Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen hesitated, then said "Yeah." There it was. Their decision.

"Let's get a hotel room," Mike said hopefully. He preferred not staying with her parents. Jen's mom was lovely but he always felt awkward around her father.

"We can't Mike, if we're in Belmont we have to stay with my parents," Jen said with a half laugh. Mike was so predictable. He hated staying with her parents. Truth was, Jen would rather stay in a hotel too. But that wasn't an option, her mom would be so offended and hurt. "This way, mom can babysit Anna."

"You don't think Frank invited your mom and dad?" Mike asked.

"Um, I didn't think of that," Jen said. Nothing would happen if her mom and dad were at the party. "I guess we'll have to see," she said, feeling disappointed.


Frank drove his BMW 7 Series to the cute Cape Cod house. He walked up to the door and knocked.

"Oh my god, Frank," Paige said when she opened the door, shocked to see Frank Tower. (Author's note: If you don't remember who Paige is, you might want to re-read the start of this story.)

Frank smiled. "Can I come in?" he asked.

"Ah, yes, sure," Paige sputtered. She quickly added, "Bob will be home soon." Bob was her husband.

"No, he's working late tonight," Frank said. "I checked the schedule."

"Oh," Paige said warily. She stepped aside as Frank walked into her home.

"Alisa will be home soon," Paige said. Alisa was her daughter, she was in first grade.

"I won't be long Paige," Frank assured her. "I just want to talk."

"Okay," Paige said nervously. They sat in the living room, facing each other.

Frank gave Paige an up and down look. "You look good Paige," he said approvingly. At 30 years old Paige was still a cute girl. She wore her brown hair shorter now (Frank approved of the change, as he preferred the classic off-the-shoulder look). Her tits were as big as ever, maybe bigger now since having Alisa. She looked slimmer though, not as heavy in the ass and hips. A nice improvement.

"With Alisa in school I have more time to work out," Paige explained.

"I'm sure Bob appreciates that," Frank joked with a grin.

"Ah, yeah," Paige said awkwardly, looking away.

"Well, you look wonderful," Frank said grinning at her.

"Oh ah, thanks Frank," Paige said nervously.

Frank's eyes moved to Paige's stomach. As a stay-at-home mom she was dressed casually, and her top had risen enough to show her lower stomach. "You still have your belly ring I see," he said. As he looked at the diamond belly ring he felt his cock coming to life. He had a thing for body jewelry.

"Um, ah, yeah," Paige said, tugging her top down to cover her stomach.

"Have you told Bob who gave you the diamond?" Frank joked with a not-so-innocent smile.

"Frank, god, no," Paige sputtered.

Paige's affair with Frank Tower had continued into her college years. She got the belly ring at Frank's urging; he was into that type of thing. Honestly, it hadn't been hard to persuade Paige, especially after Frank bought her the diamond belly ring. That ring was still the most expensive jewelry she owned, even more than the diamond engagement ring Bob gave her.

Paige owed Frank a lot. He helped with her tuition when her parents divorced. Also, Frank hired her husband Bob when he got laid off from his job. If not for Frank they wouldn't have this house. Of course, Bob didn't know about her earlier relationship with Frank.

Paige's affair with Frank ended when she graduated from college. Because of Frank, Paige had to admit. He stopped coming around, calling her. Paige wasn't certain, but she suspected Frank lost interest when there was no longer the excitement of fucking a college girl.

Then Paige met Bob, a man her age. It was love at first sight. She did her best to forget Frank.

Paige and Bob married 7 years ago when she got pregnant with Alisa (about 2 years after graduating from college). Paige had been concerned Frank might hit on her after she got married, especially after Bob got laid off and had to take a job with one of Frank's companies. She knew enough about Frank Tower to know he would get off on that type of thing. Bedding not just another man's wife, but an employee's wife. But Frank never tried to contact her. Until now.

"You wanted to talk?" Paige asked nervously.

"It's about Jenny Johnson," Frank said. "I'm working with her on Jasmine Kelly's campaign."

"Jenny?" Paige asked surprised. "God I haven't seen her forever. Since her wedding. She's Jen Andrews now right?"

"I still call her Jenny," Frank said with a grin and a shrug. "I guess I still see you girls as high school girls."

