Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"It's just a stupid belly ring," Jen said.

"You never take it off," Mike pointed out.

"I'm not supposed to, it's still healing," Jen reminded him again. She eyed her husband. She saw more excitement than hurt. "It gets you hot though right? Frank's diamond is bigger. And I never take it off. But I take off your rings when I'm with Frank."

"Like now," Mike said excitedly, touching Jen's left hand and stroking her ringless ring finger.

"If I got bigger breasts for Frank, that would turn you on too, wouldn't it?" Jen asked. She felt Mike's cock jerk again.

"Yeah," Mike admitted. He hurriedly added "But I don't want you to, because it's permanent."

Jen slowly nodded, processing his words. Mike was all over the place about things. He gave her so many mixed signals. Cutting and dying her hair weren't permanent at all, but he couldn't stand the thought of that. Breast enhancement was reversible, but again that was a definite no-no. Of all his fantasies, having another man's child was absolutely permanent, a lifelong commitment, the most complicated. Yet, of everything, he was most open to that. At times he encouraged her down that path, urged her even. In fact, it had happened twice, the first resulting in a miscarriage, the second Anna.

Jen suddenly felt melancholy. Maybe it was the Ecstasy, accentuating both the lows as well as the highs. The memories made her sad. Both times had devastated her. The miscarriage and Mike almost dying; he still walked with a permanent limp. Then separating and almost losing each other forever.

Mike's version of the game was so dangerous. Sometimes it was like he had blinders on, not aware of the risk. Not caring what happened to their marriage, their family.

Jen had a sudden, horrifying thought. Did Mike truly love her? Or was he in love with the game, and she was just a willing plaything to fulfill his fantasies?

"What?" Mike asked, sensing her mood change.

Jen looked into Mike's face. Trying to see into his soul. She wished she could read people as well as Frank. "How's Anna?" she asked.

"She's good," Mike said, looking curious at the sudden change of topic. "We were at the pool all day. At the beach too. She's like a little fish in the water. She conked out early."

"You used a lot of sun tan lotion?" Jen asked. "The sun block? Her skin's really fair."

"Of course honey," Mike assured her.

Jen paused, thinking. She was supposed to spend the night with Frank. Her body still tingled, she longed for sex. To be honest, her body craved the kind of hard fucking Frank could give her better than Mike.

But at that moment, her mind, heart and spirit wanted to go home to the cabana. She wanted to be with Mike and Anna. She wanted Mike to claim her back. She wanted Mike to say "enough playing, let's go home, I want my wife back." Maybe their sex wouldn't be fireworks but orgasms weren't everything. They weren't even that important in the whole scheme of things. They'd hold hands and kiss and snuggle, check on their baby, spoon each other in bed. They'd love each other. Mike was the only man in the world who could do that for her.

Jen waited for Mike to say something. Her thoughts flashed to Juliet. How Roman broke up with her. Jen didn't want to be like Juliet. She didn't want to be alone, partying to forget.

After a few moments Mike said "You better get back to Frank."

"... yeah," Jen said after a moment's hesitation. She felt disappointed, lonely. Loved?

Hearing something in her voice, Mike said "You want to right?'

"Of course," Jen said, forcing herself back into the mood. After all she had her mojo back. And her body needed fucked. Really hard fucked. "Frank's awesome. Even with all his mind games. Or maybe because of them." She giggled. She squeezed Mike's hand. "You'll be there when I get home right?"

"Of course I will," Mike said thinking that was a strange question.

"Okay ... then I better get going," Jen said. She forced a carefree laugh. "You know how Frank is."

"Yeah," Mike said grinning at her. He stroked her hair. "It's okay to lose control baby. I love when you're like that."

Jen gave Mike another long look. "Okay," she said feeling unsure. She hugged and kissed Mike. Then she turned and walked back to Frank and his group.

When Jen arrived everyone laughed, applauded and clapped like she was a returning heroine. Frank pulled her into his arms and kissed her. They made out and traded tongue in front of everyone. Everyone applauded again.

Jen pulled Miranda aside. "Do you have more Ecstasy?" she asked. The talk with Mike had completely sobered her. She felt melancholy, lonely, sad. She needed something to get through the night.

"You want another one?" Miranda asked, giving her an "are you sure?" look.

"Something to take the edge off," Jen said forcing a carefree grin. Trying to keep things light, she joked "Maybe I'm PMSing."

