Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 14

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

The next day, Mike got a call on his iPhone while at school. It was Colonel Banks. "You want to be briefed?" he said. "There's a meeting this weekend."

Mike considered for a moment. Then he said "Where?" Banks gave him a flight number out of LaGuardia, then hung up.

"You're sure this is a good idea?" the Secretary of Homeland Security said doubtfully. "Bringing him in?" The FBI and NSA Directors looked concerned too. This was the unofficial "Big 4," the men most responsible for the defense of the United States against internal and external terrorist attacks. (The CIA Director, being an ineffective political appointee, wasn't part of their group.)

"He hacked into the ISIS website in less than a day," Banks reminded the group. "Our people would still be trying to decipher that thumb drive."

"He's susceptible to extortion, blackmail," the NSA Director said waving Mike's file. They all knew about Mike's lifestyle (and had salivated over the pictures of Jen in the file, although none would admit that).

"I doubt it," the FBI Director said. He'd studied the file too. "I don't think they care what people think."

"I agree," Colonel Banks said. He remembered Mike's interrogation. "We put him through a lot and he never cracked. He's a tough fuck."

"Forget all that," the Secretary said impatiently. He was the most political of the group, with ambitious aspirations of higher office someday (maybe with the next administration if Hillary didn't fuck it up). "It's JJ we have to worry about. If he hears about this -."

"Why does he need to know?" the FBI Director said.

"Are you serious?" the Secretary said with a humorless laugh. "This is Jonathan Jakes we're talking about."


"You didn't call," Jim said to Jen on the phone. He was clearly disappointed.

"I talked to Mike," Jen said lowering her voice even though she was alone in her office. "He doesn't want to."

"I knew he had something against me," Jim said sourly.

"It's not that Jim. He likes you, you're his friend," Jen assured him.

"Then why?"

Jen hesitated. She didn't want to betray Mike, but felt she owed Jim some explanation. She said "Because you have fantasies like him."

Jim didn't understand. "Because I have fantasies ..." Then he got it. "Mike doesn't want his wife with another cuck?"

"That's it," Jen said with a laugh. She had the strangest conversations.

Jim thought about it for a minute. "Can I talk to him about it?" he asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jen said warily.

"We're mates right?" Jim pressed. "So I should be able to talk to him about it."

"I don't want trouble Jim. Mike got really upset last night."

"You told him what we did?" Jim asked.

"I tell Mike everything," Jen said bristling.

"Everything?" Jim asked with a raised eyebrow. "You told him I fingered you, and you came hard?"

Jen grimaced. It'd been after Jim came in her mouth. She'd been soooo hot. And she thought she had a freaking free pass! She hadn't been able to resist when Jim reached under her skirt. "I'd rather you didn't tell him that," she said whispering again.

"I won't," Jim promised. "But I need to talk to him. We need to clear the air between us."


Later that night, Mike said "I can't make the party on Saturday. I have a meeting with my new job."

"The government job?" Jen asked surprised. Mike hadn't mentioned it since that meeting with Colonel Banks. "What's the meeting about?"

"Just background briefing, nothing exciting," Mike said, trying to downplay things. He didn't know what he was allowed to say to Jen.

Jen gave him a knowing smile. "Is this an excuse so you don't have to go to the party?"

Mike grinned. "That's just a side benefit," he joked. He looked at her with a sly smile. "This way you can get to know Frank Tower better."

Jen sighed inside. Back and forth, back and forth. That's how Mike was. Last night he'd been so upset about Jim. Now he wanted her to play with Frank? Alone, without him?

Speaking of Jim, she needed to tell Mike something. "Jim called me," she hesitantly told him. She quickly added "I told him you said no. He said he'll call you."

Mike's smile faded. "Fine, I'll talk to him," he said with his lips pressed together.

Jen took his arm, leaning into him. "When will you be home baby?"

"Sunday afternoon probably, why?"

Jen kissed his arm. She said "You said we'd play this weekend."

Mike looked at his wife. She kind of had a cum face on. "You're horny after talking to Jim?" he said eyeing her.

