Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike hacked into the CATF's attendance log (everyone had to sign in and out). He got lucky. His man was inside the CATF's headquarters.

The agent was in the break room drinking coffee. "You're Mitch?" Mike said, sitting at the table across from the man.

Mitch looked up. He had dark hair and a dark complexion. He wasn't tall, maybe Mike's height. But he was powerfully built, like an NFL linebacker (actually he played lacrosse in college, at Syracuse). Mitch had a dangerous aura around him, like a predator. Maria was right. The field agents oozed testosterone. It was more than that thought. Mitch looked dangerous, even sitting at the table with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Who are you?" Mitch asked. He had a gravelly, serious voice.

"Mike Andrews," Mike said.

Mitch gave Mike a long look. He'd heard about the "Phantom." And he read the papers. He said "What do you want?"

"An operation," Mike said. He passed a thin folder to the agent. "His name's Willy, a porn operator. He's got a sex tape on a Senate candidate. He's blackmailing her. I'm taking care of his computers and servers. But I need someone to search his home. And to make Willy understand he should leave the candidate alone."

Mitch didn't touch the folder. He asked "Why do you care?"

"She's a friend," Mike said.

Mitch gave Mike another long look. Then he opened the file. He wasn't surprised when he saw the candidate was Jasmine Kelly. He read the papers. He knew about "JasMike."

"Why should I care?" Mitch said.

Mike was ready for this question. It was why he picked Mitch. "Jasmine's a good American. She's running for the Senate. That makes Willy a terrorist. You don't like when terrorists target Americans, especially women." Mike had read Mitch's file. About how his college girlfriend and his wife were both murdered by terrorists.

Mitch's head snapped up. He gave Mike a dangerous look. "Be careful," he warned in his hard gravelly voice.

Mike was scared. It wasn't smart to try to manipulate an assassin. Somehow he kept his hands from shaking.

Once again Mitch studied Mike. Mike's audacity shocked him. To approach out of the blue and drop the operation on him. Of course the op wasn't sanctioned. Did Andrews know how many laws he was breaking? Actually, Mitch figured Mike probably did know and he was doing it anyway. God, the stupidity. No wonder this asshole ended up in jail over Liberty-gate.

But Mitch knew there were other words to describe what Mike was asking. Bold. Idealistic. Courageous. Those words fit Liberty-gate too. And maybe this country needed more of that. Fuck the rules and just kick ass over what was right.

Mitch tapped the file. "You're sure Willy's at this location?"


"How'd you find him?" Mitch asked.

"It wasn't hard," Mike said, trying to sound confident.

"Not hard huh?" Mitch said. He eyed Mike, studying him. In the end, his decision was based on a basic human emotion. Curiousity.

"Alright, I'll do this," Mitch told Mike. "But then you owe me. Someday I may call you for a favor."

Mike nodded slowly, cautiously. The favor would involve computers of course. He wasn't going to give Mitch a blank check. He said "And I'll listen. If I agree with what you're doing, I'll help."

Mitch looked at Mike, studying him again, taking the measure of him. Finally he said "Fair enough." He turned back to the file. "ROE?"

"Nothing permanent," Mike said. "But make sure Willy understands he should leave Jasmine alone."

"You're sure Willy's at this location?" Mitch asked again.

"Yes," Mike said. "But he moves around. It has to be done fast."

Mitch thought about the logistics and timing. Finally he said "It'll be done in a few days. A week at most." Without another word Mitch was gone.

Mike went straight to the airport. He had about an hour before his flight back to LaGuardia. He went to the bar and ordered a scotch. His hands began shaking. He swallowed the scotch in a single gulp and ordered another. He gulped that one too. But still his hands shook.

In a way, helping Jasmine was a welcome distraction because it helped take Mike's mind off their game, off Jen's growing relationship with Frank. But he had just made a deal with an assassin. Was it a deal with the devil? And he just broke a lot of laws (both US and foreign). If Banks found out ....

Mike thought about more jail time. Of being separated from Jen and Anna again. But he had no choice. Jasmine needed help. He owed her. More importantly, she was his friend. But if Banks found out ....


The next day Jen got home from work late as her client meeting went long. She and Mike played and snuggled with Anna a little while, then they put her down to sleep for the night.

It was awkward afterwards with Mike. There was still the "cheerleader outfit fiasco" hanging over them. Still though, she wanted to talk about that weekend. About her date with Frank that Saturday. And Allie. But she didn't know how to start. It didn't help Mike seemed distracted by something. Was it Frank? Her intuition told her it was something else. CATF?

