Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike, Jen and Anna took the Amtrak to Belmont (actually to Boston, and then a commuter train to Belmont via Cambridge). While Jen's mom fussed over Anna, Mike holed up with Jen in her old bedroom.

Jen's room was almost as she left it when she went to college. Mike loved being in her old bedroom, looking through her stuff. If Jen was his goddess, then her old bedroom was his temple.

"Are you ever going to wear this for me?" Mike asked with a grin, looking in the box containing her old cheerleader uniform. The box actually contained a few cheerleader outfits (tops, skirts, briefs, socks, shoes, hair bands and bows, poms). Mike was into the "barely legal" thing, another reason why Jen was his perfect girl because her blue eyes, blonde hair, innocent face and small breasts gave her a youthful almost high school look (even though she was almost 30). He'd love to fuck Jen in her old high school cheerleader outfit. But in all their years together she'd never let him. In fact, she'd never worn any of her cheer outfits for him.

"You know how I feel about that," Jen said gently, taking the box from him. They'd had this conversation millions of times. Cheerleading had been a big part of Jen's life. It'd been her sport, along with dance and gymnastics. But most people didn't think of cheerleading as a sport. They thought of it as a bunch of silly girls cheering for boys. Colin certainly looked at it that way.

Because Jen had a sentimental nature, she kept all her cheerleading paraphilia. But looking back she regretted ever getting into cheerleading. Anna would never be a cheerleader if she had anything to do about it.

Despite all that, Jen would gladly let Mike make love to her in her old cheerleader outfits. What else were they good for? But she cringed at even the idea of Mike seeing her wearing one of the outfits.

"Remember I told you I wore padded bras for Colin in high school?" Jen said taking Mike's hand. (Author's note: see Cheating and Rivals – Part 2.) She'd told Mike this before, but it seemed like she had to repeat the story whenever they were at her parents' house. "He wanted me bigger. The bras made me like a C cup. All my old cheerleader outfits are sized for that. They'd look terrible on me." Jen's breasts were a little bigger after having Anna, but still probably shy of a B cup.

"I don't want you to see me like that honey," Jen said.

"I get it," Mike said. He knew his wife was insecure about her small breasts. He liked her that way though, so he'd never suggested breast enhancement. While he'd still love to see Jen in her old cheer outfit (he knew she'd still look super hot), he didn't want to hurt her self-esteem.

"I promise I'll buy a cheerleader outfit and wear it for you," Jen said giving him a mischievous grin. "With stockings and high heels."

"I'd rather you wore ankle socks and saddle shoes," Mike said with a grin. He wanted her to look exactly as she looked in high school.

"God you're so kinky," Jen said with a laugh.

At that moment Jen's mom knocked on the door. "Jenny, honey, Paige is on the phone," mom said.

"What, Paige?" Jen said surprised. She looked at Mike. "You remember Paige, at our wedding? I haven't talked to her in forever."

Jen went downstairs to take the call. She returned a few minutes later. "Paige wants to get together," Jen said, a quizzical look on her face. "She says she needs to tell me something."

"What?" Mike asked.

"She didn't want to say over the phone," Jen said. "Is it okay if I meet her? I'd like to see her again. I don't think I've seen her since our wedding."

"Of course baby," Mike said. "Maybe I'll go see a movie. Ant Man maybe." Mom – the proud grandmother -- was planning to take Anna around to her friends. The last thing Mike wanted was to hang in the house with Jen's dad.

"I'm sure dad will go with you," Jen said reading his mind.

"Uh ...."

"I'm just teasing," Jen said with a giggle.

Mike grinned. "So, are your parents going to Frank's party tomorrow?" he asked.

"I told Mom it's for Jasmine's campaign," Jen said.

"Is it?" Mike asked.

"I'm not sure," Jen said with a shrug. "But it gives Mom an excuse not to go. Dad always drinks too much at Frank's parties."

"What will your dad say?" Mike asked.

"At not being invited?" Jen said. She gave an uncaring shrug. She did not have a good relationship with her father. He'd ignored her while growing up (he still mostly ignored her) and repeatedly cheated on her mother. For the life of Jen she didn't know why her mother was still with him. She said with some bitterness "I don't care what Dad thinks."