"Not Jim, I don't care about him," Jen said, wishing the Jim thing had never happened. "I'm just horny," she said with an embarrassed giggle. She kissed his arm again. "You like me this way right?"

Mike couldn't help grinning. "Yeah," he said. "Why don't you play with Frank?"

"Too complicated," Jen said. "Besides, I want you there. It's our game." She kissed his arm again.

"You think Frank would be okay with me watching?" Mike asked.

"If I ever do something with Frank - which I doubt - I'll make sure you get to watch," Jen assured him.

Mike grinned at his wife. "After I get home Sunday then," he suggested.

"Should I call someone?" Jen pressed.

"You ARE horny aren't you?" Mike teased with a delighted laugh.

"Don't be a jerk," she said with a pretend pout and hit on his arm. "So should I set something up?"

"You have someone in mind?" Mike asked, excited and intrigued.

"Yeah but ... I'm not sure I have the guts to do it," Jen said with a downcast smile.

"Who? Deshawn? That other black guy?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Carl," Jen reminded him. "I'd rather not say. In case I chicken out."


(Saturday morning)

A car met Mike at the Ronald Regan airport and drove him to the headquarters of the Cyber Anti-Terrorism Task Force (CATF) located a few miles outside Washington DC in Virginia. He felt growing anxiety as they neared the facility where he'd been held prisoner and tortured for almost a year. He forced himself to not show his nervousness, he didn't want to give Banks that.

Mike met with Allen and Trent. Allen was Chief Scientist. Trent was Banks's Chief of Staff.

"Where's Banks?" Mike asked.

"Colonel Banks doesn't attend these low level meetings," Trent said dismissively, emphasizing "Colonel."

Mike immediately disliked Trent. Also, he found Banks's power games to be childish.

Mike knew Allen from before, when he'd been held prisoner here. He could relate to Allen better, since he was a scientist. He considered Allen almost human, if that was possible in this godforsaken place.

Trent and Allen briefed Mike on the current terrorist landscape. They briefed him on the bad guys, their leaders, their tactics, their funding sources. In the modern world, computers and the internet were critically important to every organization and that included terrorist groups. If CATF could tap into that, electronically infiltrate terrorist computers and communications, then the world would be a lot safer for everyone.

Then it was Mike's turn. To a large audience, he explained how he deciphered the thumb drive and hacked into the ISIS website. Most of the audience (all software and intelligence gurus from CATF, NSA, FBI and CIA) had heard of Mike through Sapphire, Liberty-Gate and Apple. The meeting went long into the evening as they peppered Mike with questions. By the end of the day Mike was exhausted and collapsed into his bed. He called Jen briefly to tell her he was okay but was too tired to talk about her day.

The next morning (Sunday) was more of the same. As Mike was about to go catch his flight back to New York, he was briefly introduced to the CATF's "brain trust," a small group of men and women tasked with solving the biggest cyber threats facing the United States. Everyone was gray haired and at least 25 years older than Mike. There were more than a few Nobel Laureates among the elite group.

Mike raised an eyebrow at a long series of mathematical expressions scratched on a white board. "What's that?" he asked.

"Our quandary," Abraham said with a humorless laugh. Abraham was one of the Nobel Laureates and the unofficial leader of the brain trust. "As you may know, we're close to developing quantum computers. MIT is close. So is Intel. Other companies are close too, including a few outside the US. Here's our quandary. Is it possible to break encryption done by quantum computers? If not, then the United States needs to ban or severely limit their development."

"You're just trying to figure out if it's possible?" Mike asked, intrigued.

"You make it sound so easy," Abraham said with another humorless laugh. Some of the others laughed too. He motioned to the complicated math on the board. "We've been working on it for a year."

"But," Mike said, pointing to a point halfway down the white board. "It looks like you're using a deterministic approach."

"That's right," Abraham confirmed, looking curiously at Mike.

Mike studied the board. He said "I'm not sure the solution time is bounded by a polynomial. I think it's an NP problem, not a P-problem." Among mathematicians, NP was "nondeterministic polynomial" and P was a problem bounded by a polynomial.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:06 PM

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