Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 15

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

Jen sat across from Biff in her office. All afternoon she'd recited status updates and action items as her intern Biff frantically took notes. As evening descended they were finally done. "Thanks for coming in on a Sunday," she said giving Biff a grateful smile. She motioned to all the client files strewn around her office. "I got behind working on Jasmine's campaign. Today's been great to catch up."

"It must be great working for Jasmine Kelly," Biff gushed.

"Not really," Jen said with a sour look. "She's not like on TV. She's not a nice person."

"Oh," Biff said surprised. "Do you trust her?"

Jen frowned. That was a complicated question. The bottle blonde bitch around her husband? Definitely not. But as a reporter, a politician? Jasmine had helped Mike. She was a liberal Democrat but was open to traditional conservative positions like defense and tax reform. She was passionate about things she cared about. "I guess," Jen reluctantly admitted with a shrug.

Wanting to change the subject, Jen smiled and said "You have to let me buy you a drink. For helping today."

"Oh okay," Biff said, surprised but definitely up to spend time with his beautiful boss.

"Awesome," Jen said giving Biff another brilliant smile. "How about Death & Co? We can taxi over."

Jen purposefully stood in front of Biff as they waited for a cab. She could feel his eyes on her ass. She'd noticed him looking at her throughout his semester internship. She'd done some looking too (although she was more subtle about it). Bill was smart and shy. He reminded her a little of Mike. And Biff was sooo cute with his curly brown hair, bright blue eyes and boyish grin.

Once at Death & Co Jen sat with Biff at the bar. She noticed him watching as she crossed her legs. While her outfit appeared casual, she'd spent extra time thinking about what to wear for her young intern. She wore skinny jeans with cute black ankle boots that made her long legs seem even longer.

Jen also had on a casual peasant top. The top was loose so it didn't hug her body. But the top had a swoop neckline that afforded peaks of the swell of her bosom. Also, when she leaned over you could see right down to her belly button. Underneath the top she wore a silk, unlined lacy bra that molded itself around her small perky tits.

"You know, I'm only 19," Biff said looking anxious as the bartender approached.

"Oh, like you don't have a fake ID," Jen teased with a laugh.

"Yeah but, I'm not sure it'll work here," Biff said glancing nervously around the crowded bar. He was used to flashing his fake ID at dive bars around campus, not uber trendy "Sex In the City" type bars like Death & Co.

"Be confident and you'll be fine," Jen whispered to Biff as the bartender approached. She squeezed his thigh encouragingly.

"What can I get you guys?" the friendly bartender asked moments later.

"A Cosmo for me," Jen said.

"I, ah, I guess I'll have a Corona," Biff said nervously.

The bartender eyed him suspiciously. "Got an ID?" he said.

"He's with me," Jen said before Biff could say anything. She gave the bartender a mischievous, dazzling smile. "I'll make sure he gets home okay." Jen gave Biff a motherly pat on his leg.

The bartender looked at Jen's beautiful face, her sexy smile. "Okay, whatever," he said with a chuckle. He'd bartended for years, seen a lot. So a hot older chick wanted to get laid by a teenager? So what? He had no problem with that. In fact, he was envious of the kid.

Biff frowned. On the one hand he was ecstatic to be out alone with his boss. He so admired Jen, she was a marketing genius. On top of that, she was drop dead gorgeous. She had it all, and she intimidated the hell out of him. The fact she was 10 years older made it even worse. But still, he was a guy and she was a girl. He didn't like the fact she covered for him.

"I am confident you know," Biff said. "I'm just getting used to this bar's vibe."

"I know that Biff," Jen assured him, giving his thigh another reassuring squeeze.

Biff's cock jerked when Jen touched him. She'd touched his leg three times now. WTF? Then it occurred to him. Was it possible his boss was hitting on him? No, no way. He was a nub college sophomore. She was Jen-FUCKING-Andrews, the marketing god, the conqueror of Google and Memphis, the political consultant of Jasmine Kelly, the gorgeous hottie with legs that didn't quit. No way Jennifer Andrews was interested in him.

Then again ... there were those rumors about Jen. About the wild parties in Vegas and Penn State. About hooking up with Scott and other guys in the office. About how she lusted over big cocks and getting fucked hard from behind.

"What are you thinking?" Jen asked.

Biff blushed, realizing he was staring at Jen. Fortunately he was saved when the bartender delivered their drinks. "Lime?" the bartender asked.

"Uh, no thanks," Biff said.

"Here's to your internship," Jen said clinking Biff's limeless Corona with her martini glass. "It's almost over right?"

"Yeah, 3 more weeks, I'm gonna miss it," Biff said honestly. He loved working for Jen, her clients were incredibly exciting. Getting to be in her company on a daily basis was a big bonus of course.

