Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen's eyes went wide. Oh god, Mike. With all their talking she completely forgot about him. She jerked her head to the side. The chair was empty. Mike wasn't there.

"Frank get off," Jen said pushing against his chest. She needed to check on Mike!

"I'm not done Jenny," Frank said, pumping her harder. Once again he held her arms above her head. He fucked her harder, working her pussy. While he cared mostly about his own satisfaction he knew how to give a girl pleasure. He rotated his hips, changed the angle of his thrusts, fucked faster, deeper. Soon Jen stopped struggling. Her face took on a lustful, desperate look. Despite whatever concerns she had for Mike, her body was betraying her. Frank smiled at that.

Frank kissed up her neck. On instinct, he twirled his tongue in Jen's ear. Mike hadn't done that, but ... Jen arched her back and moaned "Oh god Frank yes, yes!"

Frank released her hands. Jen immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face to hers. She loved to kiss - loved to trade tongue - as she got close to an orgasm. "Oh god Frank you're making me cum!" she cried. Moments later she came, moaning her orgasm into Frank's mouth.

Frank took his time with Jen after that. He fucked her slow, prolonging his orgasm, the entire time kissing and fondling her. A few times he saw Mike looking in the door. He laughed inside. He ignored Mike and went back to kissing and fondling his wife.

Jen knew Frank was taking a lot of time, but she didn't have the moral high ground to make him stop. A few times she tried to call out to Mike but Frank kept his lips locked on hers, his tongue down her throat. Also, to be honest, Jen got into the long fuck (although she didn't cum again). Finally - it must have been 15 or 20 minutes after her own orgasm - Frank's body tensed and he came.

Frank collapsed onto Jen, panting and spent from the long fucking and his orgasm. "Frank, get off," Jen said pushing his chest. Getting the message, Frank rolled off and collapsed onto his back, his chest still heaving.

Jen suddenly remembered - the condom! Frank fucked her twice with the same condom!

She looked at his cock. Somehow, the condom was still on. But after cumming and ejaculating twice, the base of his cock and pubic hair were coated with milky white sperm. Jen looked down between her legs. Oh god! Frank's sperm leaked from between her swollen pussy lips.

Jen's head raced. Oh god I'm such a fuck up! She needed to check on Mike. But if she didn't clean up first, things might be worse if he found out Frank came inside her. In the end, Jen decided it was better to get out to Mike as soon as possible. She threw on a robe and rushed out into the family room.

But he wasn't there. Jen frantically searched the rest of the loft apartment but he wasn't there.

Jen felt panicked. God I'm such a fuck up! Calm down, calm down, she told herself. Like her, Mike had an iPhone. She grabbed her phone and checked Find My iPhone. She was relieved to see Mike was at the French Bistro down the street from their loft apartment.

"I've got to go," Jen said to Frank as she threw on jeans, a top and flats. She didn't bother with underwear. A voice inside her said she couldn't go to their French bistro looking freshly fucked. She hurriedly brushed her hair and put on a little makeup.

"You need to go Frank," Jen said as she put on lipstick.

"I'll go with you to see Mike," Frank offered.

"Just go!" Jen snapped. She softened thinking about what they just shared. Also she needed Frank to keep secrets. So she gave Frank a quick kiss. "I'll call you later okay?"


It was like a dagger in his heart. It was like he wasn't even there. Jen didn't even look his way, except for a couple of brief glances, and right after they were kissing and whispering again. Then they started fucking again. Not able to take anymore, Mike walked out of the bedroom.

Mike poured himself another scotch. He sipped the scotch, trying to ignore the passionate sounds of sex coming from the bedroom (the bedroom he shared with Jen). He couldn't resist any more when he heard his wife scream "Oh god Frank you're making me cum!" Mike looked in the bedroom just in time to see Jen arch her back and curl her toes as she came again on Frank's cock. The entire time Jen was urgently kissing Frank. Mike stepped away, his heart pounding yet feeling numb.

"She'll call for me any second," Mike told himself. "She'll call for me, she'll reach for my hand. Maybe Frank's not done yet, but she'll hold my hand as he finishes."

But Jen didn't call for him. Not after 5 minutes, or 10, or 15. A couple times he looked into the bedroom. Both times Frank was fucking her slow. Her arms were around him, they were kissing. It wasn't fucking, they were making love.

