Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"They're so beautiful baby," Mike gushed looking at her perfectly shaped breasts. Jen smiled at him.

Mike touched one of her nipples. Jen immediately gasped and sucked in her breath. "Wow you're really sensitive," Mike said.

"Yeah," Jen said, a grimace on her face. Her nipples were so sensitive to be painful.

Mike gingerly touched one of the diamonds, slightly twisting the nipple ring (the nipple ring wasn't actually a ring; it was a thin platinum bar with small diamonds on either side). Jen gasped and grimaced again. "Not yet baby," she said grabbing Mike's hand to stop his touches. "They're still too sensitive."

"When won't they be too sensitive?" Mike asked, bitterness in his voice. He was always back and forth with their game. Now the pendulum swung more towards hurt than excitement. It was like, because of the rings – of Frank's doing -- he wasn't allowed to touch his wife's breasts.

"Soon," Jen immediately assured him hearing the hurt in his voice. "I'm just getting used to them baby."

"It's hard sometimes," Mike lamented.

"But exciting too right?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," Mike admitted.

Jen looked into her husband's face. She put her hand on his crotch. He was hard.

Jen got on her knees. Her hand was still on his crotch. Looking at him, she asked "Do you want me to do this?"

"Yeah," Mike nodded. His voice was so dry with excitement the one word was almost not audible.

Jen took out his cock. She swallowed him into her mouth. She didn't suck him long, not wanting him to cum that way.

She pulled down her panties and pulled up her skirt. She got on top of Mike on the sofa (straddling his legs) and reached between them, taking hold of his hard cock. "No condom," she said. "I miss you. I want to feel you." She lowered herself on him. They both gasped as he entered her, reveling in the skin-to-skin contact.

Jen wrapped her arms around Mike's neck. They kissed as they made love. She felt him getting close. "Cum inside me baby," she said riding him harder and more urgently. Mike came moments later.

They snuggled on the sofa after their lovemaking. Jen unzipped her skirt and took it off (now she was completely naked) and Mike wrapped a blanket around them.

They turned on the TV. Jen snuggled with Mike under the blanket as Thursday night football played in the background. "Did you cum?" Mike asked already knowing the answer.

"No but it felt really good," Jen said kissing his chest.

After a while, with football still playing in the background, Mike said "Remember Maria Fernandez? She works at CATF."

"Really?" Jen said her eyes going wide. She was so surprised she didn't know what to say.

"Small world huh?"

"Yeah, really small," Jen said awestruck. What was more amazing? That Maria worked at CATF? Or Willow was Miranda's aunt? "How is she? Is she married?"

"She's dating a guy there, Brent," Mike told her. "You're Facebook friends?"

"Yeah but, Maria doesn't post much," Jen said. Jen didn't post often either. Life was too busy.

"Maria said something," Mike said. "Remember you asked her to hang with me in London? She thought you were setting us up."

"What?" Jen said with an incredulous laugh.

"She thought you were seeing another guy," Mike said. "So you wanted me to get involved with Maria to break up."

"Break up with you?" Jen said astonished.

Mike nodded. "That's what Maria thought," he said. He looked at her, waiting for her to respond.

Jen scoffed. Break up with Mike? How ridiculous. But then it hit her.


"Mike I didn't do it to break up with you," Jen quickly assured her husband. "I thought you were lonely in London. I thought it might cheer you up to see someone you knew."

"I know that Jen," Mike said.

Jen heard a tinge of uncertainty in her husband's voice. "Baby, I have never ever thought about breaking up with you," she assured him. "Not once since we started dating. You know Wes was just a stupid fling, right? You know that right? I never thought about leaving you for Wes."

"I know Jen," Mike said.

"Really? You're okay baby?" Jen said holding Mike's hands and looking in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm good," Mike assured her. With a sheepish smile, he said "I looked at those pictures of you and Wesley."

Jen's eyes went wide and her cheeks turned red as she remembered. "Oh god I was such a slut," she said with an embarrassed laughed. She hugged his arm and looked into his eyes. "We're okay then baby? About all that?"

"Yeah," Mike said. "You know, after Maria said it, I just wanted to talk about it."

"I get it baby, talking's good," Jen said hugging Mike's arm tighter. "But I've never ever thought about breaking up with you. For Wes or any other guy. Never ever. Not even once."

Mike grinned and he kissed his wife.

But even as Jen kissed Mike back, she knew it was a lie. She HAD thought about it once. About breaking up with Mike for another man. Not for Wes but another man. But there was no need for Mike to ever know.

Later in bed, Mike asked "How does Frank fuck you?"

"What? I don't know," Jen said with a laugh.

"Yes you do," Mike said grinning at her. "With us you're usually on the top."

"Not always," Jen said. "But Frank's usually on top. Or doggy."

Mike nodded. "What else?" he prompted.

Jen looked at him. As if making a decision, she said "He likes holding my hands. Over my head."

Mike stared at his wife. "Show me," he said. He took off her white nighty and cotton panties and his boxers. Mike was already hard again. He got on top and entered her (again without a condom).

"Show me," Mike said again as he stroked in and out of Jen.

"Like this," Jen said, taking Mike's hands and pulling them over her head so it was like Mike was holding her hands there.

"He uses both hands?" Mike asked.

"Usually just one," Jen said.

"He touches you with his other?" Mike asked. As he continued to rock in and out and hold Jen's wrists with his left hand, he took his right hand and cupped her breast. "Like this?"

