Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen's smile disappeared. "No, I don't cheat on my husband," she said coldly.

"Sorry," Frank said, suddenly sobered by Jen's glare.

"Why would you ask me that?" Jen said tersely.

"Forget I said anything."

"No, tell me," Jen insisted, sensing he was holding back something.

Frank hesitated. Then he said with a shrug "I've heard rumors."

Jen was silent as she stewed over that. She knew she had a reputation and it was a small world. Colin probably talked. Jasmine probably talked too. Things got around. It was hard to deny. Jen didn't want Frank to think she was cheating on Mike. Mike wanted her to start something with Frank. She still had concerns about that. But if she did start something with Frank, it was important Frank knew she was doing this for Mike, it was the game they played together.

"Sometimes I mess around," Jen admitted with a shrug. "But Mike knows about it. I'm not cheating."

Frank raised an eyebrow at that. "You have an open marriage?" he asked.

Jen thought of Jasmine and the bare legged interns at her office. The last thing she wanted was people thinking Mike had a free hall pass. "No, just me," she said. She added "That's the way Mike wants it."

Frank thought about it. He was definitely intrigued by this (who wouldn't be?). "Mike's into sharing you?"

"Something like that," Jen said.

"Does he watch?"

"I'm uncomfortable talking about this," Jen said.

"You brought it up," Frank pointed out.

Jen looked incredulously at him. "No, you did," she said an edge in her voice. To emphasize her point, she dug her high heel into his ankle.

Frank jerked like last time. "Please don't do that again," he said with an unsteady voice.

Jen shrugged and looked away. She knew she was pushing his buttons but didn't care. Frank was annoying her.

Frank took a long look at Jen. She was definitely gorgeous. He preferred brunettes (his wife Sally had auburn hair) but Jen with her long blonde hair, beautiful face and blue eyes looked like a glamour magazine model. And those long legs were to die for.

He definitely wanted to get Jen in bed. He'd wanted her for a long time. He remembered his affair with Paige back when she was in high school with Jen and Sophie. Paige had been fun, but Jenny Johnson was the real prize.

Frank's reverie was interrupted when Jen abruptly got up and said "I'm going to my room."

Frank got up too and they went up the elevator together. When they arrived at Jen's floor, she stepped out of the elevator. Frank stepped out too and grabbed Jen's hand. He asked "Can I come to your room?"

Jen gave Frank a long look. She was still irritated with him, but ....

Impulsively, Jen reached up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Frank's neck. She pressed her body against his and kissed him.

Frank was momentarily startled but he quickly got over it. He wrapped his arms around Jen and kissed her back.

As they kissed, Jen ran her high heel up Frank's calf. Frank groaned into Jen's mouth as he felt the stiletto run up his leg.

Then Jen abruptly pulled away from Frank. Panting, Jen looked Frank in the eyes and said "No." She turned and went to her room.


Mike had free time between his morning and afternoon summer school classes. He took out his laptop and worked on the latest problem from Colonel Banks. Banks emailed him about 1 task each week. They were difficult but not impossible. It really all boiled down to logic and math. Sometimes it was hard to find the thread. But Mike was pretty good at discerning patterns. Once he found the thread – the starting point -- things usually fell into place. It was just math, and math was logical. One led to two, and two lead to three.

Mike had been working on the current problem for a couple days. He was having a hard time finding the thread, and he was getting frustrated. His thoughts drifted to Jen. Last night she told him she kissed Frank. They had phone sex as she told him the story. God his wife was such a tease! He wished she would just do it with Frank. To Mike it seemed inevitable. They were both hot for each other, and Jen certainly had his okay. He knew his wife loved to tease, but she wasn't just giving Frank blue balls, she was denying him too!

Mike's thoughts drifted to Jim. They were meeting later tonight for drinks. He wondered if Stacy was pregnant yet. The thought made him lightheaded with lust.

Mike glanced back at the computer screen. Out of nowhere he saw it. The thread. He felt triumphant! Sometimes it was like that, it just came to him. It all fell into place after that. He sent Banks the solution in an encrypted email, then closed his computer.

Mike still had some time before his next class. He looked out the window, thinking about his life. He had a beautiful wife, a wonderful daughter. His marriage and family were strong. Mike was lucky to have Jen in so many ways. He knew he had unconventional desires. What if Jen wasn't willing to go along with his fantasies? Would he be as happy and content? Yeah, sometimes –often – their game led to tension and angst. But that was part of the thrill. A big part.

Mike didn't understand his desires, why he was the way he was. Maybe it was his insecurities. Did he have a need to offer Jen to other men to see if she would come back to him? So far she always had. How dangerous was that? The "so far" part? And how was it his brain & heart (and dick) sexualized it?

