Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 18

"Zip me?" Jen said to Mike, turning around and holding up her long blonde hair. Mike zipped Jen's dress and then she turned around. "What do you think?"

Mike's eyes went up and down his wife, his heart beat quickening. Jen wore a sleeveless white shift dress. While it showed off her slim figure, it certainly wasn't body hugging. The dress was simple and classic, conservative even.

Except, the dress ended really high up Jen's legs. Really high. The dress ended just a couple inches passed her panties. With her 4 inch heels, Jen's incredible legs truly appeared to go on forever.

"You look incredible honey," Mike gushed. Jen gave him a smile at the compliment. "You're wearing pantyhose?" he asked, figuring there was no way to hide stocking tops with that short a dress.

"Stockings," Jen told him. She tugged the dress up slightly. The thigh highs ended just below her panties. The lacy stocking tops were thin, no more than an inch. They weren't visible when she was standing or walking, but she'd have to be careful when sitting not to flash them. Although, that was probably the point at least with Frank.

"For you honey," Jen said with a grin at Mike. She knew her husband always got a charge when she wore hose, especially thigh highs (although he loved when she wore pantyhose and tights too). Back in high school and college she hated wearing hose. But she gradually gave into Mike's preferences and wore hose almost all the time now. She even wore hose in the summer (like now), except when it got blistering humid and hot in the City.

"We better go," she said. She put on a light summer jacket. She didn't want her parents to see how short the dress was.

"Bye mommy, daddy," Anna said as Jen and Mike gave their daughter kisses goodbye. Anna was in mom's lap. Mom looked happy to stay home with Anna rather than go to Frank's party.

The same couldn't be said of Jen's dad. "You're invited and I'm not?" Dad said bad-temperedly. "Frank's my friend not yours."

"I work with Frank," Jen said with a scowl. She had a love-hate relationship with her father. "This is a work function."

"You should call him Mr. Tower," Dad said with a scowl back.

"Dad I'm not a teenager anymore," Jen said. She gave Anna another kiss then grabbed Mike's hand and left. "God I can't stand him," she told Mike as they drove to Frank's house in the rental car.

"Maybe we should do something with your parents tomorrow," Mike suggested, trying to be peacemaker.

"Mom maybe, but not Dad," Jen said. "I know what you're trying to do Mike. But you have loving supporting parents. My Mom's like that, but not Dad. You know I think he still cheats on her? I'm pretty sure. I wish she'd leave him."

"People need their parents Jen," Mike pointed out.

"I don't," Jen said. She grabbed her husband's hand. "I have you."

The valets took the car keys from Mike as they arrived. Jen left the jacket in the car. The valets took long looks at Jen's incredible legs.

The party was packed. Jen scanned the crowd. She nudged Mike. "Look over there."

Mike looked over the sea of people. Taylor Swift. Wow. Mike's eyes lingered on the young 25 year old super star. Talk about a beautiful blonde with long legs ....

"Will you put your eyes back in your head," Jen said with an elbow to her husband's side.

"I was, ah, just noticing Taylor talking to Chris Christie," Mike said with a grin. "Frank invited Republicans too?"

"This is supposed to be a social event," Jen said. She added (a little sarcastically) "Anyway, Jasmine likes to think she can work with Republicans and Democrats."

"Can she?" Mike asked.

"I don't know Mike, do we have to talk about her?" Jen snapped.

"Okay, sorry," Mike said. He was thinking Jen brought up Jasmine, not him. She couldn't possibly be jealous because he was looking at Taylor, right? Maybe she was nervous about seeing Frank.

At that moment Frank Tower walked up to them, all smiles. "Jenny, you look wonderful my dear," he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Then he turned to Mike. "Mike Andrews, it's my pleasure to meet you," he gushed, shaking Mike's hand. "I'm a great admirer."

"Thanks," Mike said surprised at the welcome.

Frank was holding 2 glasses of clear liquid. "You'll love this," he said giving one to Jen.

"Tequila?" Jen asked taking a sip. "Oh god this is so good," she gushed.

"You like tequila?" Mike asked.

"Frank's getting me into it," Jen said. She handed the glass to him. "Try it honey."

Mike took a sip. He normally didn't like tequila but this was certainly smooth. He gave the glass back to his wife.

"I have a feeling you want to talk to me," Frank said giving Mike a knowing grin.

"Uh, yes, I do," Mike stammered, off balance by Frank's offer and directness.

"Let's go to my den," Frank said to Mike. "Jenny I think Leo's looking for you."

"Okay," Jen said giving Frank a smile. She looked at Mike and gave his hand a quick squeeze.