"You let me know if you ever need a recommendation," Jen told him.

"Thanks Ms. Andrews," Biff said.

"Oh god, will you stop calling me that?" Jen said with a laugh. Squeezing his leg again, she said "You make me feel so old."

Biff's cock jerked again. "She's touched me 4 times!" he thought to himself.

"Call me Jen," Jen continued smiling at him. "So what's the story with Biff?"

"It's my dad's name," Biff said.

"You're Biff Jr.?" Jen said with a grin. "You know how preppy that is right? I bet you're on the squash team at NYU."

"Crew," Biff said grinning back.

"That's just as bad," Jen said with a laugh, squeezing Biff's thigh again.

Biff's cock jerked again at Jen's hand on his leg. He was starting to get hard. He didn't know what was going on. Jen seemed to be flirting with him. Then again, maybe she was just being friendly. Biff had an aunt who was about Jen's age (his dad's youngest sister). Because they were only about 10 years apart, his aunt treated Biff more like a friend than a nephew. Was that what was going on now? Jen was treating him like a friend instead of her intern, since his internship was ending?

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Jen asked as she sipped her Cosmo.

"No, Mandy and I broke up," Biff said. "We've been going together since high school. We needed a break."

"Oh I'm sorry," Jen said, rubbing Biff's leg again. Biff was seriously starting to get hard. He hoped Jen didn't look down at his crotch and see his erection, that would be too embarrassing. "Do you think you'll get back together?" Jen asked.

"I don't know, probably," Biff said with a shrug. "I thought we should see other people."

"You mean you want to see other girls," Jen said with a "I get it" teasing smile. The bartender came back and they ordered another round. There was a break in their conversation as the bartender served up another Cosmo for Jen and Corona for Biff.

"So how's that working for ya?" Jen asked when they were alone again (to the extent you can be alone when shoulder-to-shoulder in a crowded bar).

"Seeing other girls?" Biff asked.

"No, drinking Coronas without a lime," Jen teased. "Yes, seeing other girls," she added with a laugh.

Biff took a moment to answer. He felt way off-balance. Jen was older, successful, and incredibly beautiful. He felt like she was a supernova and he just a meaningless thing lost in her stunning brightness. What the heck was he doing here drinking with Jennifer-FUCKING-Andrews? He felt so out of his league.

Still, Biff didn't want to come across as a wimp. The fact was, he held his own with the girls.

"I do okay," Biff said modestly.

"Okay, details please," Jen said with a laugh, taking a gulp of her Cosmo.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like, when did you break up with Mandy?" Jen asked. "How many girls have you been with since then?"

"Been with?"

"You don't know what I mean?" Jen teased challengingly.

"I know what you mean," Biff said defensively.

Jen heard the defensiveness in the 19 year old's voice. She smiled at him and said "Don't get upset Biff we're just talking." As she said that she squeezed his thigh again. Jen knew she was egging Biff on but that's what girls did to boys.

"Okay," Biff said uncertainly. He still felt off-balanced but he definitely liked when Jen touched his leg.

"So ...?" Jen prompted with a sly smile.

"We broke up in February," Biff said. He proudly added "I've been with 8 girls since then."

"You broke up with Mandy on Valentine's day?" Jen said. "You're a real heartbreaker Biff."

Alarmed, Biff hurriedly said "No I -."

"I'm just teasing Biff," Jen said with a laugh. "There are more breakups around Valentine's day than any other time. I think I read that in Cosmo."

"Yeah," Biff said uncertainly, looking relieved that Jen didn't think harshly of him.

"Hmmm, 8 girls in 4 months," Jen said, looking off into the distant as if contemplating Biff's score ratio. As she did Jen trailed her fingertips down the edge of her swoop top. Just as she reached the soft swell of her breasts, she trailed her fingers back up. She pretended to do this absentmindedly, but she noticed Biff's eyes glued on her fingers. She'd already noticed his hard-on, and saw the tent in his pants getting even bigger.

"Did you say something?" Jen abruptly asked, her fingertips finally stopping their up and down movement and resting on the gold chain around her elegant neck.

"Uh, no," Biff said, jerking his eyes from Jen's chest back to her face.

Jen smiled. She said "8 girls in 4 months, you're a real player Biff."

Biff was starting to get when Jen was serious and when she was teasing. He could tell she was teasing now. "I guess," he said with a grin back.

Jen's smile widened, pleased. She leaned closer until her lips almost touched his ear. Biff's breath caught, both because Jen was so close now he could smell her perfume and the vanilla strawberry scent of her shampoo, but mostly because now he could see right down her front! He had a clear view of her bra! It was pink and lacy and sheer. He could see her nipples!
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:08 PM

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