Mike couldn't take anymore. He couldn't breathe, he needed to get away. Mike splashed water on his face, put on his shoes, brushed his hair. Out of habit he put his iPhone in his pocket. Then he left the loft apartment. He wandered around for a while, but eventually went into the French bistro.


Jen ran to the bistro. She saw it was open. It was late, but things never closed in New York City. She went inside. The place was only half full. She saw Mike sitting at the bar drinking a drink. Probably scotch, she knew.

Jen went up to him. She sat on the stool next to him. She took his arm and leaned into him. "Hi," she said hugging his arm.

"Hi," Mike said. He looked hurt. Bad hurt.

Jacques, the bartender, approached. Mike and Jen were regulars so they knew Jacques well. "What are you having Jen?" Jacques asked with a smile.

Jen saw Mike's glass was almost empty, and he was drinking scotch. She thought a little alcohol might give her an advantage. She ordered a white wine, then tapped Mike's glass with her manicured finger. "And another one for my husband," she told Jacques, giving Mike's arm another hug.

When Jacques went to fix their drinks, Jen whispered "I so fucked up. I'm sorry."

"I needed some air," Mike said. He hadn't looked at Jen yet. Instead, he was talking to the TV screen above the bar.

"We started talking," Jen explained. "I lost track of time." She knew it was a lame excuse, but what else could she say. It was the truth.

"What'd you talk about?" Mike asked.

"Um, I mean, nothing important," Jen said evasively. She obviously couldn't tell everything they talked about. Her heart ached when she saw more hurt on Mike's face. She understood. From his point of view, it was like she was excluding him. Like she shared something private and special with Frank and now wouldn't let Mike in on the secret. She realized she had to tell Mike something, even though she didn't want to.

"Frank, he gets inside your head," Jen said.

"What do you mean?"

Jacques delivered their drinks. Jen took a gulp of the white wine. She suddenly wished it was vodka.

"Remember how I told you Colin made fun of my breasts in high school?" Jen whispered. "It got so bad, I wore padded bras to look bigger?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

"Back then I hoped to get bigger," Jen said. "But I never did." She still didn't understand why. Both her mom and sister had bigger breasts, at least C cup.

"Your breasts are perfect baby" Mike assured her.

"You've told me that for years," Jen said, smiling at him and squeezing his hand. "Because of that ... I don't know ..."

"What honey?" Mike asked.

"I guess it's cause I'm kind of submissive ... you know how I am," Jen said, her cheeks going red. "It's kind of like you. You get off on a little humiliation ..."

Mike got it. "Frank made fun of your breasts?" he said. When Jen nodded, he asked "It got you hot?"

Jen nodded again. She hesitantly asked "Maybe, it's like when you get hot when I'm with a guy who's bigger?"

"Yes," Mike said.

"You always ask if he's bigger," Jen continued.


"You know he is, but you want to hear me say it."

"Yeah," Mike said, breathing heavier.

Jen moved her hand up Mike's thigh. They were sitting close so no one could see. She put her hand over his crotch. He was hard. "So you know what I mean?" she whispered. "About, how it gets me hot? When Frank makes fun of me?"

Mike nodded. "Is Frank bigger?" he asked.

"Frank's so much bigger Mike," Jen said, giving her husband's erection a gentle squeeze. "Especially thick. You're kind of thin honey. Frank's a lot thicker."

"Passes the toilet roll test?" Mike joked.

"Yeah," Jen said with a grin.

"Do I pass the test?"

"No Mike, you don't," Jen said.

Mike looked at his wife, breathing hard. He definitely understood how humiliation could be a turn on. "What did Frank say?" he asked, his voice hoarse with excitement.

"He ...," Jen began. She didn't want to say it. She hated the bottle blonde bitch. Especially because of her relationship with Mike. Well, because of her relationship with Mike. But Jen decided she needed to come clean with her husband, to make up for before. "Frank asked if I wished I had Jasmine's breasts."

Mike looked up sharply.

Jen continued, saying "Of course I wish I had her breasts. What girl wouldn't? They're perfect."

Mike couldn't believe what Jen was saying. Of course, he knew better than to mention his earlier conversation with Jasmine at Frank's party. Intrigued, he said "It turned you on, when Frank made fun of your breasts?" When Jen nodded, he asked "Honey, why didn't you ever tell me this?"

"It's embarrassing," Jen said. She got self-reflective and added, "I'm not sure I knew myself."

"But Frank knew," Mike said.

"Yeah, he's really good at reading people," Jen said.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:20 PM

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