"I understand you're a Highland Park man," Frank said as he closed the door to his den.

"Yeah," Mike said. He watched as Frank poured him a drink. Frank's Highland Park was not the standard bottling he normally bought. Instead, this was one of the high end Highland Parks that cost close to $1000 for a bottle.

"I've known Jenny for years," Frank said as they settled into chairs across from each other.

Mike nodded. His wife went by Jen now of course, but it gave him a charge to hear Frank call her by her school girl name.

"Jenny was all blonde hair and legs back then," Frank said. He chuckled as he added "I suppose she still is."

Mike nodded again. He took a sip of the scotch, unsure how to begin the conversation. It occurred to him that he rarely spoke to Jen's lovers about their relationship with his wife. Usually Jen passed along anything he wanted them to know.

Always direct, Frank began the conversation. He said "Jenny tells me you enjoy sharing her."

"She enjoys being shared," Mike said. "We're both into it. Are you judging us?"

"I'm certainly in no position to judge anyone," Frank said with a laugh but his eyes held no humor. He took a long draw of his tequila.

"I let Jen have lovers," Mike said. "But you have to treat her right."

"You're talking about what happened in Chicago?" Frank said.

Mike nodded.

"No offense, but Jenny's a manipulative bitch," Frank said. He smiled to take the bite out of his words. "She's beautiful and she knows it. She uses her pretty looks. You're her husband, you obviously love her, so you let her get away with it. Probably most men are the same way. That's not me Mike." Frank shrugged. "I'm not perfect, far from it. But I'll never lie to you, never hide anything."

"You don't pull her into a stairway," Mike said with a glare at Frank.

"Did Jenny complain? Is she upset?" When Mike didn't answer Frank knew he was right. He said, "This is the way I am. I'm not changing for you, or Jenny, or anyone. If that's not acceptable then walk away. That's the best I can do Mike. I am who I am."


"Frank said you wanted to see me?" Jen asked Leo.

"Yeah Jennifer," Leo said. He grinned at her. "Frank said you were amazing in Chicago. We raised over twice our target."

"I guess maybe I'm more use than a symbol?" Jen said sarcastically, referring to how Jasmine wanted her at the fundraiser to show how she could be reasonable and work both sides of the aisle.

"That was Jasmine's idea Jennifer, I never thought that," Leo assured her.

Jen shrugged, as if saying "whatever." "Where is our master manipulator?" she asked with a touch of irritation in her voice.

"You know Jas, she's always working the room," Leo said. "She's with her new boyfriend. Justin something."

"Timberlake?" Jen asked. She added with a giggle "Bieber?"

"No not them, thank god," Leo said with a laugh. "Although they might be next. Jasmine churns through boyfriends." Without thinking he added "Actually Mike was her longest boyfriend I can remember." Realizing he just put his foot in his mouth, he said "Sorry about that."

Jen shrugged. "I don't know why I'm working for Jasmine," she mused as much to herself as Leo.

"Because you believe in her positions," Leo said. "You don't have to like the candidate Jennifer. I've run dozens of campaigns and half the time I don't. But if they have the right ideas and ideals, and if they're good people, then that's what matters."

"I guess," Jen said although she wasn't entirely convinced. She certainly wasn't sure if Jasmine was a good person.

"By the way, Mike's here right?" Leo said. He looked across the room. "You might want to stay away from JJ. I don't think he's a big fan of Mike. Because of Liberty-Gate."

"Oh," Jen said, following Leo's eyes. She saw an older, balding man. He was just a little taller than her and wore a non-descript suit that didn't fit him well. He was Jonathan Jakes, JJ, special advisor to the President. He didn't look like much, but everyone respected him. In fact, most people (including Leo) were scared shitless of JJ. She didn't understand why, JJ didn't look like much. But she respected Leo, so if he was intimidated, then JJ was a person to avoid.

Jen said "Okay, I'll tell Mike."


"How'd it go?" Jen whispered when Mike approached a few minutes later.

"He's not apologizing for Chicago," Mike said.

"I didn't think he would," Jen said with a laugh. Then she saw her husband looked bothered. She squeezed his hand and said "Baby, I'm really okay with what happened."

"He's dangerous Jen," Mike said.

"He won't hurt me Mike," Jen assured her husband. "Look around baby, at all the famous people. Frank wouldn't risk a scandal. And I've known him for years. He's friends with my parents. He wouldn't hurt me."

"I guess not," Mike said, only partially mollified.

"Frank's perfect honey," Jen said with an excited sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes. "He'll push our boundaries. That's what we want, right? Actually, I would've been disappointed if he apologized."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:16 PM

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