Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Looking into Frank's eyes, Jen's mouth opened slightly and a soft moan escaped her lips.

At that moment some of the girls from the beach approached. Their eyes went wide seeing Jen's big C cup chest. "Jenny, ah ..." one of the girls said. They giggled. Jen noticed Juliet wasn't laughing (in fact she was glaring at Frank) but that was little consolation.

Jen's eyes watered with tears. She was completely embarrassed and humiliated. Who was she? Why had she allowed Frank to dress her like this? Had she lost all respect for herself, all her self-esteem? She felt like back in high school, when Colin always put her down, when her father either ignored her or criticized her (more than once her father called her a slut when he found out she was sleeping with Colin so no longer a virgin).

Jen suddenly needed to find Mike. Was he here? He would make things right.

Jen moved away from Frank and the beach girls. Juliet watched Jen go, concern on her face.

Jen scanned the crowd for her husband. Mike was good at blending in so she didn't see him right away. But finally she saw him, in a darkened corner of the club. She hurried over to him.

"Jen what's this?" Mike asked staring at her chest.

Jen collapsed into her husband's arms. "It's Frank," she said sobbing. "More of his games."

Jen worried Mike would ask a lot of questions, maybe force her to go home. Jen didn't want that. She didn't want to have to explain why she let Frank do this to her. She didn't understand it herself, she couldn't bear to explain it to someone else, even her husband (especially her husband). And she didn't want to go home. It would be like admitting defeat. It probably didn't make sense, but that's how she felt.

To her surprise, Mike said "So make it your own." He stroked her long blonde hair to comfort her.

"What?" Jen said, not understanding.

Mike grinned and told her his idea.

Jen's eyes went wide. "Are you serious?" she said, a grin coming to her pretty face.

"Own it baby," Mike said encouragingly. "Turn it around on them."

Jen smiled. She liked Mike's idea. It was scary and crazy, but she liked it. "Okay, I'll do it," she said squeezing Mike's hand.

"Baby, are you high?" Mike said stroking Jen's cheek. Her eyes had that glassy look.

"Yeah, a little," Jen admitted sheepishly. "It's just –."

"It's okay, I get it," Mike said. "It's okay," he said again, tenderly stroking her face again.

"I really love you Mike," Jen told Mike, looking into his eyes and squeezing his hands. "You're my hero baby."

A few moments later Jen walked towards the stage. "I can't believe I'm fucking doing this," she said to herself. She was terrified but at the same time she felt like her mojo was coming back.

The bar was having a wet t-shirt contest on the stage. Jen joined the line.

The crowd was only half paying attention. But when it was Jen's turn people turned and paid more attention. Jen was easily the prettiest of the bunch. Also, the fake tits looked huge on her slim leggy frame.

"What's your name?" the DJ asked.

"Jen," she answered.

"Is your boyfriend here?" the DJ asked.

"My boyfriend and my husband," Jen said, looking at Mike and giving him a teasing smile. The DJ and the crowd laughed, thinking Jen was joking.

"You look kind of – high," the DJ teased. He'd seen a lot in the bar and knew the signs of recreational drugs.

With a big grin, Jen raised her fist and shouted "I'm having fun at the Palomar!" The crowd cheered and raised their fists in reply.

The DJ grinned. This pretty girl knew how to work a crowd. "So are you ready for this?" he asked, holding the bucket of ice water.

"I'm always ready Bob," Jen said. The crowd grinned up at Jen.

"My name's not Bob," the DJ said.

"That's not what you said last night," Jen teased, playfully rubbing her hip against his. The crowd laughed.

"Hey, I'm married," the DJ said feigning innocence. He was grinning, clearly enjoying the banter with this extremely pretty and bubbly girl.

"So am I," Jen said, smiling at Mike in the crowd again. The crowd hooted and laughed.

The DJ laughed too. "Okay, lean back Jen," he said. "Okay, here we go." The DJ poured the ice water down Jen's front.

Two things happened. First, Jen squealed as the ice water splashed over her. Second, the water soaked the tissues. Without their support, the C cup bra collapsed and formed a lumpy mound under Jen's now drenched crop top.

The crowd was shocked into silence. It was an awkward moment, like being embarrassed for someone. But then Jen turned it around, just as Mike said to do it. She unsnapped the bra and whipped it from under the crop top. Wet tissues flew everywhere. "Here's to girls with little titties!" Jen yelled, flinging the bra into the crowd.

The crowd went wild, their embarrassment for Jen turning into admiring shouts and laughter. It was all a big joke, a set up! The men looked lustfully at her breasts, now outlined in the soaked crop top.

The beach girls laughed and applauded Jen. Now they understood, it was all a joke. Frank found himself smiling and applauding too. Jen locked eyes with him. He smiled and gave her a nod, as if saying "Okay you got me on this one."

