Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 19

Jen met Frank at a small out of the way bar. She and Mike lived where they played which made keeping things secret difficult sometimes. Jen knew there were rumors, but rumors always swirled around in marketing and in all of New York City for that matter. As long as people didn't KNOW - like, as long as there weren't pictures on Instagram - she could deal with it.

Frank was already there. "You look lovely," he said giving her an up and down look and smiling approvingly.

"Thanks," Jen said sitting next to him in the booth. There was a bottle of tequila on the table. Frank poured her a glass.

"Um, I need to pace myself," Jen said looking at the clear liquid in the tumbler. She smiled and said "It's a school night."

"Would you rather have something else?" Frank asked.

"Um, no, just one is okay," Jen said, taking a sip of the tequila. It was awesome! Smooth in her mouth, soft going down, making her feel warm inside. She was definitely developing a taste for tequila. At least, the ones Frank gave her.

"Is this a new dress?" Frank asked, brushing his fingertips along the fringe of the dress at Jen's arm. She wore a black dress, a little like the shift dress from his party but somewhat more body hugging.

"No I've had it," Jen said. She added with a nervous laugh "I guess everything I have will seem new to you."

Frank smiled. His hand moved to Jen's legs under the table. "Do you always wear dresses this short to work?" he asked as his fingers touched the hem of the dress.

"Um, no, this is a little shorter," Jen said. "You liked my dress the other day."

"I did," Frank said his smile growing bigger. "So you wore this dress for me."

"Well, yeah," Jen said.

"Thank you Jenny," he said. "But, can I make a request?"


Frank's hand moved below the dress onto Jen's thigh. His fingers touched the silk of her stockings. "Can you take these off?" he said.

"What, my stockings?" Jen said surprised. "Now?"

"Yes, if you don't mind," Frank said. "I don't find them attractive."

"Um, okay," Jen said hesitantly. She looked at him worriedly wondering if he wanted her to take them off at the booth. She was relieved when he didn't try to stop her from getting up. "I'll be right back."

In the bathroom, Jen slid off her thigh high stockings and pushed them into her purse. She wondered if she should take off her panties. Was that what he wanted, to play with her at the table? But he didn't mention her panties. She left them on.

"Much better," Frank said approvingly as Jen slid back into the booth, now bared legged.

"I think you're the only man on the planet who doesn't like a girl in stockings," Jen joked.

"I don't mean to be cruel, but honestly some women need to wear hose," Frank said. He put his hand on her thigh below her dress. "But your legs are perfect. Soft and toned. Tight, shapely. Why hide your perfect legs with hosiery?"

"Mike's got a thing for stockings," Jen said. "Pantyhose and tights too."

"But you're with me now," Frank said.

"We're having a drink," Jen said. "I don't think that means I'm with you."

"You're a sassy girl Jenny," Frank said with a laugh. "I like that."

Jen smiled. She had to admit, it felt a lot better going bare legged in the summer heat.

"But you admit, you wore this dress for me, and you just took off your stockings," Frank pressed with a teasing smile.

"Whatever Frank," Jen said with a laugh. Let him think what he wants.

Frank grinned. He took his hand off Jen's leg and topped off their tumblers of tequila. "So I'd like to get to know you better."

"Like what?"

"Well, I suppose I still see you as that blonde high school girl who was captain of the cheerleaders," Frank said. "What have you done since then? Travel the world?"

"We didn't travel much growing up," Jen admitted.

"That's what I thought," Frank said.

"I mean, it's not like we never went anywhere," Jen said. "Heck, I think we went to Iowa twice, Nebraska once, and Kansas three times."

"Oooookay," Frank said with a grin.

"Are you making fun of where my relatives live?" Jen said with pretend indignation.

"No Jenny, of course not," Frank said trying to keep a straight face.

"Let me tell you Frank, you haven't lived until you've been to a Pecan Festival," Jen said.

"Okay," Frank said with a half laugh.

"Or taken your picture with the world's largest goose," Jen deadpanned.

"And where would I find the world's largest goose?" Frank asked.

"Gawd Frank, in Sumner Missouri," Jen said with a roll of her eyes. "I thought you went to college."

"Clearly my education is lacking."

"My cousin Cindy lives there," Jen said.

"Is she as pretty as you?" Frank asked. "A lot of men after her?"

"You know those country girls," Jen joked. "She tries to be good though. She's tall, a basketball player. She could kick your butt Frank."

"I'm sure she could," Frank said laughing.


"Where are we going?" Jen asked as they drove in Frank's limousine.

"I thought you'd like to see more Impressionist art," Frank said.

