Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 28-29

Cheating and Rivals – Part 28

(Part 4 of the Caribbean vacay)

The sun was shining in the window when Jen slowly woke up. She felt disoriented, not knowing where she was. Oh yeah, the villa, Frank's bedroom. She was alone in bed although the room stank of sex.

Jen's body ached. Memories of the hard fucking she got from Hugh and Lou flittered through her groggy head. She also remembered images of making love with Frank. Making love ...

Jen slowly got out of bed. She quickly gripped a chair as the room spun. The Ecstasy and vodka weren't all out of her system yet. Her stomach felt queasy and her groggy head hurt.

Jen's body ached from the pounding. Hugh and Lou had taken her everywhere. Relentlessly. Often at the same time. Her pussy and ass felt tender. Her jaw ached too and her mouth tasted bad. God she'd been such a slutty cum bucket. She realized her nipples felt really sore too.

Then she remembered. Her nipples! Her hands jerked to her breasts. "Oh god," she said as she felt something. Suddenly sober she rushed to the full length mirror.

"Oh my god," Jen said as she looked in the mirror. At her breasts. At her newly pierced nipples. "Mike's going to kill me," she lamented to herself. Or Frank. Or himself. Maybe all of us.

At that moment Miranda walked in. "Are you okay honey?" she hesitantly asked.

"I can't believe this," Jen said staring at her pierced nipples. "I never wanted this. Not like my belly ring."

"You did it for Frank," Miranda said. "That's what you said last night."

Wonderful, Jen thought. Mike was going to be really happy with that.

"You can always take them out," Miranda said, offering Jen hope. "It's like your ears, they'll close up. But you don't need to decide now. You have months. Why don't you try them out? They look sexy and feel amazing. Just wait."

"Mike's going to be really upset," Jen lamented.

"You can take them out right now and he probably won't even notice," Miranda said. "But Frank will be upset if you do that. He's really into piercings. And you know how he is."

"You've done this for his other girlfriends?" Jen asked.

"Not for years, since Sally died," Miranda said. "He kind of withdrew from the world. I still saw him, and he ran his businesses. But his love of life was gone. He's back now, I think because of you Jenny. I'm happy he's back."

"You're happy?" Jen asked skeptically. "After how he treats you and Johnny?"

"I owe Frank a lot," Miranda said. "He loaned me money for my business. He introduced me to Johnny when I needed someone. Frank's always there when I need help. Yeah, he's a controlling manipulative ass. That's the price you pay to be in Frank's world. But I'm still here. He gives a lot more than he takes."

"You should've warned me yesterday," Jen said with a frown at Miranda.

"Jenny I feel so bad about this," Miranda said in a pleading voice. "If Frank asked me to ink you I wouldn't have. That's permanent, I'd never do that to anyone. But it's just a little piercing. It's not permanent. I know you think I'm terrible. But it's like an ear piercing. You can take it out if you want." After a moment she added "Maybe someday Frank will ask you to do something. You just have to make the best of it."

Jen was mad at Miranda, but she felt sorry for her too. She would never allow herself to get so caught up with Frank that she would do something like this to another person. But Jen wasn't a confrontation person and Miranda was right, she could always just take out the nipple rings. So she hugged Miranda and said "I'm mad at Frank, not you."

"You can always take them out, they'll close up," Miranda said again. "But at least wait until after the soreness so you can feel the sensations. They're really amazing."

"When will the soreness be gone?" Jen asked.

"A week, two weeks at most," Miranda said. "Remember to gently clean with rubbing alcohol, like your belly ring."

Jen needed to get home as it was passed 10. She was supposed to be home before Anna got up. Jen cringed at another missed promise.

Jen smelled like sex. That would probably be okay with Mike, but clearly she couldn't go home to Anna smelling like she did. She went into the bathroom and hurriedly showered. After toweling off, she gently rubbed her nipples with the rubbing alcohol Miranda left behind. Then she tossed the small plastic bottle in her bag.

When she emerged from the bathroom Frank was there. She ignored him as she pulled panties from her bag.

"I have these panties," Frank said, holding a pair of lacy white panties. They were like all the others, just a different color.

"Fuck you Frank, I'm tired of your games," Jen snapped. She motioned to her newly pierced nipples. "Seriously?"

"I think they look beautiful and incredibly sexy," Frank gushed. He stuffed the white panties in Jen's bag.

"Oh, I'll tell Mike you think so, he'll be so happy you approve," Jen said sarcastically. She reached into her bag and threw the panties back at him. She also threw the money from yesterday at him. "Keep your money," she spat out.

Frank sighed. "This is about you and me," he said. "Mike doesn't matter."

"Mike's my freaking husband and he doesn't like piercings," Jen said angrily.

"When are you going to understand Jenny?" Frank said impatiently. "Mike is a cuckold. What he thinks, what he wants, it doesn't matter."

"He's my husband, of course it matters," Jen said.

