Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Frank took off his pants and got on top of Jen between her open legs. "Sure Jenny," he said smiling.

Frank was careful, he didn't rip anything. But when he came he pulled out and shot his load all over the cheerleader uniform. At Frank's orders, Hugh and Lou did the same thing.


Frank opened his eyes. He saw it was still dark outside. But there was a lamp on in the bedroom. He looked up. Jen was already up, getting dressed.

"Where are you going?" Frank said sitting up.

"Home," Jen said. Her hair was wet from showering. She zipped her jeans and pulled on a blouse.

"I'll take you home," Frank offered.

"No I have a flight," Jen said. "My taxi will be here soon."

"Jenny --," Frank began. He had a limo, a private jet. Why take a taxi or fly commercial?

"Frank just stop," Jen said holding out her hand. "I want to go home by myself."

Jen gathered up her cheerleading outfit. It was soaked with Frank, Lou and Hugh's cum. The cum was wet in places, dried in other places. Jen stuffed the soiled outfit in a plastic bag.

"So you're upset with me," Frank said, a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know what I am Frank," Jen said honestly.

"I'm giving you what you want," he said.

Jen held out her hand again. "Stop Frank," she said. She gave a humorless half laugh. "It's too early for that."

"Can you sit here, next to me before you go?" Frank said. "For a moment?"

Jen hesitated, but then she sat next to Frank on the bed. "We're exploring things Jenny," he said tenderly stroking her back. "I'm helping you discover the true you."

"I'm not sure I like the true me," Jen lamented. With her nympho lust sated (for the moment), her inhibitions and good sense had returned. "Frank, what if I see Mr. Hayden and Thomas together?" The thought horrified her.

"How many times have you seen Mr. Hayden since graduation? My guess is none," Frank said with a reassuring smile. "It'll never happen Jenny. I promise I'll never do that to you."

"Like you promised about my cheerleading uniform?" Jen said frowning at him.

"Alright, we had fun with that last night," Frank admitted with a grin. "But truly Jenny, it's just clothes."

"It's important to Mike," Jen said.

"I'll have it dry cleaned. Completely sanitized," Frank offered. "It'll be as good as new. Mike will never know. I won't say anything. You have my word on that."

Jen hesitated, then said "No, I'll take care of it."

"As you wish," Frank said with a shrug. "Jenny, next Saturday. I really would like to introduce you to my Broadway friends."

"Your friends?" Jen said with a skeptical laugh.

Frank laughed back. "Believe it or not, they really are friends. They're in the arts, not business, so I find it easier to ... temper my competitiveness."

Jen nodded, looking at Frank. It was shocking to see him acting so normal like a real person, especially compared to last night. "I'm not a real dancer," she insisted. "I have no talent."

"You're being too modest. You're a lovely dancer. You sing too, remember? Like an angel," Frank said with a tender smile, stroking her cheek. "And it's not always about talent. Often it's about presence. You have presence Jenny."

"Where can this go?" Jen asked helplessly. "I have a job. I need to make real money."

"You have me Jenny," he said with a kind smile. "I have money for you and Anna. For Mike too." He stroked her cheek again. With an encouraging smile he said "Meet my friends. I know you love the arts. If nothing else it'll be an enjoyable evening."

Jen was about to say "I need to check with Mike." But then she remembered their new game, about not asking him unless it was on the prohibited list. "Alright, next Saturday," she said. She even managed to give Frank a smile.

Frank smiled back. Pressing his advantage, he said "Jenny, I want you to think about Juliet."

"Frank this isn't the time," Jen said.

"I don't want you to be distracted next weekend. It's our time," Frank pressed. "I'll call Jules. We'll set up a date for Saturday."

"No Frank!" Jen snapped. "You have to let me do this my own way!"

Frank frowned at Jen but he let it go. He even said "You're right. I apologize."

Jen's hand was on Frank's thigh. She saw he had an erection and it was tenting the sheets. Frank gave her a "what can I do?" shrug, a sheepish smile on his face. "This is what you do to me. Whenever I'm with you. Or think about you. Which is often."

Jen looked thoughtful for a moment. She asked "You know Frank ... I was wondering ... about Lou and Hugh ... and Colin ... and Thomas even ..."

"Yes?" Frank said, prompting her. Was Jenny finally going to ask the question?

Jen thought about it. Changing her mind, she said "Never mind."

"Tell me what you're thinking," Frank said.

"No, it's nothing," Jen said.

Frank shrugged. He didn't press it. He knew she would ask eventually.

