Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Mike wait –," Jen said but Mike ignored her. Her jerked off her dress and then her bra. His mouth opened wide with shock as he looked at his wife's breasts.

Frank pierced her! The fucking bastard pierced his wife's nipples! His wife! His! He violated HIS wife!

"I'm going to kill him!" Mike roared. He got up and moved towards the door. Along the way he angrily threw a chair aside, almost hitting Jen. Mike was furious! Enraged! Frank had violated his wife! Mike had never been so mad, so furious!

Mike was going to kill Frank. He didn't know how, but he was going to do it. If the bodyguards got in the way he'll kill them too. He didn't care what would happen to him. All he knew was Frank Tower was going to die.

"No, Mike, please!" Jen screamed. She threw herself onto the floor and hugged Mike's legs.

"Get off!" Mike yelled, pushing Jen away. This time he was violent!

Jen hit the side of the bed but then immediately lunged at Mike again. She hugged his legs, trying to stop him. If Mike attacked Frank then Hugh and Lou would have to defend their charge. Frank was bigger and more muscular than Mike and the bodyguards were ex-Navy Seals! They carried guns! If Mike attacked Frank he'd get hurt! He might get really hurt!

"Get the fuck off me Jen!" Mike yelled, jerking Jen's arms away.

"Let me explain, please!" Jen begged him, wrapping her arms around his legs again, tears running down her cheek.

At that moment they heard crying. The crying of a little girl. Mike and Jen looked towards the bedroom door. The door was open. Anna stood there, with Maggie behind her. Anna was crying.

The fight suddenly went out of Mike. Not the anger or hurt, the feelings of being betrayed and violated, but the fight. "Let me go Jen," he said, this time not yelling. Jen let him go and Mike went to their baby, picking her up and hugging her. "It's okay Anna, it's okay," he said soothingly to her.

Jen wrapped a blanket around her. She got on the bed. "Bring her here Mike," she said softly. Mike brought Anna over and they laid on the bed with Anna between them. They snuggled, kissed and soothed Anna until she stopped crying.

But there was more to be said. Jen looked over at Maggie. Maggie nodded and came over. "Come on Anna banana, time for your nap," she said.

Anna looked at her mother and father. She was only 3 but she was in tuned with her parents' emotions and moods. They were her entire life. She hated when they argued. Whenever they did it was like her life was over.

Anna took Mike's hand and Jen's hand. She pressed them together with her own small hands so Mike and Jen were holding hands. In her 3 year old voice she said "Like this."

Maggie gave Mike and Jen a weak smile. She also didn't like when her friends argued (who did?). She lifted Anna up from the bed to give them space to talk. "Time for your nap Anna," she said.

Anna's eyes remained on her parents hands, their fingers still intertwined together. "Like that," she said again, pointing at their hands.

"Okay Anna," Jen said squeezing Mike's hand.

"Yeah, okay Anna," Mike said. Mike didn't return Jen's squeeze.

Maggie and Anna left the bedroom. Mike let go of Jen's hand and he closed the door. This time he locked it.

"Please let me explain," Jen whispered pleadingly.

"So explain!" Mike hissed angrily. At least he wasn't shouting or threating to kill Frank.

"Okay," Jen said with a grimace, the harshness of Mike's voice hitting her almost like a physical blow. Her husband didn't often raise his voice or speak so angrily at her, so when he did she really felt it. "Can I have my rings please?" she said.

Mike still glared at her. But he reached into the zippered pocket of his bathing suit and handed Jen her wedding and engagement rings. She put them back on.

"First I want to say this isn't an excuse. I have no excuse. I'm a complete fuck up," Jen said. She paused a moment, hoping he would say something like "you're not a fuck up." That's what he usually said. But this time he didn't say anything, remaining silent with his arms crossed.

Continuing on, Jen said "I want you to know I can take them out right now. My nipples will close up just like an ear piercing and in a week you won't know anything happened."

"That's supposed to make me feel better?" Mike said bitterly, feeling betrayed, jealous, violated and hurt. Bad hurt. Mike pulled the blanket from her. He felt masochistic, wanting to see what Frank did to his wife's body. How he marked her. Branded her. It was like a kick in the gut (or balls), seeing Jen's small perfect breasts marred with metal studs through her perky nipples.