"Jenny, you're not getting this," Frank said impatiently. From his tone of voice, he was treating her like she was a stupid teenager. "Your husband is a cuckold. Not only doesn't he matter, he doesn't want to matter."

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"He doesn't want you to care what he thinks," Frank said. "Jenny, he's a cuckold. Think about it. He gets off on that."

Jen frowned at Frank. She didn't like being talked down to. Her father treated her like she was dumb. So did Colin. Growing up, influenced by her father and Colin (and other men who never got beyond her physical beauty), she thought she WAS dumb. Mike changed all that. Now she was respected in the marketing field, considered a star even.

Still, Frank's words rang a bell with her conversation with Mike yesterday. She was still annoyed with Frank though. "You did it without my permission," she said angrily as she put on her bra.

"I asked you last night," Frank said. "You had your safe word."

"I was freaking high! And drunk!" Jen said angrily, practically yelling. "You did it without my permission Frank!"

"Okay, I did it without your permission," Frank admitted with a shrug. "But I understand you Jenny. You want a man who'll take control. Both in bed and in your life."

"Mike is the man in my life," Jen insisted.

"Mike is a good person, he has some admirable qualities," Frank conceded. "I can see why you want him in your life to some extent."

"To some extent?" Jen said, incredulous at the way Frank was minimizing Mike. "Frank he's my husband. He's the freaking father of my baby."

"Jen," Frank said with a disapproving shake of his head. "Listen to your own words. Not the father of Anna. But the 'father of YOUR baby.' We both know Mike is not Anna's real father. Anna's real father is that musician, Frankie."

"I can't deal with this!" Jen said holding her hands out like she didn't want to hear any more. She put on the sundress from yesterday and looked in the mirror. God. The nipple rings were noticeable even through the bra and dress.

"Can Hugh or Lou drive me home?" she asked Frank.

"Of course," Frank said. Jen turned to go but Frank stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "Think about this Jenny. Last night. Yes, Mike would have asked your permission. I didn't. But you don't want me to Jenny. Not deep down. Like your bang fantasy. If I'd asked, it would have ruined it for you. You know that. You don't want a man who asks permission. You want a man who takes what he wants. You want to be controlled. Mike doesn't do that. I do. I do Jenny."

Jen stared at Frank. Then finally she pulled away. Just before leaving the bedroom she turned and looked at Frank again. Frank had the white panties in his hand, holding them out to her. Jen hesitated, then took them from him. She put them in her bag.

Just as Jen was about to walk away, Frank said "Don't wear them for Mike."

Jen looked at Frank again. Then she turned and left.

Lou and Hugh drove Jen to the cabana. Jen was shaken on a lot of levels. Thoughts, feelings and desires swirled in her mind. Sensing her mood, the bodyguards drove in silence.

Anna squealed with delight when Jen arrived. "Mommy had to work honey," Jen explained when Anna asked. She played with Anna while glancing warily at Mike. He looked angry and hurt.

After a little while Jen approached Mike. "I'm sorry I'm late," she whispered. "Thanks for being here." She kissed Mike on the cheek and squeezed his hand. She didn't risk hugging him because she didn't want him to feel the nipple rings.

"What did you think I'd do? Take Anna some place to get back at you?" Mike said angrily in a low voice. "YOU have to deal with your daughter waking up and not being here. Besides, I said I'd be here. I don't break promises."

Jen winched at his rebuke. She felt like a bad wife, a bad mother, a bad person. She felt like a complete fuck up.

Seeing the tension, Maggie took Anna in for lunch and a nap.

"Can we talk? Something happened last night," Jen said. Thankfully Mike hadn't noticed the dents in the dress around her nipples.

"So now you're going to explain why you're hours late?" Mike said angrily.

"Mike, please?" Jen said pleadingly.

Mike nodded, still glaring. They went into their bedroom. Jen closed the door.

"Promise me you won't get angry," Jen said squeezing Mike's hands.

"Seriously Jen?" Mike said sarcastically, jerking his hands away. She expected a free pass after being hours late? After she broke her promise? Again! She expected it to be that easy?

"Please Mike," Jen pleaded, reaching for his hands again. She gripped his hands tight so he couldn't pull away without hurting her. She knew he would never risk that. "You told me to lose control. So I got fucked up last night. I'm still hung over. Please don't shut me out. We need to talk."

"Okay, fine, whatever. Talk," Mike said tersely. He pulled his hands away from Jen's (not violently). He crossed his arms and waited.

"Don't get mad before I explain," Jen said.

"Jen just say what you're going to say," Mike said irritably.

Jen figured there was no good time for this. And he was going to find out soon anyways. She took Mike's hands and pulled them to her bosom. She opened his hands so they cupped her breasts.

Mike figured this was Jen's normal trick, of using her body and makeup sex to get him to forgive her latest broken promise. But then he felt something around her nipples and his eyes went wide with shock and alarm.
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