Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike's expression darkened. Anna WAS "daddy's little girl." She WAS "the apple of Mike's eye." It didn't matter where the sperm came from.

Jim realized his mistake. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. After a moment he hesitantly asked "Have you seen Drums?"

Mike was definitely in a dark mood. He said "If he tries to start something with Jen. If he tries to take Anna from me. I'll kill him."

Jim eyed Mike nervously. "Yeah right," he said with an awkward laugh. He joked "What, you have a gun?"

"I don't need a gun," Mike said simply, his face completely serious.

"What?" Jim said not understanding.

"You're at a stop light," Mike said. "It turns green and you go. But the other light malfunctions and you get hit head on by a tracker trailer."


"You go to the pharmacy," Mike continued. "The computer screws up so the pharmacist gives you the wrong medicine."

"Mike ...."

"The elevator you're in plunges 50 floors," Mike said. "The furnace explodes." He gave Jim a hard determined look. "You don't need a gun to kill Jim. You just need a computer."

"Yeah right," Jim said with an awkward laugh. Getting into the game, he offered "What about a runaway train?"

"No, don't want to hurt innocent people," Mike said immediately.

Jim stared at Mike. He realized these weren't off-the-cuff ideas. Mike had thought it through, had put serious thought into it. How to kill a person. A chill ran down his spine. "Mike, you're joking right?" Jim said with another awkward laugh.

For long moments the hard dark look stayed on Mike's face. Then he broke into a smile. "Sure Jim, I'm joking," he said. The smile was forced, and then it was gone, replaced by the hard look again. He said "Anna is mine."

"Yeah, I mean, I get that," Jim sputtered. "The point system doesn't always work. I'll tell DeShawn that."

Mike shrugged, not caring if Jim told DeShawn or not.

"Shit, I think we need another round mate," Jim joked. He looked at Mike warily and added, "Major buzz kill." Mike smiled. They ordered another round and were silent as they sipped their new drinks.

"Anyway, I'm just saying," Jim said wanting to change back to the original subject. "The whole point system. All the half black babies. If this was a movie it'd be a comedy."

"More like a tragedy," Mike whispered thinking about all the mixed color kids. There was still a lot of prejudice in the world. Half white / half black kids might not be accepted by either group. Those kids were starting life at a disadvantage. Yeah, he and Jen might eventually have challenges with Anna. But at least outwardly they looked like her biological parents.

"What?" Jim asked, not hearing Mike's comment.

"Nothing," Mike said. He had no right to judge Jim. From what he could tell, Jim and Sally were great parents. Who knew? Maybe kids like Dannika will change the world.

Mike's thoughts turned back to the immediate problem. He said "So, if Stacy doesn't get pregnant soon ...."

"Then DeShawn will move to another girl," Jim said. "It's not like he doesn't have his choice of white wives. You have no idea how many couples are into this. I mean, look around New York or any big city. There are a lot of mixed up kids. You ask the parents, they say they adopted. But they didn't Mike. A lot of times they're just like me and Stacy."

Mike nodded slowly, taking this all in. "So what are you going to do?"

"I'm doing what I have to," Jim said grimly. "You know how the fantasy is Mike. I want it to happen. So does Stacy. Yeah I started it. She was reluctant at first. But now she's like me. Obsessed with it. Obsessed with black men, having their babies."

It seemed like Jim was being defensive. Mike asked again "So ... what are you doing about it?"

"You know Stacy got me to wear a cage?" Jim said. "It was actually my idea. When Stacy gets into a black man like DeShawn, I'm not much use to her anyway. I mean, sexually. Wearing the cage takes the pressure off. She can concentrate on DeShawn without feeling guilty about me. And I can stop thinking about sex with her."

"Okay," Mike said, not knowing where Jim was going. "But you're out of the cage now?"

"Yeah, because Stacy doesn't want me to suffer," Jim said. "She lets me have fuck buddies." Jim paused, as if waiting for Mike to give an update on Jen. When he didn't Jim looked disappointed – or frustrated – but he continued. "But DeShawn doesn't like me uncaged. It's not enough he's the alpha dick. He wants to be the only dick around Stacy. He doesn't want to take the chance of my white seed mixing with his black seed in Stacy."

"So?" Mike prompted.

