Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Frank nodded but didn't respond. He was helping Jasmine as a favor to her father. But Jasmine was like Juliet, or Paige. They didn't matter. They were pawns in his game of chess. No more than diversions. So different from Jenny.

The fundraiser ended late, well after lunch. As discreetly as possible, Jen got into a limo with Frank and they drove to Belmont.

"We have to be more careful in Belmont," Jen said to Frank. "People saw us leaving together. That can't happen in Belmont."

"Everything will be fine Jenny," Frank assured her. He moved closer and stroked her thigh. "I meant to ask. You had sex with Mike this week?"

"Yes, of course," Jen said.

"Tell me what happened," Frank told her.

Jen knew what he wanted to know. "I made myself cum," she said.

Frank smiled. He brushed a loose strand of blonde hair from her pretty face and said "Good girl. Mike didn't make you cum then? Not at all?"

"No," Jen said. Her face felt hot. Breathing hard, she said "I didn't let him."

"Not even when he went down on you?"

"We didn't do that," Jen said.

"But when you do, you'll make yourself cum," Frank said. It was an order, not a request.

"I don't know Frank," Jen said with exasperation. "Mike's my husband. There are limits."

"You'll make yourself cum," Frank told her. "Mike doesn't make you cum anymore."

"God Frank," Jen lamented with a humorless laugh.

"Here," Frank said. He reached into his bag and pulled out a silver oval object. It was a vibrator. "For when Mike goes down on you."

"Frank you're crazy," Jen said with an incredulous laugh. "I don't want that. Can we talk about something else?"

Frank grinned at Jen. He dropped the vibrator into her bag. Then he said "Such as?" He put his hand back on her bare thigh.

"Like, what's happening tonight," Jen said. "Are you setting me up with other men?"

"Yes," Frank said simply.

"Okay," Jen said with another incredulous laugh. He said it so casually, like getting gang banged by strange men was a normal event. She asked "Are you going to tell me about it?"

"I will Jenny," Frank assured her. "Be patient."

To Jen's surprise, they drove by Frank's mansion without stopping and went directly to Jen's house. "We can't let people see us," Jen said concerned.

"Your parents are at the Borgata," Frank reminded her.

"The neighbors," Jen said with alarm. "They know us. They can't see me going in with you."

When they got to Jen's house, Jen got out of the car alone and used the remote keypad to open the garage door. Hugh drove the BMW sedan in. It just barely fit in the garage. Jen closed the garage door and only then did the men get out of the car.

"So, what?" Jen asked Frank. She still didn't know the plan. It was exciting but disconcerting too.

"Let's go to your bedroom," Frank said. Jen nodded. She made coffee for Hugh and Lou, then guided Frank up the stairs to her bedroom. Lou and Hugh stayed in the kitchen.

Upstairs Frank took his time looking through Jen's childhood things. "You have no sense of privacy do you?" Jen joked with a laugh as Frank opened the door of her closet and looked through her old clothes.

"I showed you my art collection," Frank said with a grin. It was a joke as he knew this was different. More seriously he said "We're in a relationship. I have a right don't I?"

"Yeah I guess," Jen said. It felt weird though, an older man looking through her high school clothes, her childhood things.

"What's this?" Frank asked pulling a box from the closet. He laid it on the bed and opened the top.

"It's my old high school cheerleader stuff," Jen said. Frank looked in the box. Inside were a mix of cheerleader tops, skirts, briefs, socks, shoes, hair bands and bows and pom poms.

"Don't get any ideas," Jen said closing the box. "This is for Mike."

"You have sex in this?" Frank asked.

"We haven't. It's a long story," Jen said. She thought about it though. Now with the padded bras the tops would fit her better. Maybe she SHOULD wear the cheer outfit for Mike, as kind of a payback for being so supportive with Frank. At that moment she decided she would. She knew Mike would love it. He had a real cheerleader/school girl fetish! "Anyways, it's for Mike," she told Frank.

Frank stared at Jen, as if thinking. He nodded, but Jen sensed it wasn't a nod of agreement. Whatever. Jen wasn't going to put on her cheerleading uniform for Frank. Not happening. That was something she was going to keep special for Mike.

At that moment Jen's iPhone rang. Jen looked at the caller ID. It was Colin!

Jen didn't answer, letting the call go to voice mail. She looked suspiciously at Frank and asked "Why is Colin calling me?"

"I told him you'd be home tonight," Frank said matter-of-factly. There it was, another casual statement about something that was anything but casual.

"You told him?" Jen said incredulously.

"I'm an investor in Colin's car dealerships," Frank explained. "In fact, I loaned him the seed money after his football career ended. We talk from time to time."

"And you just happened to talk to Colin this week," Jen said sarcastically.

"No I made a point of calling Colin," Frank said not even trying to hide it.

Jen glared at Frank. The nerve of the man! "Do you know my history with Colin? The whole history? With Mike?"

"Yes, I believe so," Frank said. He read the paper and made quiet inquiries about the Sandusky episode.

"You don't," Jen said. There was no way Frank knew everything. Not about when Colin texted the picture to her and what happened next. (Author's note: See Consequences - Part 7).

