Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike sat back in his chair, looking shocked at Jim. "Are you serious?" he said incredulously.

"I mean, it's not going to happen," Jim said a bit defensively. "And I'm not positive. It's not like Deshawn ever said that. I'm just telling you what I think from hearing things."

Charlie arrived with their drinks. As Mike took a sip of his scotch, he imagined a world where Charlie (and other natural blonde girls, like Jen) only fucked black men so they only had half-black babies. The extinction of blonde hair.

"So enough about me," Jim said, his words jarring Mike out of his reverie. "Tell me about Jen and Frank."

"It all seems tame compared to you and Stacy," Mike said with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, I told you, Cuckold 101," Jim said with a grin back. They both laughed.

After their laughter died out, Mike said "But it's disturbing too. Like how Stacy's so into Deshawn. It feels like Jen's falling under Frank's spell."

Jim shook his head and laughed. "It's always emotions with you mate," he said.

"Deshawn says Stacy belongs to him," Mike reminded his friend.

"Her body, not her heart," Jim said. "Stacy's in lust with Deshawn. She doesn't love him. Anyway for Deshawn it's about the baby. He cares about Stacy because she's the mother of his baby." He added with a laugh, "And because she's a good fuck. But it's the baby that mostly matters to him."

"Yeah," Mike said contemplatively. "I think for Frank, if he got Jen pregnant, it wouldn't be about the baby. He'd use the baby to stay close to Jen."

"Are you trying to get Jen pregnant? By Frank?" Jim asked.

Mike hesitated before answering. Finally he said "I'd like to have another baby."

Jim eyed his friend. He asked "Mike have you been tested?"

"Once, recently," Mike said. The glum expression on his face answered Jim's unspoken question.

"You know there's shit they can do," Jim said. "A lot of shit."

"I know," Mike said.

Jim studied his friend again. His eyes opened wide. "Holy fuck you're using that," he said looking incredulously at Mike. "You're using that to get Jen to agree."

"No I'm not," Mike said. Seeing Jim's skeptical look, he insisted "I'm not. Really. Honestly Jim I don't know what I'm doing."

"Mike listen," Jim said seriously. "I get the thrill. We've done it twice. There's nothing more exciting than giving your woman completely to another man, in the ultimate way. For me and Stacy it's black guys but I get you and Jen aren't into that. But either way mate, I'm not sure this is the thing for you. I'm not sure you can handle it."

"You know it happened with Anna, right?" Mike said. "I love Anna, I'm a good father. I'm handling it. But I wasn't there. It was an accident. I guess, what I think about, is I'd like to experience it once."

"Mike I get it, of all people you know I get it," Jim said. "But if you do it. You know, if Jen agrees to do it with Frank. If she says, Mike I love you, I'm doing this for you. You've got to believe her. It'll be rough sometimes but that's part of it right? You can't think Jen's in love with Frank and then fall off the cliff. Even with all that's going on, I know Stacy doesn't love Deshawn."

"What are you saying?" Mike asked.

"Trust me on this Mike, I know," Jim said sagely. "If you do this, Jen will really need you no matter what shit Frank is throwing at you. She'll need to know you love her, she'll need to know you're going to be there at the end of the tunnel."

"Of course I'll be there," Mike said as if stating a law of the universe, like what goes up must come down and the sun always rises in the west. "I'll always be there for Jen."


Saturday morning Jen woke up still in Frank's arms. Normally she slept on her side with Mike (or her lover) spooning her. But Frank slept on his back. So with Frank Jen slept snuggled into his chest with his arm around her.

Jen liked the feel of Frank's arm around her. But then she liked snuggling. Her arm was over his muscular chest (for an older man Frank had a really nice body; firm and defined). Her leg was tangled with his. She felt something hard against her thigh. It was Frank's penis. He was rock hard.

Jen looked up into Frank's face. He was awake looking at her. "You're beautiful when you sleep," he said smiling at her. "Honestly Jenny I can't take my eyes off you."

Jen smiled at him. It was times like this that Frank wasn't the ultra-macho manipulative controlling Francis Underwood Master of the Universe guy. But instead just a guy. Jen wondered how many people were allowed to see Frank as just a guy.

"Do you like football?" Jen asked, wanting to hold onto this moment of normalcy.