Jim looked down, as if embarrassed to say the next part. Finally he said "DeShawn doesn't want Stacy to see me as a sexual object. He doesn't want Stacy to have any desire for me."

"But ... how is that possible?" Mike asked. Stacy might be in lust with DeShawn's body and cock. But Jim was still her husband. There would always be some desire there. It was inevitable between a married couple who loved each other.

Jim paused again, this time longer. His cheeks reddened with embarrassment. He whispered in a hoarse voice "I'm wearing panties Mike. That's what DeShawn wants. He put me in panties. He says, if Stacy sees my cock in panties, there's no way she'll have any desire for me."

"Oh," Mike said shocked. "You agreed to that?"

"I told you, I'm trying to make it work," Jim replied. He gave a lopsided grin and admitted "It's actually a turn on. You know, the humiliation and all. It feels kind of sexy with a string up my ass."

"Okay, too much information," Mike said with a laugh. Jim laughed back. Mike hesitantly asked "So is it working with Stacy?"

"Yeah I guess," Jim said. "She's not interested in me at all. Sexually I mean." He added nervously, "It's like, DeShawn took away my manhood."


"That part's a turn on too," Jim admitted. As if worried Mike was judging him harshly, Jim hesitantly asked "Do you get what I'm saying?"

With everything Jim was telling him, Mike felt like he had to open up too. "A couple times Jen got me to suck off guys. She started it, but those guys got into it. It was like they were trying to make me look bad in front of Jen. One of the guys came on my face. I didn't think Jen would ever want me again. She wouldn't think of me as a man."

"Like she doesn't see you as a man anymore," Jim said.

Mike nodded.

"Yeah," Jim said, smiling appreciatively as if finding a kindred spirit. "Can I ask you something?" he asked. "Was it a turn on, at some level?"

Mike shrugged and gave a weak smile. "It's what you said, humiliation is a big part of the fantasy."

"But Jen didn't lose respect for you?"

"No, I don't think so," Mike said. "She gets off on it. Pushing my boundaries."

"You push hers too, right?" Jim said with a grin.

"Yeah," Mike agreed, grinning back.

"I worry though," Jim said. "After we're passed DeShawn and just us again. Whether Stacy will see me as a man again."

"I'm sure she will," Mike assured his friend, although frankly he wasn't sure. Panties, really? On top of everything else? But wanting to make Jim feel better, he said "It's all fantasy Jim. She's infatuated with DeShawn but she'll get over it. Then it'll be you and her again, like before."

"I hope so," Jim said looking uncertain.

Their glasses were empty. Mike needed to get home. Maggie was babysitting but she couldn't stay forever.

"Jim, I wanted to tell you," Mike said. "I've thought about it. I don't want you with Jen." Mike had already been leaning in that direction. But there was no doubt after hearing about Jim in panties. Jim was not good enough for Jen. Jen was a goddess. Only real men would have her. Certainly not a sissy cuck like Jim.

"Oh," Jim said looking disappointed. He was about to argue then remembered their talk about Drums. Mike Andrews was not a guy you wanted pissed at you. He forced a smile and said "Well, thanks for thinking about it. And thanks for listening. You're a real mate Mike."


The next day, Jen had free time until that afternoon's fundraiser. She decided to go to the hotel pool. As she slipped on flip flops, she realized she might see Frank at the pool. She took off the flip flops and stepped into high heels. Then she brushed her hair a little more, and put on lipstick.

The crowd at the pool was sparse (it was a weekday in Chicago after all). A couple families and a group of guys. The guys immediately eyed Jen in her string bikini and high heels. Not wanting to get hit on, Jen picked a lounge chair on the opposite side of the pool from the men.

Jen sat in the chair and read a magazine. She kept her high heels on. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the men checking her out.

Eventually one of the guys walked over. "Mind if I sit here?" the man asked motioning to the chair next to Jen.

"It's a free pool," Jen said with a shrug.

The man grinned. He liked feisty chicks, especially gorgeous ones like this blonde. "I'm Cap by the way," he said.

"Cap?" Jen asked.

"I'm a Marine," Cap said. "Captain."

Jen nodded, looking at him for the first time. He was older, maybe late 30s. He still kept in good shape through. His muscular physique made it pretty clear he didn't have a desk job in the Marines.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:12 PM

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