Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Come on honey, don't think that way, it's too early for that," Jim assured her. "We've only tried once with Deshawn. You and Deshawn can try another position next time." When Deshawn had cum, they'd been in the missionary position. Most people thought missionary was best for conception, but that wasn't true. There were better positions to get pregnant, like the Cat and Sissors positions.

"You're right," Stacy said. But she knew she didn't have much time with Deshawn. A beautiful man like Deshawn was in high demand. Yes, right now she had Deshawn's attention but it wouldn't last forever. She wished she was as pretty as Jennifer Andrews, she might keep Deshawn forever; but she knew she wasn't. Eventually Deshawn would tire of her and move on to other white girls. Of course, things might be different if she got pregnant with Deshawn's baby. Because of that Stacy felt a sense of urgency.

Jim moved closer to his wife. He nuzzled her neck and cupped her breast. "Honey this talk is getting me hot," he said working on the zipper of her dress. "Can you let me out of my cage? I don't care you have your period, I'll clean up. Or a blow job ..."

"Not now honey," Stacy said pushing her husband's hands away. "You know I need to save myself for Deshawn. So my body's ready for him next time."

"But that's 4 weeks away," Jim complained. "And you'll be exclusive with Deshawn then." He felt jealous and hurt. It was always that way with cuckolds, their conflict of emotions.

Stacy inwardly sighed. She couldn't deal with Jim right now. She had enough to worry about with Deshawn. Somehow she had to convince the black man to abstain from sex until her next fertile period, to increase their chances of conception. That wasn't going to be easy with a man like Deshawn. She had to concentrate on how to do that. She didn't have time to deal with her husband's insecurities.

"Honey, why don't we do what we did last time?" Stacy suggested, referring to how they dealt with Jim's sexual needs before when she'd been with Darren. For about a month she'd given herself exclusively to Darren. At the beginning she let Jim continue to fuck her (with a condom), but after a couple of times she cut him off, wanting to save her affections and passions for Darren to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Jim hadn't been able to handle being completely deprived of her affections and body. Her husband wasn't a true cuckold, there was some alpha in him (after all, he'd been a bull earlier in life).

They solved the problem by getting Jim a fuck buddy. It hadn't been hard to find a willing girl. Jim was handsome, had a good body, and had a decent size cock for a white man (around 7 inches). Stacy didn't care if Jim fucked other girls. She kept him in a cage because it was fun, but she wasn't possessive of Jim the way Jen was of Mike.

"You mean get a lover?" Jim asked suddenly interested.

"Yes," Stacy said, trying to be as sweet as possible. "Why don't you talk to Jen? I know you're attracted to her."

"Mike seemed to have a thing about me and Jen," Jim said doubtfully. He'd love to fuck Jen but Mike was his friend, he didn't want to get him mad.

"Honey, Mike is a cuck, a closet sub," Stacy said. "You know how sub cucks are, they say no but mean yes. Besides, he owes us. We've let him watch me. And, I've offered myself to him, at least twice. If he's a real friend he'll help us and share Jen."

Stacy pulled down Jim's pants. She got the key from her bag and unlocked the cage. Then she carefully took the cage off her husband's cock. He instantly got hard. "Come on Stacy, just a hand job," Jim pleaded, lunging forward to try to push his cock into his wife's hand.

"No Jim I'm saving myself for Deshawn," Stacy said with a giggle. "Your cage is off. Go talk to Jen."


Mike was at home playing with Anna when his iPhone rang. "Hello?" he said.

"Mike, I'm sending you a website address," a voice said. It was Colonel Banks.

"What happened in Brussels?" Mike asked.

"Don't you watch the news?" Banks said.

Mike did keep up with the news, especially lately, especially about Brussels. The G8 meeting had been "postponed." The official excuse had been unexpected fluctuations of the dollar and Euro that required rethinking of certain policy initiatives.

"I want to know what happened," Mike insisted.

Banks frowned into the phone. He didn't like having to explain to subordinates. But he needed more from Mike. "We had leads of 3 potential targets," Banks said. "The House Speaker, Secretary of State, and VP. Your information confirmed the target."

Banks paused to let that sink in. Then he started again. "I'm sending you the URL of a website," he said. "I need you to hack in."

Before Mike had a chance to respond, Banks said "And Mike. Don't get caught."


Jen was in her office furiously working to catch up. She was coming to enjoy working with Leo and Deidre (and Frank was an interesting twist as her pillow talk with Mike proved) - and she hadn't had to interact with Jasmine at all, which was key - but it got her behind with her core clients. Her partners enjoyed the money Jasmine's campaign was adding to their coffers, but most of the revenue still came from Google, Memphis and Kelloggs, as well as a few other keystone clients.

