Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Whatever," Jen said, only partially mollified. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I can't believe I'm helping Jasmine Kelly."

"I thought you liked her politics," Frank said.

Jen shrugged. She was in no mood to say anything nice about Jasmine Kelly. Which was a bad thing since she was about to co-host a fundraiser for the bottle blonde bitch's campaign.

"I heard Jas did you and Mike a favor?" Frank continued.

"Yeah," Jen said, then she realized she didn't get a chance to ask Mike how the CATF meeting went. She felt guilty about that. She rationalized it was because they spent so much time talking about their game. But she knew that was a lame excuse because Mike always made the effort to ask how her job was going.

Jen knew she was selfish. She'd always been that way. All her life, because of her striking good looks, she usually got what she wanted, especially from men. Especially from Mike. That didn't mean she loved him any less. She loved her husband with all her heart. But she guiltily knew she sometimes took Mike for granted. The fact was, though, Mike enabled her by always putting her on a pedestal.

"What was the favor?" Frank asked, intrigued.

Jen gave him an evasive shrug, not wanting to give Jasmine credit for anything. "So I'm supposed to just smile and look pretty?" she asked.

"You do that really well," Frank said with a smile, looking at her beautiful face. "Look, I'm just saying there's no pressure on you. I do these all the time. I can handle it."

"Okay, whatever," Jen said, feeling deflated. She felt like Frank was dismissing her, treating her like a little girl. That sparked something in her. She decided to show Frank she could carry her own weight.

For the next 3 hours Jen worked the room. She didn't know anyone there but that didn't matter to her. She poured on the charm and went into full-court turbo social butterfly mode. She told everyone who would listen how wonderful Jasmine Kelly was and how they should open their wallets and contribute tons of money to her campaign. She had to grit her teeth at first, but then it came easy because Jasmine's political and social views did mesh closely with Jen's. Before long Jen found herself talking passionately about Jasmine's positions and views.

Frank and Jen sat in the hotel bar after the fundraiser. His eyes were wide as he looked at the report. "We hit over 2 times our goal," he said amazed. "Almost 3 times."

"Good," Jen said simply as she sipped her white wine.

"It was you," Frank said giving Jen an admiringly look. "I watched you work the room. You were incredible."

"Thanks," Jen said, modestly looking down at her drink. Inside she was beaming! Hearing Frank's praise made her feel so good!

"I apologize for being so dismissive earlier," Frank said giving her an apologetic, lopsided grin. "I guess I still see you as Sophie's high school friend. I know how successful you've become. People say you're a marketing genius. It's just getting my head around that. I need to get passed seeing you as a teenager."

"That's okay," Jen said with a laugh, her head spinning from all the compliments. From Frank Tower no less!

"It doesn't help you still look like a teenager," Frank said, grinning as he gave Jen an up and down look.

"I'm almost 30," Jen pointed out, smiling back at Frank.

"You look like a college girl," Frank said. He eyed her, a curious look on his face. "Does that help or hurt?"

"In business?" Jen said. "It hurts sometimes. But helps too."

"Especially with men, right?" Frank said grinning. He looked down at Jen's lovely legs. "I saw you flashing some leg today."

"Men are so easy," Jen said with a laugh.

Frank gave Jen a look. So she wasn't opposed to using her body to get what she wanted?

Jen read his mind. "Hey, it was only a little leg," she said with a laugh. To emphasize her point, she playfully poked his calf with the stiletto of her high heel.

Frank practically jumped in his chair. A flash of sexual excitement crossed his face. It was only a moment but Jen noticed. It was her turn to give Frank a look. Poking him with her high heel really got to him. She'd have to remember that.

Frank was still looking at Jen's legs. He was about to say something but then stopped.

"What?" Jen said looking curiously at him.

"Just something Sophie used to say," Frank said. "You always wear hose. Sophie said that wasn't the style. Of course she said that a few years ago."

"It's still not stylish, not really," Jen said. "Look at movie stars, they never wear hose even in the winter."

Frank looked curiously at Jen, as if waiting for her to explain more.

"I used to hate wearing hose," Jen explain. "But Mike likes it."

"So you do it for him?"

"I wear my hair long, I use pink lipstick, I always wear high heels," Jen bemoaned. "Do you have any idea what it's like to wear 4 inch heels all day long?"