"Yes," Frank said. He laughed at the abrupt change in conversation.

"College or pro?"

"Both, but mostly pro."

"Who's your favorite team?"

"The Jets and Patriots."

"How can you like both the Jets and Patriots?" Jen asked with a frown.

Frank laughed. "Well, if they play each other I root for the Jets," he said. "But I admire the Patriots because they're winners. And I admire Belichick and Brady because they'll do what it takes to win."

Jen nodded. That sounded like the Master of the Universe Frank. She reached down under the covers and wrapped her hand around his cock. "You didn't cum last night," she said slowly stroking him.

Frank stopped her. "It's not all about orgasms Jenny," he said.

"Who says?" Jen joked with a laugh.

Frank grinned. Then looking more serious he said "For me anticipation is just as pleasurable. It's not quantity but quality."

"I can't have both?" Jen joked again.

Frank smiled briefly but then turned serious again. "I want to work with you on that Jenny," he said. "Today."

"Work with me?" Jen said with another laugh, this one a little anxious (and excited).

"I have plans. I'll explain more once we're in Belmont," Frank said. "You're not allowed to orgasm until late tonight."

"I'm not allowed? You can't control that Frank," Jen said with a defiant look. "I can take a shower and make myself cum in like 10 seconds. Or go into a bathroom." Jen sometimes did that when she was really horny. Go into a bathroom, lock the door, pull up her shirt, sit down, open her legs and rub herself. Not great orgasms, but sometimes she need to take the edge off, especially when her nympho switch was on.

"But you're not going to do that Jenny," Frank said, a hard and intense look in his eyes. Jen practically winced under his commanding and powerful glare.

"Okay Frank whatever," she said. Her voice carried scorn but they both knew she was giving in. "Believe it or not I can make it all day without an orgasm. I'm not a complete slut."

"I want you to embrace your true self Jenny," Frank said.

"So you're saying I AM a complete slut?" Jen asked with a frown on her face.

"I'm saying you need sex more than any girl I've ever known," Frank said.

"Well you've never met my friend Allie," Jen said. She said it as a joke but she was bothered by Frank's slutty assessment of her.

Frank sensed her distress. He tenderly stroked her cheek and said "It's not a bad thing Jenny. In fact I think it's wonderful. You just need to accept yourself as you truly are."

"Well, whatever," Jen said dismissively. She didn't like talking about this.

"Today may be a challenge for you," Frank said. As if donating to charity he said "I'll give you this."

"What?" Jen asked.

Frank moved to Jen and kissed her. His hands went to her body. "Forget it Frank I'm not in the mood," she said pushing him away, feeling miffed. He calls her a slut then expects sex? Really?

"You need an orgasm Jenny," Frank said kissing and caressing her body.

"I'm fine," Jen snapped. "I'm not going to cum,"

"Yes you will," Frank said confidently, his lips, tongue and fingers moving over her body. By this time Frank knew Jen's body too well. And he knew how to play with the nipple rings to give her pleasure.

And – most of all – Jen WAS a slut. So despite herself, her body soon responded to Frank. Despite herself, her hands clawed at the sheets, her back arched. Her lips parted with moans and her toes curled.

Jen came in a shuddering orgasm. And Frank didn't even need to use his cock.

"We should get ready," Frank said abruptly standing up. He went into the bathroom to take a shower, leaving Jen panting.

Jen finally caught her breath. She felt dismissed and disoriented. But intrigued and excited too. That's how she often felt with Frank.

With Frank in the shower, she decided it was a good time to check in with Mike. She took a moment though to compose herself. To go from Frank's Universe back to her real life.

"Hey baby," she said into her iPhone, brushing her long blonde hair behind her ear. "How's Anna?"

"She's really good," Mike said. "How's Frank?"

"He's Frank," Jen said with a laugh.

"You're with him now?"

Jen nodded. "He's in the shower," she said.

"You have company last night?" Mike asked with a grin.

"You mean other guys?" Jen said with a laugh. "No just me and Frank."

"That's a surprise," Mike said smiling.

"I know right?' Jen said with a laugh. Then she got serious thinking about what Frank said before. "Can I ask you something? You know, all our games. I'm with a lot of guys."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:46 PM

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