed the text to say: "So glad you're having fun baby. Missing you and the banana. Take tons of pics! Is Allie with you? Anyway, I'm wearing stockings tonight. Knew you would want to see. Love you forever! Your Jen (forever!)."

Satisfied with the text, she attached a picture (making sure to pick one showing a lot of leg as well as her high heeled feet) and hit send. She thought about waiting for a text back but Mike didn't check his cell often. Checking herself in the mirror (Annette really used a lot of makeup on her) she left the bedroom and rejoined the others.

The stylists were waiting. They fussed over Jen some more, making slight changes to her hair, makeup and dress. Looking into a mirror, Jen couldn't believe how she looked. She truly looked like a glamour movie star! "God I feel like Cinderella," Jen said awestruck to her stylists.

"That's exactly what you are Jenny darling," Claudia gushed excitedly. All 3 girls were excited for Jenny. "Have fun tonight. Break a leg with Frank's Broadway friends."

Frank was discreet enough not to insist walking with Jen from the loft apartment to the car. So he was outside waiting. Jen joined him in the car (Hugh and Lou were driving).

"You look incredibly lovely Jenny," Frank gushed, his eyes sparkling as he took all of Jen in.

"It's Claudia, Annette and Bridget," Jen said modestly.

"No Jen honey it's you," Frank assured her. "You're truly stunning." Jen couldn't help smiling at him.

"So, stockings?" Jen said with a grin.

"My friends are somewhat old fashioned. They appreciate a woman in hose," Frank explained. He grinned and said "No accounting for taste."

"Oh my goodness, Frank Tower just made a joke," Jen teased grinning at him.

Frank grinned back. He put his hand on Jen's exposed thigh and said "It's not my preference, but I certainly appreciate your lovely legs in silk."

"Um, well, let me get Google to translate that," Jen said, teasing at the formal way he often said things. They shared a laugh. "So, Frank, your friends. Is this a casting couch kind of thing?"

"You're asking if I want you to have sex with my friends?" Frank said.

"Yeah," Jen said with a laugh. Maybe he had as much trouble understanding her as she did him sometimes.

"If I told you to have sex with them, would you?"

"I mean ... yeah," Jen said.

"You haven't met them yet," Frank pointed out.

Jen felt like Frank was testing her. Playing with his tie, she said "I'm sure they're handsome and charming like you."

Frank gave Jen a calculating look. She knew that look. Whatever she just said, it somehow fit into his plans for the night. She suddenly felt hot and her pussy tingled.

"Yes they are," Frank agreed after a moment. "But no, you won't have sex with my friends. This is real Jenny. I want you to follow your dream of dancing on Broadway. And my friends are truly interested in meeting you."

"Frank, I have no talent," Jen said for the umpteenth time. "And it's not my dream."

"It used to be your dream," Frank said confidently. "You gave up your dream after you met Mike."

"Okay, maybe in high school, maybe even when I started college, it was my dream," Jen admitted (after all, she minored in dance). "But it's not like I gave it up because of Mike. It's I grew up. And anyways, Mike is like you, if it was up to him I'd be a Rockette. But that's not what I want."

"Jenny, I'll make your dream come true," Frank promised. "Mike couldn't but I will."

"God Frank," Jen lamented with a laugh. "Not everything's a competition."

"Perhaps not," Frank said looking deep into her eyes. "But everything important is."

Jen sighed but decided to let it go. After a moment Frank said "You spoke to Mike?"

Jen shook her head no. "We texted."

"You sent him pictures?" Frank said having spoken to Claudia. "What?"

"Frank some things are private," she said.

"Why does this have to be private?"

Jen felt foolish so she decided to tell him. "A picture of me in your shirt," she said. "A picture of me in this outfit." Frank didn't respond. Sensing his disapproval, she asked "What?"

Frank shook his head and chuckled (as if to himself). He said "For a moment I allowed myself to feel good seeing you wearing my shirt."

Jen was touched and charmed by his show of vulnerability. Yes, usually he was the manipulative Master of the Universe Frank. Often a pushy ass. But the more time they spent together, the more he opened his heart to her.

Squeezing his hand, Jen said "I always wear my boyfriend's shirts." She squeezed his hand again making it clear HE was her boyfriend. "But if it'll get Mike excited, why not share it with him? I want him to enjoy it too." She knew Mike would hate the pictures and love them too. Mostly love them.

When Frank still didn't answer, Jen said "Let's not talk about Mike anymore. He's with Allie. I'm with you." She squeezed his hand again. "Don't you see that means something?"

"Yes Jenny I do," Frank finally said. He squeezed her hand back. Inside though, he wondered if HE was a pawn in Jenny's game, like others were pawns in his. The thought disturbed him, but made him want Jenny even more. And he WOULD have her. Never in his life had he failed to get what he wanted. And he wanted Jenny Johnson.

They arrived at the restaurant. Before getting out, Frank said "May I send Mike a picture?"

"Um ... what?" Jen asked hesitantly.

"Lou, turn the light on please," Frank ordered. He handed the bodyguard his iPhone. Frank put an arm around Jen and they posed. He pulled Jen close to him so their cheeks almost touched. Lou took the picture and handed the phone back to Frank.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:54 PM

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