Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 33

"What?" Jen said, looking shocked at Allie.

"I'll be Mike's lover," Allie repeated.

"Are you crazy?" Jen said looking bewildered. "You?"

"Why not me?"

Jen's head was spinning. "You want to?" she asked feeling flabbergasted.

"I don't know," Allie said, collapsing into the chair in front of Jen's desk. She looked as bewildered as Jen. "You know, after my father, I've known Mike longer than any other guy."

Jen thought about it. It was probably true. She met Mike when she was 19, ten years ago. Over the years Allie had a lot of boyfriends but almost all were short relationships lasting just a few months. She met Darren only a few years ago. So it wasn't surprising Mike was her longest male relationship after her father.

"I guess it kind of bothers me," Allie said. "I mean, Mike's your bubble boy, but he's mine too sort of. I don't like thinking about him with another girl."

"That makes no sense," Jen said with the bewildered look still on her face. "He's my husband, how does it affect you?"

"It's just ...," Allie stammered, trying to explain. It was hard to explain because she didn't understand it herself. "Okay, you and me, we're sluts, we fuck anything that moves. But Mike's different. He's always goo-goo eyes with you. He'd never cheat on you. And I kind of got used to that. It's comforting. That certainty. It was like, one noble guy in the entire world. So, if you're going to set Mike up with another girl, I want to be the girl. Cause then it's still the three of us. Does that make sense?"

"It makes no freaking sense," Jen said scoffing. But in a way it did make sense. In a demented crazy wild kind of way. It was also kind of sweet. "I don't know Allie," she said. "This is really hard for me. It'll be easier if it's not a girl I know. You're my best friend."

"Mike's seen me naked. He's seen me fucking," Allie reminded her. "I've seen him naked. God Jen we almost did him together that time in Vegas. I get what you're saying, but it's got to be easier too knowing it's me." (Author's note: Consequences Part 5)

"I don't know," Jen said hesitantly. But even as she expressed doubt she saw the advantages. There wasn't anyone she trusted more than Allie (other than Mike). She wouldn't try to steal him away. On top of that, Allie had no relationship with Frank. So, unlike with Juliet, Jen didn't have to worry Frank would try to use Allie to dick with Mike. She knew Allie would never do that anyways.

But at the same time, Jen didn't like the idea of Mike getting intimate with Allie. They were best friends after all, like sisters. What would their relationship be after this particular "game" was over?

On the other hand, Allie was Jen's opposite. Brunette versus blonde, big busted versus tiny ones, voluptuous and curvy versus slim and leggy. Jen knew Mike preferred her looks. So that was another reason she was less likely to feel threatened by Allie.

"Why do you want to do this?" Jen asked.

"I don't know," Allie said with a humorless laugh, looking bewildered again. "It's fucked up, right? Me and bubble boy? God .... But, I mean ... it would be nice to hang with a guy who's not a complete jerk. You know?" Allie laughed again. "I've dated a little since the separation. I get horny right?" Another humorless laugh. "Guys are worse now than before. And I'm still dealing with Darren." She looked disheartened and tired. "I guess I want to take a break from men. But sometimes it's nice to hang with a guy." Allie shrugged. "I guess that's why."

"So ... you're not actually thinking about sex?" Jen asked hopefully. Could this be another Claire set up? That would be perfect!

But her hopes were dashed when Allie said with an evil smile, "Ah no. You fucked Darren. Pay back is a bitch, bitch."

Jen looked shocked at Allie, her mouth dropping open. Then Allie broke out laughing. "Oh my god, your face!" After she stopped laughing she said "I'm fucking with you of course."

Jen gave Allie a tight smile.

"It's up to you. What are you going to tell Mike?" Allie asked. "Doesn't Keri set her husband up with actual lovers?"

Jen frowned at that, knowing Allie was right. She might not be reined in with Frank if Mike was just in a platonic relationship with another girl. There had to be at least the possibility of sex.

Maybe that was the key. "Possibility." Mike was intimidated by Allie. Even with her blessing, he might not actually do anything with Allie. And it wasn't like Mike was Allie's dream stud. So they might not do it even if they had a hall pass from her. Yet, the "possibility" of them fucking might be enough to rein her in with Frank. Maybe this was the perfect setup!

