Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"So you fucked Frank," Mike said bitterly. "And his bodyguards too right?"

Jen winced, his demeaning words like a physical blow. It felt like a dagger to her heart whenever Mike talked to her like she was a slut. Tearing up, she said "Last night, not this morning. Nothing happened today. And Mike ... isn't that the point?"

It was Mike's turn to look down. They were both silent for long moments.

"You're wearing his jewelry," Mike said breaking the silence. "You wear it 24/7, at work, when you sleep, when you shower. Don't you see? Frank's manipulated it so you think about him all the time."

"I don't," Jen insisted. "I see it but it's like, whatever. It's like anything. I get desensitized to it. Honestly? During the day I think about Anna most. And then you. And then Allie cause Darren's still putting her through shit. And then maybe my mom if she's going through drama with my dad. And then the latest fire drill going on at work. And then, somewhere down there, along with all my other friends and people I know, I think about Frank. Maybe. Sometimes. I probably think about Jasmine's freaking campaign more than I think about Frank."

"You're full of shit," Mike said not believing her.

"Mike I'm not," Jen said grabbing his hands. "Think about it baby. During the week, about the only times we talk about Frank is when you bring him up."

"That's a lie," Mike said with exasperation. "Just the other day you said you were afraid of losing control with Frank."

"I'm not lying," Jen insisted. "Okay ..." she began, then paused, trying to figure out how to explain how she felt. "I guess it's more like, I force myself not to think about Frank."

"Jen how is that better?" Mike said with an incredulous bitter laugh. Her words tore at him. Another dagger to his heart.

"God how can I explain this?" Jen said, burying her face in her hands in frustration. Giving it another try she said "It's like the Mets. They're having a good year right?"

"They're in the World Series," Mike said with a nod.

"So you're really into it, right?" Jen continued. "You probably could spend all day thinking about it. But you don't, you force yourself to think about something else. And once you do that, you forget all about the Mets. Because they're not really important."

Mike looked incredulously at her. "Do you know the last time they won the World Series?" he said. "Like, 30 years ago."

"Well, I mean, they suck," Jen said.

Mike shrugged. "At least I'm not a Cubs fan," he said under his breath.

"Okay Mike, whatever," Jen said feeling frustrated again. "The Mets aren't a good example. But something else. Something you think about a lot, but it doesn't really matter. You see what I mean?"

"Jen ... I get what you're saying, but how can you say Frank doesn't matter to you? When you're worried about losing control? How he might hurt our marriage?"

"I never said that," Jen said. "I said how Frank might affect us." She emphasized the word "might."

"What's the difference?"

"He MIGHT affect us but he WON'T affect us," Jen said firmly. "I won't allow that. Frank's just a game. I just don't want you to get bad hurt while we're playing."

Mike waved at her newly pierced nipples and said "You mean like this?"

"This is me fucking up baby," Jen said reaching for his hands again. "But don't you see how it's part of our game? Yes I did it for Frank, okay, that's part of it. But I can take them out, they're not permanent. It's like a henna tattoo. It's not permanent. But it adds to the game. Aren't they kind of exciting?"

"You're my wife," Mike said shaking his head. "Your body's mine." He waved at her breasts again. "We're playing the game but this is over the line. You broke the rules."

"What rules Mike?" Jen said with exasperation. "You want me to let Frank get me pregnant. What are the freaking rules?"

That shut Mike up. They were silent again. Jen took the opportunity to wrap a blanket around her, both because she was cold in the air conditioning (she was only wearing her thong panties) and because she thought they'd have a better chance of resolving this if the nipple rings weren't in Mike's face. She also took the opportunity to lean into Mike's arm. She was happy and relieved when he didn't pull his arm away. Although he didn't hug her to him either.

After a while Mike said "I talk about it. But I don't really want it to happen. I mean I do. I want to experience it, like Jim and Stacy. But I don't want it to be real. Does that make any sense?"

"I get it baby," Jen said snuggling deeper into his arm. She took his hand so now his arm was wrapped around her. "But this isn't like my bang fantasy, where it can feel real but be pretend. There's no way to do a Jim and Stacy without it being real. Like, lifetime real. But the nipple rings, they're like a temporary tattoo. I can take them out. You see? I fucked up but it's not that bad."

Mike wasn't ready to concede anything about the nipple rings. Instead he stayed with Jim and Stacy. He said "Stacy's pregnant with their second. Jim texted me. We're supposed to get together some time to catch up."

"So they'll have 2," Jen said. She was curious about the news but there were more important things to think about. "You're Anna's father," she said, being careful with the way she said it. WTF, did she really say to people "Mike is the father of my baby"? She'd have to be more careful in the future. "When we have another baby – and I do want another, maybe 2 more – I want it to be with you Mike. That's something I want to experience with you. The game is something, but this is real life, this is forever. Don't you want to experience that with me?"

