Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
It was kind of weird though. She was dressed casually in jeans, a crop top and flats and Frank was still in his expensive Italian suit. That, combined with their age difference, made Jen kind of feel like Frank's daughter. People seeing them probably thought that. That is, until they saw them holding hands. Then, they probably thought Jen was his trophy wife (since she was wearing Mike's wedding and engagement rings).

Jen wasn't put off by any of this. She was used to it actually. The "barely legal" look turned Mike on too. To be honest, Jen was thankful for her youthful appearance. It helped her ego that a lot of men thought she could pass for a young college student.

Frank led her to a costume boutique. It was an expensive store for buying high end Halloween costumes. "You want me to wear a costume?" Jen asked as she browsed through the store's elaborate offerings.

"No, it's just interesting to look around," Frank said with a laugh.

"Oh my god, look at this," Jen said with delight. There were mannequins wearing Harry Potter costumes. Harry, Hermione, Ron and others. "Mike would love this." She laughed as she touched the Hermione outfit.

"What's so funny?" Frank asked.

"Mike's got a major thing for Emma Watson," Jen said grinning.

"Her name's Emma?" Frank asked. He wasn't familiar with Harry Potter.

"No her name's Hermione you goof," Jen said giving Frank a playful elbow in his chest. "The actress is Emma Watson."

"You should be Hermione for Halloween," Frank suggested.

"Oh god Mike would love that," Jen said looking at the Hermione costume. A sweater over a starched white blouse, pleated wool skirt, ankle socks and lace up shoes. Classic school girl. Mike would love it! The costume even included a wig.

"Let's try this on," Frank said handing Jen the wig.

Jen giggled as she put on the wig. Frank grinned at her. The wig was a mane of out of control brown hair, classic Hermione. It made Jen look silly. They both laughed as Jen looked into a mirror.

"Try this one," Frank said, picking a wig from a different non-Harry Potter costume. This wig looked like real hair. In fact, the wig looked like Jen's hair, silky and lush. But the wig differed in 2 ways. The hair was brown and only shoulder length (Jen's hair was blonde of course and long, going pass her bra strap).

Jen rolled her blonde hair into a makeshift bun and then put on the wig. Frank's eyes went wide. "You look lovely Jenny," he gushed. "Truly stunning."

Jen looked into the mirror. With the wig she looked like a brunette. A short haired brunette. The wig barely touched her shoulders. She couldn't remember when her real hair was so short. Certainly not since she starting going with Mike.

"You make a lovely brunette," Frank said coming up behind her and putting his hand on her hip. "And the short hair is so classic."

Jen got it. Mrs. Tower was a brunette. Paige was a brunette. Frank had a thing for brunettes.

"You really think so?" Jen said. Her Mia flats had a pointy toe. Remembering his kink, Jen pressed the toe into his ankle. "You like me as a brunette Frank?"

"Yeah," Frank said, his voice suddenly hoarse.

Jen smiled teasingly. Then she said "Well, blondes have more fun." She whipped off the wig and shook out her long blonde hair, the entire time giving Frank a mischievous grin.

"You're a bitch," Frank said giving her an admiring grin back. Jen laughed and took his arm. They walked back out to the street.

Frank took Jen into the Philadelphia Club. They were greeted immediately by a concierge wearing a tuxedo. All the waiters and waitresses wore formal attire. Everyone seemed to know Frank. The concierge guided them to a table with an amazing view of the Philadelphia skyline. Frank ordered 2 tequilas.

"This is the oldest gentleman's club in the United States," Frank explained. "Founded in 1834. This is where real business takes place."

Jen nodded as she looked around. The club was crowded with mostly men. Everyone looked distinguished and well dressed. But not New York trendy dressed. These men wore power suits. While there were smiles and laughs, everyone looked serious.

A lot of the men glanced their way. At Frank or her? Jen couldn't tell. Finally a group of men came over. Frank rose and greeted them with a grin and firm handshake.

Frank introduced Jen to the men. Jen could tell they were all wealthy power brokers. Frank said "Gentlemen, this is my friend Jenny Johnson."

"Are they your friends?" Jen asked after the men walked away.

"I don't know many people I'd call a friend," Frank said. "They're business acquaintances. They all want something. Everyone wants something."