For his part, Mike struggled about whether to tell Jen about Jasmine. On the one hand, he knew Jen would blow up if she learned he helped her. But it would be worse if Jen found out another way (like, for example, if Colonel Banks found out and threw him in jail). In the end, Mike decided not to tell Jen, for 2 reasons. First, because he didn't want to get Jen involved; if the shit hit the fan he didn't want to implicate his wife. Second, he was still pissed about her cheerleader outfit. Maybe it was childish, but he felt she didn't deserve to know.

As the evening wore on, Jen decided she had to just come out and talk about things. After all, it was already Wednesday night. If anything was going to happen that weekend, they had to talk about it now.

"So ... remember Bobby and Grace are renting that house in the Hamptons this weekend?" Jen said to Mike.

"Yeah, we're going to that?" Mike said.

"Well, um ... Frank asked me out," Jen said hesitantly.

"Oh," Mike said. He forced himself to stay calm. After all, this was the point of their game. She was "dating" Frank. He asked "What's going on? Anything special?"

"Frank is kind of obsessed with my dancing," Jen said with a laugh. She brushed a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "He has this wild fantasy of me on Broadway. Helping me reach my Broadway dream. So he's introducing me to some people."

Jen's words seemed to stop Mike in his tracks. He asked "Producers? Directors? Writers?"

"I don't know. Maybe. He calls them his Broadway friends."

Mike nodded, processing all this. He said "I never knew that was your dream."

"I mean, maybe back in high school. That's every girl's dream," Jen said. With a laugh in her voice she added "But now it's more Frank's dream than mine."

Mike nodded again. His head was spinning. He said "I'll support you if you want to give it a try. I'll call Apple or Google, maybe Facebook or Microsoft, get a real job."

"Mike you're as crazy as Frank," Jen said with a laugh. "I take dance classes at the gym, that's all. I have no talent. And I'm almost 30. Girls on Broadway are young."

"You have incredible talent baby," Mike said encouragingly, squeezing her hands. "Think about the Rockettes. You could do those routines. And you'd make an incredible Rockette. From there you could go on to musicals."

"You just want to see me dancing around in leotards and tights," Jen said giving her husband a knowing grin. "But I like my life Mike. I like my job. And I don't want you to work for those big companies. I like you're home a lot. I love our life just the way it is."

"Then why meet with Frank's Broadway friends?" Mike asked.

"Because it's fun and exciting," Jen said. "But it's just fantasy Mike. It's not really going to happen. It's just part of the game."

Mike nodded, thinking again. He wasn't so sure. What if Jen WAS offered a spot on the Rockettes? Or as the understudy to the female lead in a Broadway musical? How could she turn that down? With Jen's gorgeous looks, her long incredible legs, her singing and dancing talent -- was it that farfetched? Especially with a powerful and wealthy benefactor like Frank Tower behind her?

This was Jen's dream. She downplayed it, but Mike could tell. And Frank was making it come true for her, not him.

Mike played it out in his head. Jen excitedly hugging Frank when she got the part. Holding his hand as they celebrated. Spending more time with the rich and powerful Frank as she became a starlet. Jen would be on Mike's arm at openings as they had to keep up appearances as a married couple. But she'd make eyes with Frank all night long, and afterwards she'd be in his bed.

Mike played it out, like a movie in his head. The jealousy, the feelings of inadequacy, having less of Jen's time and attention, of being minimized in her eyes as Frank became a bigger part of her life. It was like a wave of angst washing over him.

Mike played more of the movie in his head. Jen would quit her job to follow her dream. Frank would offer to support them. But Mike swore he would never let that happen. He would call Apple, work 10 jobs if he had to, but he would support his family. Even as Jen got closer to Frank, spent more time with him, maybe fell in love with him. He would support his family. He would support Anna.

But Mike didn't show any of these dark thoughts to Jen. Because the fact was, he did want her to perform on Broadway. It was a voyeur's and cuckold's dream. Jen dancing around on stage in leotards, short skirts, stockings and high heels. Countless men in the audience admiring her beautiful face, tight body, long legs. Maybe getting hit on by famous actors. Mike practically shuddered from delicious cuckold lust and angst.

"Are you alright?" Jen asked in her soft voice. She saw the conflict, hurt and excitement in her husband's face. "It's just a game baby."

"It's your dream," Mike said, his voice hoarse with excitement.

"It really isn't," Jen said. She rubbed Mike's arm. She didn't know exactly what was going through his head but she had an idea. She said "It's okay to think about it baby. Play with it, let it get you hot. But don't get upset. Because it's not going to happen. It's just part of our game."

Mike nodded but he barely heard her. "Are you auditioning Saturday?" he asked.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:51 PM

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