Jen's fantasies were easier to understand, but they were still complex. She was attracted to men who weren't good for her. Some might think that a mystifying conundrum, yet it was true of so many people (men and women).

More and more, Jen got off making him do things he didn't like. DID he like those things? No, not if considered in isolation. But in the context of their game? The fact was, humiliation was part of the cuckold fantasy. His fantasies went so far as to desire another man to impregnate her. How fucked up was that? He knew it, Jen knew it. Yet that aspect was part of their game. And it'd happened twice (once a miscarriage – and a bum leg -- once Anna).

Mike had limits though. He didn't want Jen to lose respect for him. He worried about that, because he often lost control in the heat of the moment. Their game was only part of their lives. Most of the time they were just a normal American family. Mike didn't want their game to taint the other parts of their lives.

Mike thought about his financial situation. Well, it sucked. Even with both his teaching and government gigs, he made way less than his job on Wall Street (not even counting the huge Sapphire bonuses he used to get). Jen made a lot more than him which hurt his pride. Also, it bothered him he was no longer able to give Jen things like before – nice jewelry, designer clothes, expensive vacations. Jen didn't seem to mind, but it seriously bothered him.

The thing was though, Mike liked teaching a lot more than Wall Street. He got a lot more out of it, the whole "guiding young minds thing." And, to his amazement, he was pretty good at it. He wasn't surprised by the teaching part, he'd been pretty confident about that part of it from his TA days. But the kids thought of him as one of the "cool teachers." He had to laugh about that one. All his life, he'd been intimidated by the "Populars." Now though, HE was a "Popular." How ironic life was sometimes. He imagined God looking down at them and chuckling.

Mike's thoughts turned to his work for CATF. He enjoyed the mental challenges. The money was decent (it more than doubled his income). He had the satisfaction of protecting our country. But that part worried him. Was he really protecting the country? Or just hurting people in other countries? He didn't trust Banks and his bosses. Those spy masters were all about "the results justify the means." Mike didn't believe in that credo. Yeah, we couldn't let another 9-11 happen. But what was the point if we destroyed our country in the process?

The quantum computer project bothered Mike. What were the government's intentions? The technology (if ever fully developed) should be open but it seemed like the government intended to keep tight control over it.

Mike had learned his lesson though. He wasn't going to be a hero again. No, he'd never risk going to jail again, his family was too important to him. But that didn't mean he had to help on the quantum computer project. Since that trip to CATF, he'd avoided any involvement with the "brain trust." He intended to keep it that way.

Later that night Mike met up with Jim at a bar. They chatted about meaningless things for a few minutes. Then Mike asked "How's Stacy? Is she still with DeShawn?"

"Yeah, but she's not pregnant yet," Jim said looking bothered.

"What's wrong Jim?" Mike asked.

"She's not pregnant yet," Jim repeated.

"That's a problem?" Mike asked not understanding. "I mean ... isn't the process part of it?"

Jim couldn't help laughing. But it wasn't a ha-ha laugh. It was more like a "yeah we get each other" laugh. "Yeah, I love seeing Stacy with DeShawn. But she's really worried. They've tried twice now."

"Sometimes it takes longer," Mike said. He knew better than anyone. Over the years they'd been more than a few times when Mike came inside Jen. Sometimes it'd happened when she was ovulating (or close to it). Not once did she get pregnant.

"Stacy's worried she won't be able to hold onto DeShawn," Jim said. He lowered his voice and said "They keep score. The hardcore black bulls. They keep score."

"Seriously?" Mike said surprised.

Jim nodded. "How many impregnations. How many babies. It's like fucking fantasy football. You get more points if she's white. If she's married. Bonus points if she's a newlywed. Baby girls get more points than boys."

Mike looked alarmed at the last point. "Jim, they're not ...."

"What?" Jim said seeing the alarm on Mike's face and not understanding. Then he got it. "No Mike, shit, that's disgusting!" he said vehemently.

"That's good," Mike said relieved. That was definitely NOT part of his fantasy. Freaks into that needed their dicks cut off! "Then, why more points for baby girls?"

"I didn't get it either," Jim said. "Then DeShawn explained it to me. You gotta remember, these bulls are uber competitive. It's almost like black supremacy. Screwing a white guy's wife isn't enough. Getting her pregnant isn't enough. Think about how it is with baby girls. She's 'daddy's little girl,' 'the apple of her father's eye.' It's the ultimate fuck you to the white husband. Even more than impregnating his wife."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:11 PM

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