"Like what?"

"Different things, depends on the person," Frank said with a shrug.

"Are you going to give it to them?"

"I might," Frank said. Then he gave Jen a confident, almost boyish grin. "After they pay me an obscene amount of money. Or make other concessions."

Jen smiled back. She got the sense Frank was a wolf among sheep. It scared and thrilled her. It made her pussy tingle.

"I feel like your trophy girlfriend," Jen said, thinking again how under dressed she was among all these older men wearing custom suits. She added with a laugh "Or your daughter."

Frank took a long draw of his tequila. He motioned to the waiter and ordered another one.

"We need to talk about something Frank," Jen said. "You keep calling me Johnson. You know my name is Andrews."

"I think of you as Jenny Johnson," Frank said with a shrug.

"It's disrespectful," Jen said.

"To who?"

"To Mike."

Frank grinned. "I think Mike will get off on it. Ask him, you'll see."

"But, Johnson isn't my name," Jen said. "It would be like me calling you Frank Smith or something."

"When you and Mike were apart, you went back to Johnson, right?" Frank said.

"I mean, sort of," Jen said. She'd been so mad and upset with Mike she'd gone back to her maiden name. But she never formally changed her name back to Johnson.

"When you're with me you're not with Mike," Frank said. "So how is it not right to call you Jenny Johnson?" He said it like that was the end of the discussion.

"But –."

"Something else," Frank said cutting Jen off. He looked at her left hand. "I'd like you to take off your wedding rings when you're with me."


"You're concerned about people you know seeing us together?" Frank said. "I have the same concerns. I don't want my friends to know I'm seeing a married woman."

"I thought you don't have any friends," Jen said sarcastically.

Frank grinned. He liked when she was sassy. "Come on Jenny," he said knowingly. "You can't tell me you haven't run into this issue before."

Jen frowned. Yes, of course she and Mike dealt with this issue before. That's part of the reason she wore the Sophia ring on her right hand. But Jen was annoyed at being ordered around. "I need to talk to Mike first," she said stubbornly.

"Fine," Frank said with a shrug. "But for now? I know most of the people in this club."

"Whatever," Jen said under her breath. She took off her wedding and engagement rings and slipped them into her purse. Under the table, she thumbed the Sophia ring.

They ate dinner at the club. The food was spectacular. After finishing the tequilas, Frank ordered a Lafite Rothschild Bordeaux wine. Jen didn't know a lot about wine, but even she had heard of the famous French 1st Growth Bordeaux. It was easily the best wine she had ever tasted and went wonderful with her raviolis with truffle oil.

After dinner they took another walk. The Philadelphia evening was cool and relaxing. Jen had been irritated with Frank about the wedding ring thing, but she realized it was silly. Some of her other boyfriends had had the same issue. She knew Mike would be okay with it. It turned him on when she took off her wedding rings for another man (that is, as long as she wore the Sophia ring on her right hand). On top of that, Jen wasn't a confrontational person. She didn't like tension with a guy she was with. She liked and admired Frank and they were having a fun day.

Jen leaned into Frank. She took his hand and pulled his arm around her, guiding his hand to her ass. Frank smiled at her and she smiled back. They continued walking down the street, now with Jen's body pressed against Frank and his thumb in the back pocket of her tight skinny jeans.

They stopped in front of a tattoo parlor. The sign said Body Art.

Jen had seen a lot of sleazy ink joints, in Vegas and New York City. Body Art looked practically colonial, located in an elegant brownstone off a tree lined, cobblestone street.

"This is what I'd like you to do," Frank said.

"Frank I'm not getting a tattoo for you," Jen said with an incredulous laugh.

"Not a tattoo," Frank said. He raised Jen's crop top a couple inches and ran his fingertips across her belly button. "A belly ring."

"I can't do that," Jen said.

"You said you wanted one."

"Mike's not here," Jen said.

"You said he wanted it too," Frank pointed out.

"Frank, I can't pierce my body without my husband here," Jen said. She looked at the tattoo parlor. It looked nice, really professional. She'd wanted a belly ring for a long time, all the way back in college. "I at least have to call Mike," she said.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:23 PM

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