Mike decided not to go there, well aware of the issues Jen had with her father (Mike thought he was a creep too, although he was always respectful to his father-in-law). He had better things to think about anyway. "So, all's go with Frank tomorrow?" Mike asked with an eager glint in his eye.

"Well, I guess," Jen said with a laugh. Her husband was so predictable. "I don't know what's going to happen. They'll be other people there. But we won't have to worry about Mom or Dad there."

"That's good honey," Mike said. He pulled his wife to him and raised her top a little. He kissed his wife's flat tummy.

"I think Frank's into belly rings," Jen said.

"How do you know?" Mike asked suddenly intrigued.

"Just his reaction, when I told him I want to get one someday," Jen said.

"Maybe you should get one then," Mike said kissing his wife's belly button.

"You don't like piercings," Jen reminded him.

"I don't like tattoos, but I like yours," Mike said, running his fingers over Jen's lower back. "You'd look sexy with a belly ring. You can get it for Frank."

"For Frank huh?" Jen said with a knowing, lopsided grin. "Not for you?"

Mike grinned back at her.

"Maybe I will," Jen said, seizing on the opportunity. Whether or not something happened with Frank, this was her chance to get a belly ring! "Do you want to be there?"

Mike thought about it a moment. "Let's see how it goes with Frank," he said.

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh. They had the strangest conversations!

"When do you need to go?" Mike said pulling her closer. Their talk (about Frank, the belly ring and earlier about her cheerleader uniform) had got him hot.

"I need to go now honey," Jen said, giggling as she squirmed away from his grasp. "Later mister," she told him with a grin.

"Can you do something for me?" Mike asked.

"What?" Jen said with a wary laugh.

"Wear these," Mike said pulling delicate ankle socks and black and white saddle shoes from Jen's cheer box.

"Are you serious?" Jen said with another laugh. But she was already tossing off her flats and putting on the socks and saddle shoes. "Paige is going to give me so much shit when she sees me wearing this." Always the fashion plate, Jen rolled the skinny jeans up a couple issues to draw attention to the ankle socks and saddle shoes.

"You look hot baby," Mike admired. She did too. Jen was wearing a casual top and skinny jeans. The saddle shoes gave a sexy "barely legal high school" vibe to the outfit.

"You think so huh?" Jen said with a teasing grin. She raised her leg and pressed the toe of the shoe into Mike's chest. "Does this turn you on?"

"Yeah," Mike said. He was quickly losing control. He moved Jen's foot up to his face.

Knowing what her husband wanted, Jen's pushed the toe of the worn saddle shoe into his mouth. Like a cock in his mouth. She said "Suck it Mike."

It was only a moment, then she pulled back. She giggled seeing the look of uncontrolled lust on her husband's face. Mike was so much fun to torture! "I've got to go baby," she said. She took a red brief from the cheerleader box and stuffed it in his mouth. "You can think about this while I'm gone," she said with more giggles. "But no playing with yourself mister," she playfully warned. "If I have to wear these shoes then you have to wait until I get home."


As it turned out, Paige didn't notice Jen's shoes. She had more important things to talk about.

"What's wrong Paige?" Jen asked after a few minutes of catching up. Paige was clearly distracted and bothered by something.

"You can never tell Bob, or anyone," Paige warned. She looked frazzled.

"Of course not honey," Jen assured her.

Paige hesitated as if mustering up her courage. Then she said in a low voice, "In high school, I had an affair with Frank Tower."

Jen's eyes grew wide. "You did?" she said shocked.

"It started the summer before our senior year," Paige said. "We were at a sleepover at Sophie's. You and Sophie were asleep. I woke up, went to the kitchen for water. Mr. Tower – Frank -- was there."

"I was there?" Jen asked.

Paige nodded. Her cheeks got red. "So was Mrs. Tower," she continued. "It must've been 2 or 3, everyone was asleep. I went with Mr. Tower to the basement."

"Just like that?" Jen said looking incredulously at Paige.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:14 PM

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