"Oh okay," Jen said. "Um, who are they?" she asked, referring to the 2 men in the front seat.

"Hugh and Lou," Frank said. "They're my body guards. Both ex-Navy Seals. Lou used to be CIA. Fairly high level."

"How did you get them?" Jen asked.

"I've got a better 401k plan," Frank joked.

The limo stopped in front of the Museum of Modern Art. "Um, Frank, I think MoMA's closed," Jen said. It was passed 9pm.

"Trust me Jenny," Frank said.

One of Frank's bodyguards opened Jen's door. Always the flirt, Jen let her dress ride high up her leg as she slid out of the car. She was pleased to see the bodyguard give her legs a long look (she pretended not to notice of course).

"Um, are you Hugh or Lou?" Jen asked the bodyguard.

"I'm Hugh ma'am," Hugh said.

"You must hear that joke about Huey, Louie and -."

"And Dewey?" Hugh said.


"No, I haven't heard that joke ma'am," Hugh said with a straight face.

"Are you dicking with me?" Jen asked.

"I'm an ex-Marine ma'am, we don't dick with girls," Hugh said.

"What do you think of Hugh and Lou?" Frank asked as they walked to MoMA's main door.

"They're ... fit," Jen said giving the 2 bodyguards another look. Both looked ruggedly handsome with athletic bodies of NFL linebackers.

"When you're with me, they'll protect you too," Frank said.

"I don't think I need protecting," Jen said with a laugh.

"You'll need an emergency word," Frank said. "What's your iPhone password?"

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"If you say your emergency word, Lou and Hugh will protect you," Frank said. "What's your iPhone password?"

Jen hesitated, then said "Goddess." Embarrassed, she explained "That's what Mike calls me sometimes."

They arrived at MoMA's main door. Jen said "Um, Frank? MoMA's clo -."

The door opened. "Mr. Tower, so wonderful to see you again," a tall, smiling bald man said.

"Hello Russell," Frank said with a smile. "This is my friend Jenny Johnson. Jenny, this is Russell, curator of MoMA's impressionist collection."

"Oh ... hi," Jen said stunned.

As Russell led them into the museum, Jen whispered, "Frank, how are we here?"

"I'm on MoMA's advisory board," Frank said simply.

"Oh," Jen said.

Russell gave the couple an enlightened tour of little known but significant pieces of the museum's impressionist collection. Jen hung on his every word.

Back in the limo, Jen was all over Frank. "That was freaking awesome!" she gushed, her hands on the lapels of his jacket and his tie. She felt so special! "Thank you Frank," she said moving close to kiss him, her hand rubbing his cock. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Hugh and Lou looking. Fuck it, she thought. They could watch their boss get a blow job from a pretty girl.

To Jen's surprise, Frank gently pushed her away. "Don't you think we should wait for Mike?" he asked.

"Um, oh yeah, sure," Jen stammered.

"Be patient Jen honey," Frank said tenderly stroking her cheek. "Remember, he's your husband."

They rode the rest of the way in silence. Jen felt deflated. "I didn't forget about Mike," she told herself.

"Can you let me off a block before, and then follow 5 minutes later?" Jen asked. She didn't want her neighbors seeing her arrive in a limo with a man not her husband. Seeing Frank's scowl, she explained "I have to think about Anna."

Frank shrugged. They let Jen out as she requested, then circled the block a few times.

Inside the loft apartment, Mike looked disappointed when Jen came in by herself. Reading his mind, she said "Frank's following in a few minutes."

Mike got it. He asked "How was it?"

"Mike it was so freaking amazing!" Jen gushed. "Frank's on the board of MoMA. The curator gave us a private tour. The curator! We had the museum all to ourselves!"

"Wow," Mike said clearly impressed. He immediately noticed his wife's bare legs. "Where are your stockings?" Did they already fuck? Is that how she lost her hose?

"Frank will be up in a minute, I'll tell you later," Jen said. Reading his thoughts, she added "No, nothing's happened. I wanted to wait for you baby." I did not forget Mike, Jen told herself again. "Anna's sleeping over with Maggie?"

"Yeah," Mike said. Being the summer, Maggie was eager to pick up some babysitting cash. Also, Maggie and Anna were really close, they were almost like sisters (albeit separated in age by 20 years).

Jen handed Mike a bag. Inside were 2 bottles. Mike gawked at the bottles. The first was Highland Park Orcadian Series Vintage 1968. Mike had done some research since Frank's party. This was a special bottling of Highland Park and it cost over $5000! Mike wasn't familiar with the second bottle. It was tequila, AsomBroso Reserva Del Porto.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:19 PM

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