"Yeah ..." Paige said, her voice trailing off. She had mixed feelings about her affair with Frank. She'd been young when it started, barely 18. Part of her felt Frank took advantage of her. Another part felt Frank didn't do enough.

Paige fell in love with Frank. A teenager's love, but still love. She probably still had feelings for him. During their affair she often day dreamed about Frank leaving his wife and marrying her. When Mrs. Tower died 2 years ago, she wistfully imagined what life would be like as the new Mrs. Frank Tower. But by then she was married to Bob and they had their daughter Alisa. Being with Frank was no longer possible. But she still thought about him, even after 7 years of marriage and a first grade daughter.

"So about Jenny," Frank said. "You haven't kept in touch?"

"No I haven't seen her since she married Mike," Paige said looking curiously at Frak. Then she got it. "You're interested in Jenny?" she asked. She couldn't help feeling jealous and envious.

"You know me Paige," Frank said with a grin.

"Yeah, I know you Frank," Paige said bitterly. She felt resentful. She felt like he was casting her away. Again. She knew that made no sense, since she was with Bob now. But still. Also – how dare he talk to her about Jenny? About his next conquest.

"What do you know about her husband Mike?" Frank asked, ignoring the frown on Paige's face.

"I don't know him, not really," Paige said. "I met him just that one time, at their wedding. He seems nice. I heard about that Sapphire thing. He's rich."

"Not anymore," Frank told her. "The government took away his money. Took away his career too." Frank chuckled. "He's a high school teacher now."

"Oh, I didn't know," Paige said. "I heard he was in jail." She paused as if wondering whether to say the next part. Then her gossipy side got the better of her. "I wonder if Anna is his baby," she mused. Anyone could count months.

"She's not," Frank said confidently. He had spent resources looking into this. His private investigator had compared Anna's birth records to the time Mike was in jail. There was no way Mike was Anna's father. The private investigator had also found out about Drums. "Jenny was with another man while Mike was in jail," Frank said. "A musician."

"Jenny always loved music," Paige joked with an awkward laugh. She felt uncomfortable talking to Frank about her high school friend, especially suspecting his intentions. Getting more serious, Paige said "It doesn't surprise me Jenny was with someone. She always hated being alone. She stayed with Colin a long time, even though he cheated on her."

"Jenny's a complex girl," Frank said.

"I guess," Paige said with a shrug. Knowing Frank, she added "Don't fuck them up Frank."

Frank gave Paige a long look, an amused smile on his face. "Is that what you think Paige? I fucked you up?"

"No Frank," Paige said, meekly looking down at her feet.

"I paid your tuition. I gave Bob a job," Frank pointed out. "A good job. I've promoted him twice."

"I know Frank," Paige said in a small voice. She resented Frank. But she wanted him too. Even after all this time. Even after being married for years and having a baby. Desperately wanted him. "You've been good to me," she said, her voice shaking. "To my husband too."

Frank inwardly smiled, seeing the power he still had over Paige. It got him hard.

"Come here Paige," he said reaching his hand to her.

"Frank ...."

"Come here," Frank said more forcefully.

As if in an out of body experience, Paige found herself walking over to Frank. She stood in front of him.

"Good girl," Frank said smiling her. "Let me see your belly ring again."

Paige wasn't able to resist Frank. She found herself tugging up her top to expose her belly button.

"Nice," Frank admired looking at the diamond in Paige's belly button. Paige didn't have the flattest stomach. In fact she had rolls. Nothing like Jenny's. He imagined Jenny with a belly ring. Getting her tight toned stomach pierced. Thinking about Jenny got him rock hard. He needed release. Jenny wasn't here. But Paige was.

"Do me a favor Paige," Frank said, taking Paige's hand and pulling her down to her knees.

"Frank please," Paige implored.

Frank leaned back on his elbows. "Come on Paige honey," he said looking at her. "You know what to do."

"Alisha will be home soon," Paige said nervously.

"Then you better be fast," Frank said with a grin.

It only took a moment for Paige to decide. With shaking hands she reached out and unzipped Frank's pants. She took him out. For a moment she looked at his cock. Her eyes were filled with lust. He was so big, way bigger than her husband Bob. Paige wasn't a size queen (unlike Jen). But Frank's large penis represented more than a sexual organ. It represented his power. His money, his influence, his status as a power broker. It was only fitting a man like Frank Tower should have such an impressive manhood.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:13 PM

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