Jen smiled slightly, looking embarrassed. She pulled back the sheets. Looking at his hard thick cock her pussy began to tingle. "I have a few minutes," she said. She pulled back her long blonde hair. Then she went down on Frank.

It was a short flight and the traffic into the city was light (for once). Jen was home before 9am. Mike was awake, waiting for her. Anna was still asleep.

"How was it?" he asked after kissing and hugging her.

"Crazy," Jen said. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally.

"You sleep," Mike said.

"Okay," Jen said appreciatively. She let Mike lead her into the bedroom.

"What's in the bag?" he asked looking at the plastic bag in her hand.

"I'll explain later baby," Jen said nervously. She put the bag in her closet and closed the door. She knew Mike wouldn't look. He was too trustworthy for that. She undressed and got into bed. "Come here baby," she said reaching for him. Mike was wearing sweats. Jen pushed the sweats down. He was hard. She tugged off her panties and pulled Mike on top of her. She knew he needed release before she slept.

"So you had fun talking to Jim," she said giving him a knowing grin.

"Yeah," Mike said excitedly. "But I know you're tired. We'll talk about it later."

Jen smiled appreciatively at Mike. He was so kind and gentle. With him she always came first. She reached between their bodies to guide him into her.

Mike held back. "You can do it," he said looking into her beautiful face. "If you need to."

Jen didn't know what he was talking about. Then she remembered. She nodded at him. Then she licked spit on her hand. Mike watched intently as she used the spit to lubricate herself. Then, as if remembering, she rolled a Durex condom on his cock. "We're almost out," she said.

"I'll get more," Mike said breathing hard.

Jen reached between them again and guided his sheathed cock inside her. Mike's thin cock entered her without any resistance.

"You're so loose," Mike marveled. "Lou and Hugh fucked you too?"

Jen nodded. "Two other guys too," she said.

"God Jen," Mike gasped. But he wasn't being negative. It was more like awe. "God I love you so much," he gushed admiringly.

Jen couldn't help grinning. Mike's unconditional acceptance always centered her. He was her rock.

Mike said "Colin was one, right?"

Jen's eyes opened wide in shock. "How did you know?"

"He took you to Belmont," Mike said. "I'm getting to understand Frank."

"That's scary," Jen said with a laugh.

"Yeah," Mike said laughing back.

"You're not upset about Colin?" she asked. "I should've asked first."

"You're not supposed to ask, remember?" Mike said, touching his fingertip to her lips.

"Oh yeah," Jen said, remembering. She realized Mike wasn't upset about Colin.

Voicing her thoughts, Mike kissed her and said "You know that turns me on. Old boyfriends."

"Yeah," Jen said kissing him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight.

Mike slowly made love to his wife. He wanted to fuck her hard, he needed release. But he controlled his passions, wanting not just to cum but to reclaim her. So he made love to Jen. Jen welcomed it, and they kissed and hugged until Mike came. Jen didn't cum, but it felt good in her heart and soul.

As Jen drifted off to sleep, she said "Wake me up baby before lunch."

Jen woke up to Anna laughing and bouncing on top of her. Mike jumped on the bed too. Jen and Mike tickled Anna, and then Anna and Mike ganged up on Jen. Things got nasty when Jen and Anna attacked Mike. Mike HATED being tickled. He turned the tide by wrapping Jen and Anna in a blanket and then rudely dragging them out of the bed and across the family room. Then he jumped on top and tickled them both through the blanket. Jen and Anna were laughing with tears in their eyes when Mike finally let them go. "Just remember," he playfully growled in his best Batman voice. "I am your worst nightmare!"

They spent the day as a family. By silent agreement, Mike and Jen didn't mention Frank or their game. It was becoming their standard way of dealing with the "day after Frank." Be a family and reconnect. Wait until bedtime for the sexy talk.

In the afternoon Mike was engrossed in the Jets game. Jen had time. She had a full bottle of Woolite in their laundry closet. But her instinct told her to ask Mike first.

"Baby I might do some laundry," Jen said to Mike.

"Okay," Mike said as he watched the Jets play the Jags. They seriously needed to win this game.

"But there's something, you might not want me to wash," Jen said hesitantly.

"What?" Mike said, turning away from the game and looking at his wife.

"Something you might not want me to wash," Jen whispered, glancing nervously at Anna who was playing on the floor with her dolls.

"What?" Mike whispered back.

"The thing in the bag," Jen whispered nervously.

"Can I see?" Mike asked suddenly excited.

"Later baby," Jen told him. She didn't want to derail their family day. Lowering her voice even more, she said "You might get mad. But I think you might want to see it, before I wash it."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:49 PM

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