Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"The 3 of us," Mike said.

"Yeah," Jen said, squeezing his hand again. "You'd like that right?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Mike said. "I just worry about Anna. I don't want her to ever find out about the game."

"She won't honey," Jen assured her husband. "By the time she's old enough to understand, we'll have stopped all this."

"You think so? You think we can stop?" Mike asked, not sure of the answer.

"We'll have to honey," Jen said. "Or Anna will find out eventually."

Mike nodded, knowing Jen was right. Certainly Jen wouldn't be able to have relationships anymore, like with Frank. They might be able to do hookups every now and then (with either strangers or fuck buddies). Thinking about hookups, Mike had a fleeting thought that he was glad he never used Ashley Madison to find a partner for his wife.

"I don't like the idea of Frank paying," Mike said. "You're my wife. It's my family."

"This might be expensive honey," Jen said gently.

"I have the bonus money from your firm," Mike reminded her. He still had most of the $100,000.

"Mike we can't spend that," Jen gently said. She waved at the walls of their loft apartment. "We can't live here forever, especially if we have another baby. I want a house someday. We'll need that money."

"Yeah," Mike said, knowing she was right. It was a reminder of his limited income as a high school teacher and government consultant. He didn't even have a full time job, both gigs were part time. Mike thought back to his conversation with the young scientists at CATF. Maybe he should go back to the private sector. The Apple code master opportunity was gone, but there were lots of jobs out there.

It didn't escape Mike that the diamond of Jen's belly ring was larger and more perfect than the stones of her 2 engagement rings (Mike had bought a second engagement ring for his wife as an anniversary present in the past). He was certain Frank had done that on purpose. So when Jen looked at the belly ring (which was all the time) she'd be reminded of Mike's lower middle class income.

Now Mike had a decision. Veto the vacation - denying his family a fun vacation - or swallow his pride and freeload on Jen's lover. "Okay, Frank can pay," Mike finally said.

Jen grinned and hugged Mike's arm. She was clearly delighted. She understood her husband's conflict. But she knew it turned him on too. She just had to make sure he didn't get bad hurt.


The next day Jen called Frank from work. "Mike said yes," she said excitedly.

"Excellent," Frank said smiling over the phone. "As soon as we hang up I'm booking the resort."

"As soon as we hang up I'm buying new bikinis," Jen said with a grin.

Frank's eyes opened wide at that. He got hard thinking about Jenny Johnson's sexy tight body in a little bikini. "My favorite color's black," he said.

"Mike likes me in pink," Jen said. "I'll get one of each."

"Get 2 black and 1 pink," Frank said with a grin.

"I'll get 3 black. And they'll be mostly strings," Jen said with a giggle. "Um, Frank? Don't book anything too expensive. Mike is freaking about the cost."

"I'm paying," Frank said.

"That's what he's freaking about," Jen said.

"You're flying down with me on my jet right?" Frank said. "There's room for everyone."

"Mike won't like that," Jen said. "Especially since we're bringing Anna."

"This is supposed to be our vacation Jenny," Frank said.

"No, it's a vacation for all of us," Jen said. She could tell he was disappointed. She said "Let me talk to Mike okay?"


The next day Mike and Jen got a surprised visitor at their loft apartment. "Allen," Mike said when he opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk Mike?" Allen said looking serious and concerned.

Jen moved up behind Mike looking questioningly at Allen. She was holding Anna. Mike said "Honey, this is Allen, chief scientist at CATF. Allen, this is my wife Jennifer. And this is our daughter Anna."

Allen shook Jen's hand. He was surprised looking at her. Jennifer Andrews was one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen in his life. And what a cute little girl. Mike was a really lucky man.

Not wanting to talk business around Jen and Anna, Mike took Allen to the French bistro down the block. They sat in a booth and ordered drinks. "What's up Allen?" Mike asked.

"Mike have you reconsidered joining the quantum computer project?" Allen asked. He looked worried.

"You know my issues with quantum," Mike said. "A quantum computer can break any encryption. Nothing would be private."

"Someone's going to make one eventually," Allen pointed out.

"That's fine as long as it's public," Mike said. "But the government wants to keep it secret. They'll have 5, 10 years of access to all private information. That's wrong Allen."