Jen's intern Biff hesitantly poked his head into her office. "Ah, Ms. Andrews?" Biff said. "You have a visitor. Someone named Jim."

Jen watched as Biff walked away. He was only 19, a college student, an intern. It was only a semester gig, he'd be leaving soon. She'd miss him. He was bright, a little shy, and sooo cute. And what a nice ass.

Jen walked out to the reception area. "Oh," she said surprised. It was Jim, Mike's friend and Stacy's husband. "Jim, what a surprise."

"I was hoping to talk to you," Jim said smiling at her. "Can I buy you lunch?"

Jen looked at her watch. To her surprise it was way past noon. She realized she was hungry. She still had a pile of work to do, but she had to eat sometime. "Okay," she told Jim.

They went to a deli down the street from Jen's office. Jen ordered a mixed salad and Jim got a pastrami sandwich. Jen felt uncomfortable being alone with Jim. He was little more than a stranger, but they'd shared a lot. It was a peculiar combination. It would've been different if Mike or Stacy had been there, but being alone with Jim felt weird.

"So I guess you're wondering why I'm here," Jim said.

"Well, yeah," Jen admitted with a laugh. "Are Stacy and Dannika okay?"

"Dannika's wonderful," Jim said lighting up at the mention of his daughter. "It's Stacy why I'm here."

"Is everything okay?" Jen asked suddenly concerned. She knew Jim and Stacy had gone through some rough patches in the past.

"We're good, better than good," Jim assured her. "This is about that. You know about Dannika right?"

"Yes," Jen said, correctly assuming he was talking about their pregnancy fantasies (and realities).

"We're doing that again," Jim said.

Jen nodded. She knew that too. Why was he telling her this? She felt uncomfortable not knowing where this was going.

Jim sensed Jen's unease. He said "I'll get to the point. When we do this, Stacy's exclusive with Deshawn. It'll probably last a month or two. Last time with Darren, Stacy let me take a lover."

Jen got it. "You're saying me?" she asked incredulously.

Jim gave her a shrug and embarrassed smile, which answered her question.

"I mean, why do you need a lover?" Jen said flustered. "Isn't that part of it?"

"Being deprived?" Jim said. He flushed, embarrassed, as this was getting really personal. "Stacy and I started with swapping. We drifted into cuckolding, mostly because of the pregnancy fantasy. I'm not a true cuck like Mike. No offense, I'm don't mean to put him down. It's just, I can't deal with being cut off. Not just sexually, but emotionally too. That's what happens when Stacy gives herself to another man. It happened with Darren, and it'll happen again with Deshawn."

"So I'm your band aide," Jen said sarcastically. "You want to fuck me to tide you over."

"You make it sound so terrible," Jim said with a sheepish laugh. "You might enjoy it. I've never had any complaints."

Jen looked at Jim, as if for the first time. He was definitely cute. She found his Australian accent charming. From the way his clothes hung on him, she could tell he kept in shape. She remembered Stacy saying Jim used to be a bull. Looking at him, she definitely saw how that might be the case.

"Why me?" she asked.

"You're kidding right?" Jim said with a laugh. "Because you're a very beautiful, desirable girl. Isn't that enough?"

Jen frowned at him. "What does Stacy say?" she asked.

"She suggested you," Jim said candidly. "Jen, I'm not looking for a long term relationship. Maybe a little romance, I like that. But I'm no threat to Mike, he's my mate. I'm looking for fun without complications. Mike can watch, he can be part of it, I'm good with whatever you want."

Jen raised an eyebrow at Jim, intrigued. "Mike can be part of it?"

"Sure," Jim said with a grin. "I'm bi. Or bi tendencies, I don't know." He laughed. "Stacy and I have done a lot of shit. What about you?"

"No comment," Jen said laughing back. But she was definitely intrigued. Jim was bi. Mike wasn't. She considered the possibilities.

"Casual sex among friends," Jim said grinning mischievously at her. "What could be more fun?"

"Um, maybe a game of Scrabble?" Jen joked, smiling back. She looked at Jim again. He was cute, definitely fuckable. And she had a longing between her legs. They were playing the game again, Mike had given her a free pass. Why not Jim? He was safe, he was cute, he was Mike's friend. And he was bi. The possibilities sent a shiver down her spine.

"I'll talk to Mike," she promised him.

"Brilliant," Jim said, giving her a big smile.

Jim walked Jen back to her office. Her iPhone rang as they arrived. It was her client Memphis. Jen walked into her office, forgetting all about Jim and entirely focused on the needs of her client. Unnoticed by her, Jim followed her in. He closed the door. As he did, he exchanged a look with Jen's intern Biff.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:04 PM

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