Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike couldn't help getting into the spirit of his wife's enthusiasm. After all, he was addicted to their game. He grinned at her and whispered "Are you wet?"

"I'm trying to control myself," Jen whispered back. She had an excited glow to her but she didn't have a complete cum face on. "When you went with Frank to his den, that what so hot."

"Do you want to fuck him, with all these people here?" Mike whispered excitedly.

"I want to be a little subtle," Jen said with a giggle. "But I probably should talk to him."

"Okay, I can take care of myself," Mike said.

Jen remembered what Leo said. "Do you know JJ? Jonathan Jakes?" she asked. When Mike shook his head no, she said "He works in the White House. That's him over there."

"Okay," Mike said seeing the older balding man talking with people across the room.

"Leo said you might want to avoid JJ," Jen said gently.

Mike got it. "Liberty-gate?"

"Yeah," Jen said squeezing Mike's hand. "I guess I'll go find Frank."

"Okay," Mike said. He watched his wife move away. Then he turned back to JJ. He looked at the man for a long time.


Jen found Frank a few minutes later. "We should talk," she told him.

"I think you're right," Frank said. He led Jen down to the basement

Jen looked around the room. It was a luxurious man cave with an elaborate bar and high tech home theatre with a wall filled with huge flat screen TVs. "Is this where you fucked Paige?" Jen asked, wanting to throw Frank off balance.

Frank was startled but for only a moment. "So she talked to you," he said with a sly smile.

"We were best friends," Jen said. "She wanted to warn me to stay away from you."

"You should listen to her," Frank said moving close to Jen. He brushed his fingertips across her breasts.

"You've got a lot of nerve," Jen said although she made no move to push his hand away.

"Come on Jenny, I think we're pass your hard to get act," Frank said as he continued to lightly caress Jen's breasts over her dress. "Yes, I fucked Paige down here. A few times with a party going on upstairs, just like now."

"So that's what I am, your new Paige?"

"What, you're jealous I picked Paige instead of you?" Frank said with a laugh.

"You think so much of yourself," Jen said with a laugh back. "I was with Colin then. I had no interest in you."

"What does that say about Mike?" Frank asked with a grin. "He's your husband, but you're here with me with your tit in my hand."

Jen stepped away from him. She glared at Frank. "I don't want you to talk about Mike," she said sternly.

Frank was about to respond but Jen cut him off. "Wait, I'm not done. Sometimes you call me Jenny Johnson. Don't call me that, I'm not Johnson anymore. My last name is Andrews, you know that. Also, you better not do anything to Paige or her husband. If I hear Bob got fired or demoted, we're over."

Frank began saying something but Jen cut him off again. "One more thing," she said. "Mike is Anna's father. I never want to hear anything different from you."

"Are you done?" Frank said with a glare at Jen.

"Yes," Jen said with a determined look on her face.

Frank moved towards Jen, forcing her to back up. Soon she was pressed against a wall with Frank so close she could feel his breath on her face when he talked.

"Did Paige tell you I paid her college tuition when her parents divorced?" Frank said. "Paige asked me to hire Bob when he got laid off, so I did. I'm fond of Paige and I like her husband. He's a hard worker. I'm not going to retaliate. I'm not petty Jenny."

"Good, I just –," Jen began, but Frank stopped her with a finger to her lips.

"I'm talking Jenny," Frank said. "Something you need to understand. I don't respond well to people telling me what to do. You have spirit and I like that. You defend your friend and I admire that. But you don't order me Jenny. No one orders me. You ask politely. Understand Jenny?"

"Yeah Frank, whatever," Jen said. She was putting up a brave face and trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"You're a beautiful girl Jenny," Frank continued, running his finger across Jen's lips. "You're used to getting your way. All your life you've had men wrapped around your finger. I'm not like that Jenny. I demand respect. In return, I'll treat you right."

"Like Chicago?" Jen shot back, although her scowl was only half-hearted.

Frank pushed his finger into Jen's mouth. She resisted momentarily but then relented. Frank stroked her tongue with his finger. After a moment Jen licked and sucked his finger, like she was blowing him. Frank smiled. "Yeah Jenny, like Chicago," he told her.

"One more thing," Frank said. He pulled his finger out of Jen's mouth. He traced over her chin and down her neck with his wet fingertip. Then he put his hand over her breast. "You need to be honest with me Jenny. You lied to me. I know for a fact Mike is not Anna's father." Frank's private investigator had gotten a copy of the paternity test showing that Drum's was Anna's father, not Mike.