"Fuck Mike this is Liberty-Gate all over again," Allen said frustrated.

"No it's not," Mike said. "I'm not going to say anything. I just don't want to participate."

"The problem is Mike, you're already on the inside," Allen said. He warned "There are some people who don't believe you'll stay quiet."

"I'm not doing anything wrong," Mike insisted.

"I know that," Allen said. "I think Colonel Banks knows that. But there are others."

"Who?" Mike asked.

"Have you heard of Jonathan Jakes?" Allen asked.

Mike nodded, remembering his conversation with Jen at Frank's party.

"He's not a big fan," Allen said.

"Are you saying they might try to put me in jail?" Mike asked, suddenly fearful.

"These people don't try Mike," Allen said with a humorless laugh, emphasizing the word "try."

Mike looked alarmed. What would happen to Jen and Anna if he went to jail? What would happened to him? He barely made it last time.

"Okay, fine, I'll join the project," Mike said. He needed to distance himself from CATF. It wasn't a job, it was more like slavery. But this wasn't the time. If he quit now they're probably throw him in jail. He needed to deal with it for a few months, pretend like he was cooperating.

"That's good news Mike," Allen said looking relieved. "I'll tell Colonel Banks."


"What was that about?" Jen asked Mike when he got back to the loft apartment. She looked concerned. "Is something going on?"

"No, everything's good," Mike said evasively. He didn't want Jen to worry. Also, he remembered Allen's earlier warnings about possible danger to his family if they knew too much.

Jen looked skeptically at Mike. "Why'd the Chief Scientist make a special visit to meet with you if everything's good?"

Mike said "I really can't get into it."

Jen frowned. "Okay secret agent man," she joked. "If you tell me you'll have to kill me huh?" Mike grinned. She still looked concerned. "Everything's really okay honey? You not in trouble?"

"I'm just an analyst. No secret agent man," Mike said with a shrug. "What kind of trouble can I get into?"

Later in bed Jen said, "Frank wants us to fly down in his private jet."

As she expected, Mike wasn't hot on the idea. "I'd rather fly on our own," he said. "We'll meet Frank there."

"It'll save us money," Jen said.

"Jen I'm not poor," Mike said defensively. "I can support my family."

"I know Mike, it's just ..." Jen started, then she stopped, thinking it was better not to say anything.

"What?" Mike said, anger brimming under the surface. When Jen didn't reply he said more forcefully "What?"

Jen finally said, "It's just, riding on his jet is kind of fun. I mean, it's a freaking private jet."

Mike felt like she had stabbed him in the heart. But he knew it wasn't fair to judge her harshly. This was part of the game, he wanted her to be into her boyfriend. Yes there was angst, but that was part of the thrill.

"Okay, that's different," Mike said forcing his voice to be calm. "If it's fun, say that. Don't say it's because I can't afford it."

"Okay, I'm sorry honey," Jen said hugging his arm. But part of it WAS the fact they didn't have a lot of money to spare. New York was expensive. Mike didn't make a lot. She had a good salary and bonuses but they needed to save for college and a bigger house. And even though the loft apartment was paid off, they had to pay property taxes and insurance and utilities. All that added up. Frank was offering free travel. Why not take it?

"You and Maggie go with Frank," Mike suggested. "I'll go with Anna."

"That's kind of weird," Jen said.

"Anna's too young to understand so it won't matter to her," Mike said. "Maggie knows we play right? I mean we've never openly discussed it but she must know. And she'll probably have fun flying in Frank's jet."

"But if me and Maggie are going with Frank, why not you and Anna?" Jen asked.

"There's only so much I can let Frank pay for. For me," Mike explained. "And Anna's mine. I'll share you with Frank. That's the point of the game. But not my daughter. She's mine."

"This will be Anna's first flight," Jen said. "I want to be with her."

"You can't have both honey," Mike said gently. "Look, Anna won't know the difference. And I get what you're saying. I've been in private jets before, they are fun. Anyway, you're supposed to be with Frank this trip. If we're going to do it, we should do it."

The next weekend Lou and Hugh picked up Jen and Maggie. Jen gave the 2 bodyguards a brief smile but didn't say anything. She still felt awkward around them.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:32 PM

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