"Perhaps not," Frank conceded. "But there are rumors Jenny, of you with Colin. Well after high school and college. Fairly recent rumors. A party at Penn State."

Jen looked sharply at Frank. The party at Colin's house. Before Mike went to jail. (See Consequences - Part 21).

"It's complicated," she told Frank evasively, not wanting to get into it.

"I didn't hear it from Colin, if that helps," Frank said.

Jen shrugged. She knew a lot of people at that party. People said things. Things got around. She had a reputation. All of it deserved she knew.

"You're friends," Frank said.

"I wouldn't go that far," Jen said.

"But you go to Colin's parties," Frank pressed.

"Sometimes," Jen conceded with a shrug.

"So, where is Mike on this?" Frank asked with an intrigued raised eyebrow. "He sees Colin as a rival?"

"I guess there's some of that," Jen said. "We used to go out. Colin was my first love."

"But you use Colin in that game of yours," Frank said, once again reading the situation correctly.

Jen didn't say anything, but her silence was telling.

Frank nodded. That's what he expected to hear. "Why don't you play Colin's message Jenny?" he said. Although stated as a question, Jen knew it was a command.

Jen pushed a few buttons on her iPhone and Colin's message played. "Hey Jenny it's me Colin. Heard you were in town. Want to get together? Call me."

"So you want me to fuck Colin," Jen said, resignation in her voice.

"That's right," Frank said.

"Why?" Jen asked.

"It's a process Jenny," Frank said simply.

"Process towards what?"

"So you'll understand."

"Understand what?" Jen asked with a frustrated laugh.

"For you to understand I control you," Frank said. "You've got spirit Jenny. I like that. But with me, when I say something, you don't ask questions. You simply do as I say." Frank stroked Jen's cheek. "That's what you do Jenny. Soon you'll understand that. You'll internalize it. Then you'll do it. It'll be automatic. It'll be you."

Jen stared at Frank for long moments. Her cheeks felt hot and her heart pounded in her chest. Finally she said "Why Colin?" Frank looked disappointed, like she was a pupil and not getting it. Wincing at his disapproval, she timidly said "I'm sorry but I need to know."

Frank said simply "It's part of the process. You do what I say. You fuck who I say. That's why Colin."

"Mike won't like it, if I don't tell him first," Jen said warily.

Frank shrugged like he didn't care. But he did care. That was another reason he picked Colin. Jen was his now. She did what he wanted, not Mike. She certainly would not tell Mike first. Her husband didn't matter anymore.

It was about breaking Jenny's spirt, Frank thought. Molding her. She might still be legally married but she was his now. He was her world. Jen was learning that. Would Mike learn and accept it? Frank didn't really care. All he cared about was Jenny.

It was a process. And Colin was just another lesson.


Jen exchanged texts with Colin. "He'll be over in a few minutes," she told Frank.

Frank put his hands on Jen's arms. He gave her a tender kiss. "Good girl," he said kissing her again. "Now you need to change." Frank went through her dresser and picked out clothes. "Wear this."

It was a mini-skirt and top. The skirt was short and the top tight but it wasn't too over the top. Jen was relieved (and surprised) Frank didn't insist she put on her old cheerleader uniform for Colin.

Frank read her thoughts. To Jen's surprise, he said "I know that's special to you and Mike. I'm not a cruel man Jenny. I won't force you. If you ever wear it for me, it'll be of your own free will."

Jen put on the clothes Frank chose (she took off the lacy black panties of course, replacing them with a thong). She was about to put on the top when Frank said "No bra tonight Jenny."

Jen stared at Frank. Without a bra – even an unpadded bra – the nipple rings would be clearly visible through the thin fabric of the top. But why did it matter? Colin was going to fuck her anyway. It was the only reason for getting together. She knew that and Colin knew that. Also, Frank's earlier reproaches still rang in her ears.

So, without question or comment, Jen put on the top, braless underneath. Frank smiled and kissed her. "Good girl," he said. Another sign he was breaking her spirit, making her his.

The doorbell rang. It was Colin. Jen asked "Um ... how long should I stay out?"

"Not long," Frank said. Almost tauntingly he added "It won't take long, will it?"

Jen flushed at how slutty she felt at that moment. No, it won't take long to fuck Colin. She felt like a whore. How long did it take a prostitute with a client? "No, it won't take long," she said, her cheeks hot and her body tingling.

"Good," Frank said with a smile. "I have someone else for you tonight."

"Someone else?" Jen repeated dumbly. Never in her life had she felt so much like a piece of meat. An object. A fuck toy. "Who?"

"Patience Jenny," Frank said. He knew Jenny would have misgivings. But she would agree in the end. After all she was a slut.

The doorbell rang again.

Jen was staring at Frank. Finally she said "I guess I better go."

"Yes," Frank said. As Jen turned to leave, he grabbed her risk. "Remember Jenny," he said sternly. "You're not allowed to cum. Not until later, with me."

Jen stared at Frank again. Her body tingled, her pussy throbbed. She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed Frank on the lips. "I'll be back soon," she promised.

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