Jen hurried down the stairs and rushed to find Mike. She was elated, suddenly feeling like herself again. She pulled him into a darkened corner of the bar. "Do you know how hot I am for you?" she said, covering his lips with hers and thrusting her tongue down his throat. She pulled up her skirt and wrapped her leg around his. "I want you," she told him, her hands on his belt and zipper. "Fuck me."

Mike pulled away. "I don't have a condom," he said.

"What?" Jen said.

"I don't have a condom with me," Mike said again. He asked "Tell me what happened today."

Jen looked into her husband's face, studying him. She so wanted Mike inside her. But she realized that wasn't what he wanted. Not at that moment. His head was in the game.

She ran her manicured fingernail across his lips. "All day you've been thinking about me with Frank, right?" she said with a knowing grin.

"Yeah," Mike said, breathing hard. "Frank fuck you?"

"This morning, when I got there," Jen said with a nod. She reached between their bodies and softly stroked his hard cock over his pants. "I wore the wig for him."

Mike touched his wife's long blonde hair. "I don't want you to cut your hair," he said.

"Of course not baby, it's just a game," Jen assured him. She added with a grin "It really turns Frank on though. He's definitely got a thing for brunettes."

"And this," Mike said, caressing her flat tummy and the belly ring. "He likes seeing it," he said noting how her crop top ended above her belly button.

"Yeah," Jen agreed.

"And big breasts," Mike said, moving his hand up and cupping her breast. With no bra and the crop top wet, it was almost like touching her bare skin.

"Yeah," Jen said. "Paige's busty. So was Mrs. Tower. So's Miranda. I bet all his girls are busty."

"Except you," Mike said.

"I'm not exactly his girl," Jen said, still softly caressing Mike's hard-on over his pants. "But you want me to be right?" she said with a knowing smile. Jen felt Mike's cock jerk in his pants.

Mike asked "How big was that bra?"

"Really big. A C cup."

Mike thumbed her nipples. "I like your As," he said.

"I know you do baby," Jen said.

"You got off on it though, right?" Mike asked. He knew his wife.

"Like you get off on things," Jen said. She knew him just as well.

"Can I ask you something?" Mike said.

"Yes," Jen said, a little wary.

"Remember you told me Colin always wanted you to get bigger breasts?" he said, thumbing her nipple again to emphasize his question.

"Yes," Jen said, the word coming out like a moan. She so wanted her husband inside her. After being denied by Frank earlier, and so hot for Mike now, she'd cum as soon as he penetrated her. But she went along with what Mike wanted, and what he wanted was to play their game.

"If you stayed with Colin, would you have done it?" Mike asked. "Gotten bigger breasts for him?"

"Probably, eventually," Jen said with a shrug. "I still think about it sometimes."

"I don't want you to," Mike said.

"Then I won't," Jen assured him.

Mike moved his hand up to Jen's long blonde hair. He asked "If you were Frank's real girlfriend – if I weren't around – would you cut your hair, dye it brown?"

"I don't know about dying it," Jen said. "But yeah, I'd cut my hair if that's what he wanted. I've had short hair before you know."

"Like the wig?"

"Yeah. Shorter even."


"Before I met you," Jen said. "It was my thing for a while. Wanting to look older." Then she added without being asked "And I wouldn't wear stockings or any hose, if that's what Frank wanted."

Jen was still softly stroking Mike. She felt his cock jerk again. "This really turns you on," she said. "Why?"

"The whole cuckold thing," Mike said. His throat was so dry from excitement he could barely be heard over the music. "You doing things for Frank instead of me."

"You said if I wasn't with you," Jen pointed out. "But I am with you. Like my hair. I wear it longer you know. For you. You're the one with the bra strap rule. That's what a girl does. She wants to look good for her man. You're my man Mike. Frank is just a game."

"I'm talking about if you did it now for Frank, even though you're with me," Mike said. He touched her stomach. "Like with the belly ring."

Jen looked into Mike's face, studying him. "You hate thinking I did this for Frank. And I didn't."

"You did," Mike said.

"No I didn't."

Mike stroked the belly ring. "He gave you this diamond."


"It's bigger than your engagement rings," Mike said. Jen had 2 engagement rings. The first had a sapphire (her birthstone). Mike gave it to her when they got engaged. But Mike always felt bad because the sapphire was small (he didn't have much money at the time), so when he got his first big bonus check after their wedding he bought her the much more expensive diamond ring. The diamond was 3 carats. But the diamond of the belly ring was larger, 4 or 5 carats, and perfectly white and clear. It probably cost more than Jen's 2 engagement rings combined. Way more.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:36 PM

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