Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Alright, I'll do it," Miranda said giving in.

"Good show," Frank said with a big grin. "Here, this might help." He handed Miranda two pills.

"What are they?"

"Ecstasy," Frank said.

"For me?" Miranda said surprised.

"Of course not," Frank said derisively. "I want you to have steady hands. Jenny's too precious to me. But it might help with Jenny. Make sure she takes both."

"When?" Miranda asked.

Frank grinned. "You'll know when," he said confidently. It was about breaking Jenny's spirit, Frank thought. Not completely, but enough. Making Jenny understand who was in charge. Who owned her. And showing Mike who was in charge with Jenny.

Frank was hard. Power turned him on. Controlling and manipulating people turned him on.

"Do me a favor Miranda honey," Frank said. He put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her down to her knees. Miranda knew what to do. She'd done it many times before. It was worth it. Being Frank Tower's friend had a lot of perks. And more than just eggs and white truffles.

Frank rolled his head back as Miranda took him into her mouth. He knew he could go again with Jenny. That's what he preferred in fact. But he didn't want Jenny to know how captivated he was by her. How much he desired her. He needed to keep the power in their relationship firmly tilted towards him. But he was a man, and men had needs. And honestly, Miranda sucked cock better than Jenny. It was perhaps her only flaw. And her small tits of course.


"Frank wants to go to the beach," Miranda told Jen about 15 minutes later. "The cars are waiting."

"But the beach is just over there," Jen said motioning beyond the privacy hedges.

"These beaches are better," Miranda said.

Jen shrugged. Whatever. She moved to take off her high heels and put on flip flops but Miranda stopped her. "Frank probably wants you to keep them on," Miranda said knowingly. "Don't worry, you won't feel out of place." The older gypsy woman slipped into high heels herself.

They drove a few miles to a resort and were escorted to a roped off area of the beach. It was crowded with lots of beautiful people. This part of the beach was decked so Jen and Miranda's high heels worked. In fact, most of the girls wore high heels to go along with their bikinis. Jen felt like she was in Vegas instead of the Caribbean. It had that vibe.

"Who are these people?" Jen asked Frank.

"My friends from last night," Frank said.

"Are they really your friends?" Jen asked.

"Friend is a relative term," Frank said with a chuckle. He didn't look like it mattered.

The crowd ranged from Jen's age (and younger) to Frank's age. Almost all the women were beautiful and wearing skimpy bikinis, many even more revealing than Jen's.

It didn't take long for many of the women to lose their bikini tops. "It's a nude beach," Miranda said to Jen. Jen looked beyond their roped-in area and realized she was right. A lot of girls were topless. Loud music blared and alcohol (and probably recreational drugs) were free flowing. It wasn't even noon and some looked wasted (or getting there).

"Take off your tops," Frank told Jen and Miranda.

Jen frowned. "I'm not feeling it Frank," she said. Maybe because it was too early, or because she was sober, but Jen wasn't into this scene. Also, most of the topless girls had really big breasts. Always insecure about her bust size, Jen didn't want to reveal her little As with all the Cs, Ds and double Ds around her. It wasn't like that time in Vegas at Caesar's Venus pool. (Author's note: see Consequences - Part 5). Then she was around friends and co-workers. She was the boss lady, everyone respected her. Here she was just a flat chested blonde. No way she wanted to compete with all these pretty busty girls.

"Take off your tops," Frank said again.

Miranda gave Jen a "what can we do?" shrug. She took off her bikini top. Of course Miranda didn't have to worry. She had big beautiful breasts.

Jen continued to frown at Frank. But his stare was too intense. It's what Paige said, Frank Tower was a force of nature. Reluctantly, Jen reached behind her and pulled the string at her back. Then she pulled the string around her neck. She tossed her bikini top in her bag.

"Good girl," Frank said with a smile at Jen. He gave her a pat on the behind, treating her like a little girl. Frank gave Miranda a look, then turned to talk to people.

Miranda had noticed Frank's glance at her. She reached into her bag and offered something to Jen. "Maybe this will help honey," she said.

Jen recognized the pill. "Ecstasy? Are you taking one?"

"No I have to stay sober," Miranda said. "I have a client later."

"Seriously?" Jen said surprised. "A client? Here? Today?"

"Frank set it up," Miranda said evasively. "Anyway, this'll help you relax. You like Ecstasy?" Miranda offered Jen only 1 of the 2 pills. She didn't care if Frank got pissed. She wasn't going to try to get Jen to take both. One was bad enough given what Frank had in mind for her later.

"Yeah but ..." Jen was tempted but she shook her head no. "I don't want to be fucked up tomorrow morning. Not with Mike and Anna."