Wanting to test her theory, Jen hesitantly asked "So ... you're attracted to Mike?"

Allie knew this was a loaded question. She carefully said, "I think he's cute. I always have. In a geeky sort of way. I'm not a size queen like you." She laughed nervously. "But it's not like I've waited all these years to jump his bones. You're the one looking for a fuck buddy for him. I'm just offering to help." Allie eyed her best friend. "Are you really serious about this?"

"I mean ...," Jen sputtered. Was she? Was she really serious about this? As if talking to herself, she said "I don't want to hurt Mike. But I'm not ready to end it with Frank. It works for Keri ...."

Allie saw her friend's conflict and uncertainty. "I've got an idea," she said. "Your date with Frank – is it an overnight thing?"

"Yeah, I think," Jen said, not sure where Allie was going with this.

"How about this?" Allie said. "You do your thing with Frank. I'll go to the Hamptons with Mike." Before Jen could say anything, Allie said "Nothing will happen. We'll just talk, hang out. And this way too, Anna and DJ can play."

Jen stared wide-eyed at Allie. The idea was crazy. But it kind of worked too. Their friends would be there but Allie knew how to handle things. Also, this way – and she knew this was selfish – she could spend Sunday with Frank. She wouldn't have to rush home that morning. But that wasn't her main reason, Jen told herself. The main reason was to rein herself in with Frank. To keep Mike from getting bad hurt.

"So you're really up for this?" Jen hesitantly asked Allie.

"I can't think of anyone who would make Darren more jealous," Allie said with a laugh. She said it as a joke but she was serious too.

"Darren jealous of Mike?" Jen said, not understanding.

Allie laughed at Jen's bewilderment. Although again her laugh had no humor. She said "You're so clueless about Mike sometimes Jen."

Jen nodded slowly, trying to process that. Trying to process everything. Finally, making a decision, she said "I'll talk to Mike."

"That should be fun," Allie said with a grin.

"Allie, before anything happens – I mean anything – you have to talk to me," Jen told her best friend.

"I will," Allie assured her.

"And you have to tell me everything," Jen said.

"Of course I will," Allie promised.

"And if I stay stop, it stops," Jen said.

"Jen, honey, you can trust me," Allie said earnestly.

"And Allie," Jen said. There was one more, really important thing. "If something does happen, you have to use condoms."

"You know I hate condoms," Allie said immediately.

"Allie ..." Jen said. She didn't want Mike bare inside Allie. Also, she didn't want any chance – ANY chance -- of Allie getting pregnant. She couldn't stand that thought. "He's my husband."

Allie sensed Jen's concern. She said "I'm on the pill. And you can wrap bubble boy in plastic all you want. But is that really going to get you what you want? You can't control it Jen. Isn't that the point of all this?"

Jen slowly nodded her head. She knew Allie was right. "Just tell me before anything happens," she said.

"I will Jen," Allie said, squeezing Jen's hand. "I promise."


The first part was easy. Mike found Willy's computers and servers on the internet. He inserted a worm to erase all the data.

Then it got harder. It was possible Willy kept backups of Jasmine's sex tape on DVDs or hard drives not connected to his computer. Mike needed to physically search Willy's home. To do that, he needed to find Willy. That wasn't easy, because Willy moved around a lot to prevent people like Mike from finding him.

But no one was completely off the grid. It wasn't possible in today's world. Especially for Willy, whose business depended on the internet.

Mike studied Willy's credit card statements. A pattern emerged. Mike thought about it. The code would be straightforward to write, but it was a lot of data to collect, organize and process. It would take a lot of computers to make happen. If it worked though, he'd find Willy in a day or two.

Time was short. Willy had told Jasmine (actually, Leo) he would release the sex tape on his website if she didn't immediately pay his blackmail demands. So Mike wrote the code. It took most of the day to write and distribute.

Now came the really hard part. Mike wasn't a field agent. He needed one.

Mike flew down to the CATF headquarters. He got lucky as he didn't run into anyone. He wanted to do this fast. In and out. Fortunately he already had his man. He choose him from hacking into the CATF's files of its field agents. This guy was a free agent, officially a "contractor." Mostly he worked for the CIA but he did jobs for CATF too (apparently Colonel Banks was close with the director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center).
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:51 PM

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