"Yeah," Jen said looking into Mike's eyes. "Sometimes he fingers my ass."

Mike looked back into Jen's eyes. That's something he normally didn't do. But Jen never expressed interest in it before. "You like that?" he asked.

"Yeah, sort of," Jen admitted. Reading her husband's mind, she said "It's how he does it. He's really into it."

"I can do it," Mike offered moving his hand to her ass.

"You don't have to. That's not you," Jen said. She gave him a weak smile. "Everyone's different."

"Another thing you do with Frank," Mike said bitterly, letting her hands go.

"Mike honey it's not us," Jen said, trying to reassure him. She wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and kissed him. "It's not us baby," she said again.

"You know why Frank holds your hands like that?" Mike said. "So when you cum you know it's his cock." Mike read it in Jen's face. "He told you that right?"

Jen nodded. She remembered what Frank said and her cheeks flushed with excitement. "What do you think of that?" she asked her breath quickening.

"Do you always cum with him?" Mike asked.

"So far," Jen said nodding. "What do you think of that baby?" she asked again, caressing his chest as he continued rocking in and out of her.

"Always on his cock?" Mike asked.

"His tongue and fingers too," Jen said. "But yeah, when he fucks me I always cum on his cock. Every time so far." She stroked his face and said "Wanna hear something? Something Frank said?"

"Yeah," Mike said eagerly.

"It's really bad," Jen said. Her words were a warning but she knew Mike wouldn't be able to resist. She didn't want him to. She wanted to tell him.

"Tell me," Mike said breathlessly.

"He says, when you and I fuck," Jen said looking into Mike's eyes. "I should play with myself. Make myself cum."

Other girls did it. Help themselves during intercourse. It was common. But Jen rarely did it. Maybe it was because of Mike. He was so obsessed with her cumming on the cock inside her. Mike's fantasies became hers. So for Jen, her lover either made her cum, or she didn't cum. She didn't play with herself during intercourse.

Mike stared at Jen, processing her words. He continued to move in and out of her pussy. Finally he asked "Are you going to cum?"

"I might," Jen said. She searched her body. This talk was turning her on. "Yeah, probably. If you hold off a little."

"Play with yourself," Mike said. "Make yourself cum."

"You want me to?" Jen asked excitedly. "With a little more, you'll make me cum baby."

"No," Mike said shaking his head. "Make yourself cum."

Jen reached a hand between their bodies. Mike lifted up on his arms to give her room. Jen found her clit. She rubbed herself. Mike looked down, watching his wife play with herself as he fucked her.

"What should I think about?" Jen asked.

"Think about Frank," Mike told her.

"No ... I'll think about, how you can't make me cum baby, so I have to make myself cum," Jen said excitedly.

"Yeah," Mike said moaning.

Jen closed her eyes. Her fingers danced over her clit. "Oh god," she groaned moments later. Her back arched and her toes curled as she came. Mike came moments later.


Aaron was all over Jasmine at the door of her hotel room. He ran his hands down her back to her ass as he kissed up her neck towards her lips.

"No Aaron," Jasmine said turning her head away. "I've got an early meeting tomorrow."

"You do? Again?" Aaron said clearly disappointed. They'd been dating for 2 months and she still hadn't let him into her panties. He hadn't even been inside her bra yet. It was torture, going out with a girl who had the looks and body of Kate Upton. Yet, not being able to feel her body or fuck her.

"I'm sorry honey," Jasmine said with a weak smile, pulling away from him. "I'll call you tomorrow okay?" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and hurriedly escaped into her room.

"God," Jasmine sighed as she dropped her bag on the floor and tossed off her high heels. At that moment her cell rang. "God," she lamented again thinking it was Aaron. But looking at the caller id she saw it was Deidre. "You're up late" she said into the phone to her best friend.

"How was your date with Aaron?" Deidre asked.

"Another disaster," Jasmine said. "We have no chemistry."

"Of course not. You're just dating him because he's the whip's senior aide," Deidre said judgmentally.

"I just met him that way Dee," Jasmine said tiredly. This was an old argument. Deidre was always critical of her choice of men, going all the way back to when they were roommates in college. They roomed together all 4 years. "I'm not that scheming."

"Yes you are," Deidre said, although this time her voice was softer. After a pause, she asked "Can I come up?"

Jasmine paused too. Then she said "Okay."

It took Deidre only a minute. They were staying in a hotel in Washington DC because the next day Jasmine had a meeting with party leadership. "Hey," Deidre said when Jasmine opened the door.

"Hi," Jasmine said back. Deidre stepped inside and Jasmine closed the door. Jasmine poured two glasses of white wine. She handed one of the glasses to Deidre.

"So did Aaron fuck you?" Deidre asked.

"God Dee," Jasmine lamented tiredly. She wasn't up for Deidre's critique of her love life tonight.

Deidre heard the weariness in Jasmine's voice. "Sorry," she said. "Long day?"

"Long campaign," Jasmine said. "Why am I doing this Dee?" she asked feeling frustrated. "I'm going to lose."

"Because you want to be President someday," Deidre said. "And this is the first step. Remember our plan. Senate. Governor. VP. President. It doesn't matter if you lose this time. You're going to run for Governor in 4 years anyway. What matters is, this campaign is changing the voters' perception of you. And you're building a big war chest to use later."

"I got the latest numbers from Jen," Jasmine said. "My numbers are up. Across the board, even with women."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:44 PM

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