Jen was silent for long moments. This seemed so surreal, boxed in by Frank, his hand cupping her breast, all of this happening with the party going on upstairs. "Mike's not Anna's biological father," Jen finally admitted in a low voice. "But he's her father."

Frank smiled. "See? That's all you had to say. Always tell me the truth Jen honey. It's not hard, right?" Frank continued to caress Jen's breast. He thumbed her nipple through her dress and bra. A moan escaped her lips.

Frank's hand moved down her body, from her breasts, over her flat stomach, to the hem of her short shift dress. His fingertips moved to her thighs. Frank looked displeased when he felt the silk of Jen's stockings. Then his fingers moved up her thighs and disappeared under the dress. His frown turned to a smile when he felt Jen's soft skin above her stocking tops. Then his fingers reached her panties.

"I like the dress Jenny," Frank said as he softly stroked between her pussy lips over her panties.

"Thanks," Jen breathed, the one word coming out like a moan.

"This dress reminds me how you dressed in high school," Frank said as he continued to finger her. "You showed more leg then."

"I'm older now," Jen said, her voice shaky.

"I think you're even prettier now," Frank said, so close to Jen now their lips almost touched.

"Thank you," Jen said. Again she thought how unreal and ridiculous this situation was. They were both fully dressed, yet Frank had his hand up her dress and was fingering her. And she was letting him. All of this happening while they were having a mostly normal conversation with the party going on upstairs. With her husband upstairs.

"Ever think I'd be doing this?" he asked as he stroked soft circles around her clit.

"No," Jen said, the word coming out like a moan. She rolled her head back as he stroked over her clit. "God Frank," she said with an embarrassed laugh.

"You're wet Jenny," Frank said as he continued to rub between her pussy lips and draw circles around her clit.

"Ya think?" Jen said with a laugh. Her chest heaved as Frank fingered her. She said with another laugh "Can you at least kiss me if you're going to do that?"

"You like to kiss?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," Jen breathed, her beautiful face flush with excitement. She moved forward to kiss but Frank pulled away. "God Frank," she said, pleading and frustration in her voice. She was close to an orgasm, but he was keeping her on the edge.

"You're not in control Jenny," Frank said with a confident smile. Then, in a single smooth movement, Frank pulled her panties aside and pushed a finger into her pussy.

"Ugh god," Jen groaned at the sudden penetration. Frank expertly found her g-spot. "Oh fuck," Jen moaned as he rubbed her there. Frank adjusted his hand so he could rub her g-spot and thumb her clit at the same time. "Oh god Frank!" Jen cried her manicured fingernails digging into his muscular arm. Jen came a moment later, the intensity of the orgasm lifting her out of her high heels.

Jen collapsed into Frank's chest, gasping as she recovered from her orgasm. "Oh god oh god oh god," she panted into Frank's tailored shirt.

Frank kissed Jen tenderly on the cheeks and lips. "See Jen honey?" he said between loving kisses. "I'll take care of you."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Jen panted. Her knees were shaky. If not for Frank's arm around her she'd collapse to the floor.

Frank withdrew his finger from Jen's pussy. "Here Jenny, taste yourself," he said, pressing his wet finger between Jen's lips. Jen let Frank push his finger into her mouth. She sucked him like before, licking her juices off his finger.

Frank gave Jen more tender kisses. He pulled away and began straightening his suit. "You should check on your husband."

"Oh ... yeah, sure," Jen sputtered, surprised Frank didn't want her to do something for him. With shaky hands she fixed her dress and hair.

"I'd like to see you this week," Frank said, his voice casual but like a command. "We have a lot to talk about."

"Okay, yeah, definitely," Jen said.


Mike wandered around the party, trying to keep to himself and avoid having to talk to anyone. He didn't like parties, especially ones like this where he didn't know anyone. He sipped scotch and pretended to watch the Mets game, but really his thoughts were on Jen and what she was doing with Frank.

"Hello Mike," a voice said from behind him. Mike turned. It was Jasmine Kelly.

"Oh, hi Jasmine," Mike said.

"You look good," Jasmine said.

"Thanks but, I've actually gained some weight," Mike admitted.

"I mean, you look happy," Jasmine said.

"I am happy," Mike said.

"Because you're back with Jen," Jasmine said.

There was an awkward silence. Then Jasmine said "So where is your pretty wife? Oh let me guess. She's with Frank Tower." Seeing Mike's surprise, she said "I have eyes Mike. And ears. There are rumors."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:17 PM

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