"I guess not," Frank said with a laugh. "So, if not for Mike, what would you do different?"

Jen thought a moment and then shrugged. "Wear my hair shorter I guess. Get a belly button ring. I don't know," she said with a laugh. "When you've been together so long, sometimes the line between me and us is fuzzy." She quickly added "That's a good thing."

"Yeah," Frank agreed with a chuckle. With a raised eyebrow he asked "Mike doesn't want you to get a belly button right?"

"I've never asked," Jen admitted. "He doesn't like body art or jewelry."

"So no tattoos?" Frank asked.

"I have a tattoo, on my back," Jen said. "I'd like another, behind my neck."

"But Mike won't let you," Frank said.

"It's not he won't let me," Jen said. "If he doesn't want it, I don't want it."

"But you said you do want it," Frank pointed out.

"See, that's what I mean," Jen said with a laugh. "The fuzzy line between me and us."

"Yes, I see," Frank said with a laugh back. After a moment's hesitation he said "Sophie has a belly button ring. At least I think she still has it. I haven't seen her in a while."

"You don't talk to Sophie?" Jen asked.

"Not often," Frank said with a shrug, suddenly looking melancholy.

Jen felt bad for bringing his daughter up. Were they estranged? She was curious but didn't want to pry.

But Frank offered "We used to be close. All 3 of us. But when Sally died ... it was hard."

"God I'm sorry," Jen said reaching over and squeezing Frank's hand.

"I wasn't the best husband," Frank admitted through a forced grin. He hesitated. Then, as if making a decision, he said "I cheated on Sally. We never talked about it, but I think she knew. I stopped when she got sick. But it was too late."

For some reason, Jen wasn't surprised to hear Frank cheated on his wife. While he and his wife always seemed loving and close, Frank was always around pretty girls. But from her own experience, she knew that cheating didn't mean he didn't love her. "I'm sure Mrs. Tower knew you loved her," she said trying to make him feel better.

Frank gave Jen an appreciative smile, but his eyes said "how would you know?"

Jen saw his doubt. As if making her own decision, she admitted "I cheated on Mike. But he knows I love him. He forgave me."

Frank raised an eyebrow at Jen. Actually, her confession wasn't a surprise. He'd heard rumors about Jenny Johnson. Also he knew how the world worked. Jen was sexy and beautiful, incredibly so. He had no doubt she got hit on all the time, notwithstanding the wedding band around her finger. Frank knew all too well how easy it was to slip up. And once you had a taste of that forbidden nectar it was hard to go back.

"I appreciate that Jenny," Frank said.

"I'm just saying, I'm sure if Mrs. Tower didn't say anything, she knew you loved her and she forgave you," Jen said earnestly.

"Thank you Jenny," Frank said giving her a tight smile. "Honestly I'm more worried about Sophie."

After a moment's hesitation, Jen offered, "I'll talk to Sophie, if you think that might help."

"You've lost touch too?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," Jen admitted. They exchanged Christmas greetings and spoke on Facebook sometimes, but otherwise she hadn't talked to Sophie in years.

"Thanks but I think no," Frank said. Forcing a grin he said "Things will work out eventually."

They decided to go to dinner after finishing their drinks. Jen was about to order another white wine when Frank said "How about a tequila?" He motioned to the drink menu. "They have an impressive selection here."

"Sure," Jen said, remembering how she enjoyed the tequila the other time with Frank.

Frank didn't order just two shots, he ordered a whole bottle of tequila. Jen noticed the bottle was over $1000! Well, whatever. Jasmine could afford it, especially after today.

Frank insisted they drink the tequila neat. He said ice would dilute the flavor and reduce the intensity and nuances of the blue agave.

Jen found the tequila strong but delicious. By the time their entrees arrived they'd gone through over half the bottle. Jen was definitely feeling tipsy. Even Frank who drank tequila all the time was feeling the effects of the 90+ proof alcohol.

They laughed over shared memories of their hometown of Belmont, as well as silly "Jasmine-isms," like when Jasmine ordered a vegan week in the office to protest cruelty of farm animals. (While Jen laughed along with Frank, she actually agreed with Jasmine's position; it was just, Jasmine used a hammer when a light touch would be more effective.)

When they were both well lubricated, Frank (with a gleam in his eye) asked "Do you still cheat on Mike?"
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:11 PM

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