"I'll be the father of all your babies," Mike promised.

"Mike ... you know what I mean," Jen said.

"Jen I can't have children," Mike reminded her.

"We don't know that, you've only taken 1 test," Jen said. "There are specialists, procedures. We're both still young. You have to stop thinking you can't have children."

Mike was silent again. With one arm around Jen, he used his other to part the blanket. He looked at her new nipple rings. The small diamonds sparkled in the sunlight streaming in the window. "How do you take them off?" he asked.

"One diamond screws in," Jen said. Miranda didn't need to tell her that, she knew how nipple rings worked (Allie used to have them for a short time in college). "Do you want me to take them off?"

Mike didn't answer. Instead he tenderly touched her nipples. "Does it hurt?"

"They're sore," Jen said. "Miranda says they'll be better in a week or two."

"I remember you talking about getting a belly ring," Mike said. "But I don't remember you ever talking about getting your nipples pierced."

"That's right," Jen said. "Allie got hers pierced in college for a while, but I was never into it."

"So you really did it for Frank," Mike said, repeating what Jen had already admitted. Although this time there was a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I was high and drunk."

"But it's not like the belly ring," Mike said touching her nipples again. "You didn't want it, I didn't want it. You did it for Frank."

"I was fucked up," Jen said. She carefully said the next words, not wanting Mike to go crazy. "Frank took advantage of me. I've already told him that's not acceptable. I'll make sure he never does this again. I promise." Seeing the skepticism in Mike's face, she said "I really promise Mike. I swear."

Jen noticed Mike wasn't angry anymore. He was still hurt, probably jealous, but there was excitement there now. She paused, then said "Remember last night, you said doing things for Frank and not you turns you on?" She reached out and touched Mike's cock over his bathing suit. He was really hard. "Is this something like that?" she said softly squeezing his erection.

Mike didn't reply but Jen's felt his cock shudder. She got down on the floor, on her knees. She pulled off his bathing suit.

"No Jen," Mike said, stopping her as she was about to go down on him. "I'm still not sure how I feel about this."

"I know baby," Jen said pulling her long blonde hair to the side. "We can talk better though, if you're not distracted by this." She lowered her head and swallowed Mike into her mouth. She only sucked him for a few moments as she didn't want him to cum that way.

Jen got on the bed and pulled off her thong. She straddled Mike's hips. She saw something in his eyes. "What do you want baby?" she breathed into his ear. She knew he needed to say it, not her. Especially after what happened last night. And anyways, it was his fantasy.

"We better use a condom," Mike said, breathing hard.

"Okay, if that's what you want," Jen said. She kissed his cheeks and then his lips. "One of Frank's?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

Jen reached into their bag and pulled out the box of Durex condoms. Never taking her eyes from his, she opened the small package with her teeth and then rolled the extra thick condom on Mike's hard cock.

"How does that feel?" she asked as she stroked him with her hand.

"I can't feel much," Mike said truthfully.

"I think Frank wants to make sure only he cums inside me," Jen said, playing along with Mike's fantasies.

"Yeah," Mike said, his cock jerking in her hand. "He makes Hugh and Lou wear extra thick condoms?"

"No," Jen said. "They wear the normal kind. The ones that almost feel like skin."

"Frank's not worried about the condoms breaking?" Mike asked, his throat dry from excitement.

"I think it's more like, he doesn't want you to cum inside me," Jen said.

Mike was breathing hard as he looked into his wife's face. "Frank probably doesn't want my cock inside you at all," he said.

"That's not going to happen," Jen said. There was only so far she would go with Mike's fantasy. Or Frank's. She reached down and guided her husband into her.

"I love you. Only you," Jen told Mike, looking into his eyes. "I always want you inside me."

Even though Mike was small, she grimaced as she moved up and down on him. Noticing, Mike said "You're sore?"

Jen nodded but said "I'm okay."

"They fucked you hard?" Mike asked. When she nodded he asked "How much?"

"A lot," Jen admitted.

"Just your pussy?"

"Everywhere," Jen said. "But yeah, my pussy. I probably feel loose."

"Yeah," Mike said. He could barely feel her pussy walls. The Durex condom made it worse.

"Does that excite you?" Jen asked looking in his eyes.

"Yes," Mike said looking back into her eyes.

Jen hesitated, not certain if Mike was entirely into game playing. But then she said "They fucked my mouth too." As she said that she pressed her lips against his and pushed her tongue into his mouth. Mike groaned, and then grunted and came.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:39 PM

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