Adultery Ordeal of a 30 yr old housewife.. by masala_man
Rushing to the door was not easy.. each step she took was sending painful pleasure waves from middle of her legs into her head.. it was a strange feeling of fullness and the very momentum and pressure of her closed legs on the rough surface of the balls was constantly nudging her g spot and sending out waves after waves into her body..

she opened the door and saw a defeted looking, Kumkum.. standing .. leaning on the wall..

the moment she opened the door, Kumkum lapped into the arms of Nilanjana..

Kumkum : didi ..

Kumkum almost lept in Nilanjana's arms and broke down crying in her arms.. Nilanjana too took her in her arms and sobbed in relief and happiness, forgetting the pain of the situation she was in for some moments.. she was touching Kumkum everywhere to feel if she was ok.. she noticed a new t-shirt that Kumkum was wearing..

Nilanjana : are you ok, kummu??

Kumkum : didi.. they were so bad.. they were so bad.. why did it happen to me??

Nilanjana : all will be ok.. lets first get in..

Nilanjana walked inside with Kumkum.. she was trying to support Kumkum, who anyways was walking all right..

Nilanjana : wait, i will get you a glass of water..

Kumkum : it is ok..

Nilanjana : no.. sit down..

Nilanjana made her sit on the sofa.. and walked to kitchen to fetch a glass of water.. walking towards the kitchen, Nilanjana realized that she had forgotten to change the sandals.. the sandals without doubt slutty enough and Nilanjana would not be able to explain the reason to Kumkum for donning such sandals.. she walked to the kitchen, rather tip toed so as to not clutter sandals mega heels.. it was really tough to balance on toes on such sandals... but Nilanjana did not want the cat to walk out of the bag due to the mistake.. tip toeing also increased pressure on her legs and the balls inside her were gaining more effectiveness.. making her more uneasy.. once in kitchen she lowered her saree a bit from her waist to hide her sandals properly and adjusted her paloo so that her half naked, obscene looking breasts would not pop out in front of her sister and open a can of worms and questions for her..

as she poured water into the glass, she looked at Kumkum.. Kumkum was still sobbing.. her cheeks were red and there were visibly scratch marks on her cheek, indicating resistance.. she felt bad that she had been thinking of her sandals and clothes when Kumkum needed her.. but Vicky had left her with no option..

she walked back carefully to Kumkum.. and took her consoling into her arms.. she made Kumkum drink water while her other hand lovingly caressed Kumkum's hair..

Nilanjana : are you all right??

Kumkum kept quiet.. there was silence in the room..except for some Kumkum's sobbing sounds in the room

Nilanjana : pls forget all this and lets move on.. there is better life ahead..

Kumkum was still silent.. after some moments..

Nilanjana : are you ok, kummu?

Kumkum (ignoring her question): did you tell jiju??

Nilanjana : no..

Kumkum : why??

this was really an unexpected question.. she had not thought it before.. she did not know why Kumkum was asking this question, but Nilanjana felt her blood boil on the mention of her husband.. what would she tell Kumkum, that Siddarth was in bed of another woman all through this..

Kumkum : why are you silent, didi?

Nilanjana did not know what to say.. Kumkum raised herself from the lap of Nilanjana and looked at her..

Kumkum : didi..

Nilanjana : Kumkum, i am not going to tell him anything about it... and you are also not going to tell him anything about this..

Kumkum : why didi... such a big..

Nilanjana (firmly) : NO..

Kumkum looked at Nilanjana.. Nilanjana looked at Kumkum..

Kumkum : why didi?

Nilanjana : leave it onto me.. please..

Kumkum was still looking at Nilanjana.. her eyes admanant and demanding an explanation.. Nilanjana looked away.. this was not the way things Nilanjana had planned to go with Kumkum, but her options were tied.. there was silence..

Kumkum (afraid but angry, like steam popping from under the lid, and softly) : didi, did you...

Nilanjana : what?

Kumkum : didi, did you steal money from the company??

it seemed a high voltage lightening had stuck Nilanjana.. she looked at Kumkum.. Kumkum was now not looking at Nilanjana.. stealing her eyes.. Nilanjana kept quiet..

Kumkum : answer me didi.. you stole 5 lakh rupees from the company..

Nilanjana : shut up..

Kumkum : i want an answer didi..

Nilanjana : i dont want to answer this..

Kumkum (now crying and angry.. and getting up) : you dont want to answer this.. wow?? i get stripped and kidnapped by wild beasts because of you.. and you dont want to answer.. wow!!!..

Chintu : kummu, please..

Kumkum : why did you need so big money??

Nilanjana : please, Kumkum, i am your sister..

Kumkum : wow.. what a sister.. i hope you had not been my sister.. i would have gone to the security officer if you would not have helped me grow up ..

Nilanjana : SHUT UP..

saying she slapped Kumkum.. it was a sharp slap..

Kumkum : i hate you didi.. i really hate you..

saying Kumkum ran into her room..

Nilanjana realized her mistake.. it had been very harsh on Kumkum and even she slapped her.. how could she.. she got up and walked behind Kumkum, as fast her sandals and the balls inside her would allow..

Kumkum had bolted the door from inside... she knocked on the door..

Nilanjana : kummu.. please.. please.. open the door..

but there was no response.. she banged the door.. she shouted many times.. but Kumkum did not open the door.... resigned, Nilanjana leaned on the door..

Nilanjana : please open the door, kummu..

there was silence..

then she heard a knock.. someone was there on the main door.. Nilanjana walked to the main door on her sandals.. it was still open .. and the person knocking was none other than Chintu..
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RE: Ordeal of a 30 yr old housewife.. by masala_man - by Ramesh_Rocky - 22-05-2019, 05:53 PM

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