"No I'm just saying this isn't permanent, not even close to permanent," Jen assured Mike, purposely keeping her voice calm. "I got fucked up last night Mike. After I saw you. You said you wanted me to lose control. I'm not blaming you, it's all my fault. But I got so wasted last night. Miranda was there. You know she did my belly button. Frank's really into piercings. He asked me to do it. So I did it."

"That's it, your excuse?" Mike said incredulously. This wasn't an excuse or even an explanation. It was nothing more than a confession.

"No honey I told you I don't have an excuse. I'm just telling you what happened," Jen said. "I completely fucked up."

"So you admit you did it for Frank," Mike said bitterly.

"Yes but I was drunk and high," Jen said. "Otherwise I wouldn't have done it."

"You did it for Frank," Mike said angrily although he managed to keep his voice low as he didn't want to further alarm Anna. "You let him pierce your nipples. You're my wife. Your body belongs to me. You realize how betrayed I feel?"

"I'm so sorry Mike," Jen said earnestly. "I was drunk, high. It happened in a second. I fucked up Mike but it's not permanent. I can take them out right now. They'll be just like before."

"So why haven't you?" Mike said challengingly. "Go ahead, take them out."

"I thought you might like to look at them first to see if you like it," Jen said.

"You are so full of shit!" Mike spat out. "You're keeping them in because Frank wants you to."

Jen winched at her husband's accusation. "Okay, that's part of it," she conceded. "But a big part is you. They're in now. So I thought I'd see if you like them."

"Well I don't like them," Mike said, knowing he probably sounded like a pouting child but not caring. "So take them out. Now."

"Okay ... I'll take them out if you want," Jen said hesitantly.

Her hesitation was like another dagger to his heart. "See? It's not up to me," Mike said bitterly. "You're keeping them in for Frank."

"That's not it," Jen said.

"You just said it was," Mike said accusingly.

"I mean, Frank's just part of it," Jen said. "Another part is, my nipples aren't as sensitive since Anna. I never told you that, but, I mean, it's true. Nipple rings are supposed to increase sensitivity. I guess I want to see if that's true. So that's the main reason."

Jen looked into Mike's face. He wasn't at all happy or satisfied by her answer. "And the other main reason is you," she said. "I really do want to see if you like them. You're angry. I know you don't like them now. But they won't heal for months. That's what Miranda says. Any time before then I can take them out and the piercings will close up and my nipples will be just like before. So I thought maybe you'd like to play with them a little."

"You mean, Frank can play with them," Mike said bitterly. "He's the one into piercings. You did it for him, not me."

"Mike, baby, you're in control," Jen assured him, rubbing his arm. "It doesn't matter what I want, or what Frank wants. If you say so, I take them out right now. It's just, I mean ... they're in now. I never wanted pierced nipples, but now they're in. And I guess I'm kind of curious."

"And also, this way Frank gets what he wants," Mike said pointing out the fact.

"Yeah, I mean ... yeah," Jen said weakly, not able to deny the truth.

Mike looked at Jen's breasts. He noticed immediately the nipple rings matched the belly ring. Platinum studs with sparkling diamonds. "You're my wife. Your body is supposed to belong to me," he said resentfully. "But Frank's changing you the way he wants. He pierces your belly button. He pierces your nipples. You don't wear stockings anymore. Soon you'll cut your hair short for him."

"Mike I'll never cut my hair," Jen assured him.

"What, another promise?" he spit out sarcastically, referring to how she was hours late.

"Mike please," Jen pleaded. "You can't hold that against me. Okay, if I was fucking or even having breakfast with Frank, then yeah. But I was passed out. That's why I was late. I'm still kind of hung over. I woke up, I rushed home."

"You showered," Mike pointed out. Jen's hair was still damp.

"I couldn't let Anna see me like that," Jen said. Her body had reeked of sex. Her blonde hair had been matted with sperm, and there were dried cum splotches all over her body. "If it was just you I wouldn't have showered. But Anna was here."
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