Miranda handed Jen the second Ecstasy pill. "Be careful honey," she said. She watched Jen swallow the pill. As if making a decision, she said "You know you can always say no. Frank's a controlling ass, but he has limits. If you say no it stops."

"You mean the bra thing?" Jen said. Her eyes glazed over again as the Ecstasy hit her. She felt calmer like floating on clouds. The drug induced happiness pushed the sadness away. "Frank makes fun of me. It gets to me."

"Humiliation gets you hot?" Miranda asked.

Jen's cheeks reddened. Although with the Ecstasy, she was more turned on than embarrassed. "He makes fun of my breasts in front of people. Like making me take off my top at the beach. Mike's like that too. He's small. Back in high school, we had this test to rank guys. How long and how wide. Mike gets off he doesn't pass the test. I think he's happy he's small. It feeds his fantasies."

"Does it get you off, you're only an A cup?" Miranda asked. Moving closer so their tits almost touched, she said "You know I'm a double D."

"Yeah I get that," Jen said with an awkward laugh.

"Mine are natural," Miranda said.

"Stop bragging okay," Jen said with another flushed laugh. "My best friend Allie, she's natural too."

"She has big breasts?"

"Yeah but not as big as yours," Jen said. "Big enough not to be jealous though. And hers are perfect too."

Miranda moved closer so now her big breasts did press against Jen's little ones. "The way you're jealous?"

Jen's cheeks were red. Her face felt hot. "Did Frank put you up to this?" she asked.

"No I just like to fuck with you," Miranda said with a grin.

"Bitch," Jen said. They both laughed. She looked at the gypsy woman. "You remind me of someone. Willow. A holistic therapist in New York."

"Oh my god that's my aunt!" Miranda said shocked.

"Oh my god, really?" Jen said, amazed at how small the world was sometimes. She suddenly felt more of a kinship with Miranda. "Willow helped my brother-in-law Joe. Before he passed."

"Oh god I'm sorry Jenny," Miranda said, squeezing Jen's hands.

The second Ecstasy was really hitting Jen when they got back to the villa. Jen was wobbly in her high heels as she walked to the door, and she slurred her words when she spoke.

"You gave her both pills?" Frank watched as Hugh and Lou helped Jen to his bedroom. If not for the bodyguards Jen was seriously in danger of falling down.

"The second, not too long ago," Miranda whispered. She looked at Jen. She was in no condition to give informed consent. Like Jen, she felt a greater kinship now that they had her Aunt Willow in common. "I don't feel good about this Frank. She can barely keep her eyes open."

Frank turned to look at Miranda, his eyes intense and hard. "You're telling me no Miranda?" he hissed.

Miranda took a step back, as if reeling from a physical blow. "No, not at all Frank," she said. She sputtered "It's just, how will Jenny feel tomorrow morning? And her husband. Won't he be furious?"

Frank grinned, although it looked like the smile of a snake. "Trust me Miranda, Jenny will be fine. And her husband? It might take a while but he'll get used to it. In any case, it doesn't matter what Mike wants. It's what I want."

"Frank god ... Jenny is Mike's wife," Miranda pointed out, feeling uncomfortable by all of this.

"You need to understand how the world works Miranda," Frank said matter-of-factly. "The better man wins. Always. Jenny and Mike are coming to understand that. Don't worry. I don't intend to end their marriage. They have a child after all. I'm not a cruel man. You agree, right Miranda? I let you have Johnny. You know he almost got engaged. But I made sure that ended, so you wouldn't lose him."

"Johnny broke up with Tracy because we have something," Miranda insisted.

"Sure Miranda, you can believe that if you want," Frank said with a grin. "But remember the other day. How eager Johnny was to fuck Jenny? Maybe you shouldn't be so defending of her." He gave Miranda the hard glare again. He hissed in a low dangerous voice "Maybe you should just fucking do what I tell you to do."

Miranda staggered back again. "Okay, I will Frank," she said meekly. She followed Frank towards his bedroom. Then she saw Johnny. "I need to get my bag. I'll be there in a minute," she told Frank.

"I thought you have what you need," Frank said looking at the bag in Miranda's hand.

"I forgot rubbing alcohol," Miranda said thinking fast. "You don't Jenny to get infected right?" She hurried away before Frank could say anything.

Miranda pulled Johnny to their bedroom. "Stay here Johnny okay?"

"Miranda, why?" Johnny asked. He called his friend Miss Romani only when Frank was around. Otherwise he called Miranda by her first name. "The action's in Frank's room."

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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:37 PM

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