"It's only noon now honey. It'll be out of your system by then," Miranda said.

Jen knew Miranda was probably right. But she didn't want to take any chances. Miranda looked nervous when Jen turned down the Ecstasy but she didn't press.

Frank took Jen's hand and walked her through the crowd. He introduced her as "my girlfriend Jenny Johnson." The people there were nice, unlike the Bitchy Wives at the dinner party. But still, Jen felt uncomfortable. It was embarrassing to meet new people with her top off. And she felt intimidated with all the big beautiful breasts around her. She felt like a little girl among grown women.

A few of the girls who knew Frank well gave Jen a hug hello when he introduced her as his girlfriend. Jen felt even more uncomfortable and embarrassed as the girls squeezed their big breasts against her little titties as they hugged.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Jen whispered to Frank.

"What?" Frank asked.

"You know what I mean," Jen said.

"I'm not doing anything to you Jenny," Frank said. "You need to understand, your breasts are smaller than normal. In a crowd like this, most girls are going to be bigger. Don't worry, the rest of your body is lovely."

Jen frowned at that. "So you're saying, you don't like my breasts," she said, feeling hurt and even more insecure about her small breasts than usual.

Frank reached up and cupped her. People around them turned to look and listen. "I think your breasts are lovely Jenny," he said. Jen's small breasts disappeared in Frank's hands. "Nothing wrong with perky," he added, grinning to the crowd. Everyone laughed and chuckled. Jen's face turned even redder.

Frank thumbed her nipples. They were rock hard. "You have your cum face on Jenny," he whispered.

The party continued until late afternoon. Jen stayed closed to Frank. Normally she would bop around and be a social butterfly. But she wasn't feeling her normal mojo, her normal confidence. She felt inadequate, the way she used to feel with Colin who was constantly on her case to get bigger tits.

A girl with long dark hair approached Frank. She had the dark complexion of an Italian (which she was). She was about the same age as Jen. She was beautiful with a curvy hourglass body. She also was drunk or high (or both). "Jenny, this is Juliet," Frank said. "Jules, this is my new girlfriend Jenny."

"Oh my god you're so pretty," Juliet said to Jen, slurring her words. Jules had a charming southern accent despite her Mediterranean complexion. "And so tiny. God I wish I had your body."

Before Jen had a chance to respond Juliet flittered away, gaily talking with other partygoers. Juliet reminded Jen of herself, a social butterfly. But while Juliet was acting bubbly and outgoing, Jen found herself holding Frank's hand tightly.

"She's a happy girl," Jen said watching Juliet happily chit chat with anyone and everyone.

"I suppose," Frank said, not really caring. "I believe she's going through a difficult time. Recently broke up with her fiancée."

"Oh," Jen said feeling sorry for Juliet. "How do you know her?"

"Daughter of a business acquaintance," Frank said with another uncaring shrug. It seemed Frank had a lot of business acquaintances.

A little later Juliet flittered back over to Jen. She was so drunk and high she seemed on the brink of teetering over. "Jenny you need lotion," Juliet said with a giggle. Before Jen could stop her, she rubbed oil on Jen's breasts. "They're so cute," Juliet said with another giggle. A crowd (mostly men) quickly formed around the two pretty girls.

"Your nipples are so hard," Juliet said. She rubbed them between her thumbs and index fingers. She grinned. "I bet this feels good huh?"

Jen nodded, her nostrils flaring. Yeah it did feel good. Jen noticed the people watching and felt uncomfortable. "Thanks Juliet," she said stepping away from the busty brunette's hands.

"Call me Jules," Juliet said with a drunken giggle. Juliet whipped off her bikini top. Her breasts were huge and beautiful. "You do me now," she said handing Jen the bottle of suntan oil. Unlike Jen, Juliet seemed delighted by the people watching. Or maybe that was because she was drunk and high.

Jen hesitated. Then she heard Frank say "I think that's a good idea." Jen turned and looked at Frank. Frank nodded, his intense eyes saying "do it."

It was like an out of body experience. Jen found herself rubbing oil over Juliet's perfect double Ds. Whereas Juliet had been able to easily hold Jen's entire breasts in her hands, Jen needed both hands to hold just one of Juliet's (and still there was soft milky flesh left uncovered).

"Rub my nipples Jenny," Juliet said, her eyelids getting heavy. Jen did. "God you do this better than Roman."

"Your fiancée's name is Roman?" Jen asked. Roman and Juliet?

"Yeah, fucked up huh?" Juliet said with a laugh. Jules had the glassy look of being high. "Your nipples are more sensitive than mine. I wish I had your breasts."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:36 PM

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