Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Okay," Mike said nodding his head.

"I guess I'd like to ask you right now not to get mad at me later," Jen said with a sheepish laugh. "But I guess that's not fair huh?"

"Did it break any rules?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said. "I mean, not any we talked about. But I think it was a rule." Jen understood there were unspoken rules too. Like, never take off the Sophia ring. And don't let Frank fuck her and cum all over her cheerleading uniform.

Mike hesitated, anxious and conflicted about what Jen was going to tell him later. Defaulting to what he knew, he said "Well, if I can have honesty, it's easier to overlook mistakes." He said somewhat formally, like he was reading from a script.

"Um, okay," Jen said with a nervous laugh. That didn't sound like Mike.

"You know who said that?" Mike said as if answering her unspoken question. The Jets game was forgotten.


"Captain Kirk," Mike said. "In the Space Seed."

"Oh okay."

"You know the most recent Star Trek movie?" Mike continued. "It was a remake of Wrath of Khan, which was a continuation of Space Seed."

"Oh um, good to know," Jen said.

"In Space Seed, there was a character, Lt. Marla McGivers. She told Captain Kirk Khan was a better man. Can you believe it? Better than Captain Kirk. Because Khan was bolder, and more adventuresome."

Jen got it. She whispered, "Am I Marla? And you're Captain Kirk? And Frank's Khan?"

"Let's talk about it later," Mike said, his voice suddenly hoarse with excitement. He looked over at Anna.

"Okay," Jen said following his eyes. They didn't want their baby to hear.

"You know Marla?" Mike whispered to his wife. "She had short dark hair."

Jen looked at him sharply. She understood the significance of that. She whispered "The bag. It's not about my hair."

Mike nodded. His heart was pounding. He looked bothered too.

At that moment Jen's iPhone buzzed. She was grateful for the distraction. She read the text. Wanting to change the subject, she forced a laugh and said "Oh god."

"What?" Mike asked.

"It's my cousin Cindy," Jen said with forced cheerfulness. "You know I told you she has this flirtation thing going with this guy Michalis?"

Mike nodded. He didn't remember but he went with it.

"They trade poems," Jen said.

"Poems?" Mike said surprised. Grinning, he asked "Love poems?"

Jen was relieved to see Mike smiling. She said "More like dirty limericks. They usually start with 'there's this three-foot thirty-five inch chick ...'."

"That's Cindy?" Mike asked with a bigger smile.

"Yeah, never ever say she's 6 feet," Jen warned.

"Well she's not," Mike said, always into numerical precision. An image of Cindy in 4 inch high heels flashed through his head. There was something really sexy about a tall girl in high heels. Then he thought about the poem. "Maybe 'chick' is their code word for 'dick'." He grinned. "It rhymes."

Jen laughed. She was relieved as he seemed to have forgotten the bag (for now). "Well, they do grow them big in the country," she joked. She rapidly typed a text to Cindy.

"What did you say?" Mike asked.

"What you said," Jen said giggling. She playfully elbowed Mike in the side. "Now she can asked him."

"Ask him?"

"Ask Michalis how big he is," Jen said with a playful "duh" in her voice. "Cindy can forward my text to him. It's easier if someone else asks."

"You think he'll answer?"

"They're flirting. Sometimes it's not the answer, it's the question," she said. She hugged and kissed Mike and said "That's how flirting works baby." Then Jen snuggled into Mike, pulling his arm around her.

Later that night after putting Anna to bed, Mike nudged Jen and said "So tell me what happened."

Jen gave Mike a weak smile. She said "Let's get ready for bed."

They brushed their teeth, Jen brushed her hair. Mike undressed to his boxers. Jen put on the white nightie. Then they got on the bed, on their sides looking at each other. Mike was already hard.

"Friday night it was just us," Jen said.

"Okay," Mike said, feeling immediate angst as Jen used "us" to refer to her and Frank.

"Frank played with my nipple rings," Jen said. "I thought they were still sore, but actually they're really super sensitive."

"He made you cum?" Mike asked.


"Just from playing with the rings?"


"Wow. Was it a good cum?"

"It was different, but really good."

"Okay," Mike said, the angst inside him growing.

"Are you okay baby?" Jen asked.

Mike didn't answer at first. When he did he gently touched her nipples over the nightie and said "Why do we call them rings? They're not rings. They're more like bars."

"Yeah. I don't know," Jen said. "When Allie had them she always called them rings."

"I guess it doesn't matter," Mike said with a shrug. He gently caressed her nipples over soft thin fabric of the white nightie. "I guess I'll have to learn how to touch you, like Frank," he said.

Jen heard hurt and jealousy in his voice. "It's better that way," she said reassuringly. "We can explore it together."

"Yeah, sure," Mike said. Of course she'd already experienced it with Frank. And he doubted he would ever learn, or play with the rings much at all. They were something Jen did with Frank.

"So then what happened?" Mike asked.

"Saturday got crazy," Jen said. She told him about Colin. "But I wasn't allowed to cum," she said.

"Frank said that?" Mike asked surprised.

"It's a game Frank plays," Jen said with a nod.

"So you play the game with Frank too?" Mike asked, the angst inside him flaring up again.

Jen realized her mistake. "I mean, it's not our game baby," she quickly assured him. Rephrasing it, she said "You know, Frank's mind fucks."

"Yeah, okay," Mike said but his angst was barely soothed. He forced a grin and said "So you must've been going crazy to cum. Because I know you're still hot for Colin."

"I'm not really," Jen said. "I mean, at this point he's just a guy with a big dick."

"Jen you used to love him," Mike said with a skeptical laugh.

Jen didn't even try to deny it. Instead she said "It was a different kind of love," she said. "Baby you know that. It was before I met you." She looked into his eyes and rubbed his chest. "Are you okay baby?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mike said. He forced another grin. "You know how I get. I'm all over the place. But I'm good." He squeezed her hand. "Tell me what happened next. Who was the other guy?"

"You won't believe it," Jen said. "It was a serious mind fuck. Remember I told you about my teacher, Mr. Hayden?"

"It was Mr. Hayden?" Mike said his eyes going wide.

"Almost. It was --."

Mike got it. He did the math in his head. The age was right. "Mr. Hayden's son," he said incredulously, his eyes even wider.

"Yes," Jen said. "He turned legal this week. He was still a virgin."

"God Jen," Mike gasped, the words coming out like a moan.

"You think that's hot?" Jen said giving him a knowing smile.

"Incredibly hot!" Mike gushed. "God Jen," he moaned again. God he loved her so much! He was so proud she was his wife!

"I don't know, I'm still processing it," Jen said with an embarrassed laugh. "Want to know what's really fucked up? I wasn't into it. Not really. I mean, it was fun at first, but then it kind of got to be a job."

"Did you know who he was?" Mike asked excitedly.

"That's what's fucked up," Jen told him. "I didn't at first. But then I realized Thomas was Mr. Hayden's son. And I went crazy, a real freak. I got so slutty. I fucked him really hard and got off on it."

"It's okay baby, who wouldn't get turned on by that?" Mike assured his wife, kissing and hugging her.

"So you don't think I'm a freak?" Jen asked with a hesitant look on her beautiful face. "It feels like incest or something."

"It's not incest, you're not related to them," Mike assured her. He grinned. "Out of control though."

"And you love that right?" Jen said grinning at him. Their conversation was making her feel better about herself. She asked again "You don't think I'm a freak?"

"Maybe a MILF," Mike said with a grin.

"Or a cougar," Jen said with a laugh.

"God Jen that's epic," Mike said looking awestruck at her.

Jen felt all warm inside. Yeah, Mike was getting off on it, but she saw love and complete acceptance in his eyes. It wasn't like Frank saying "You're a slut, just accept it." With Mike it was "You're the most freaking awesome girl in the world, I'll always think that no matter what you do."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:49 PM

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