Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I guess," Jen said with a laugh back.

"And you have a daughter I hear," Frank added with a smile.

"Yes, Anna, she's wonderful," Jen gushed.

Their drinks were empty. "Another one?" Frank asked, hailing the waiter.

"Maybe one more," Jen said. She needed to get home and didn't want to be tipsy. But she was enjoying talking to Frank. Growing up, Mr. Tower always seemed larger than life. Rich, powerful, huge mansion, vacation homes all over the world, expensive cars. Yet now Frank was treating her like an adult, an equal. She was enjoying talking to him.

The waiter arrived. Frank said "Another 4 Copas Blanco for me. Jenny, another white wine?"

"Yes, thanks," Jen said. "I go by Jen now."

"Oh right, sorry," Frank said. Smiling, he gave her an appraising look. "You look wonderful Jen. What are you, 29 now, the same age as Sophie? You look better now than in high school."

"Well, thanks," Jen said, brushing her hair behind her ear and shyly looking down. Frank took the opportunity to give Jen a long look up and down. Jenny still had the fresh face of a teenager and the petite body of a ballerina. The same beautiful face and blonde hair (Frank preferred brunettes but there was no denying the beauty of Jen's long lush blonde hair). Better yet, she'd added a few sexy curves in her ass and hips. And she still had those long incredible legs.

Jen felt Frank looking at her. Without even thinking, she subtlety adjusted in her chair, causing her skirt to hike up a little, revealing more of her legs to his eyes. She couldn't help it, she loved flirting. The fact this was MISTER TOWER - the richest and most power man she knew growing up - made it even more fun and exciting.

Their drinks arrived. Jen watched as Frank took a sip of the tequila. "I've only ever had tequila in margaritas or shots with lime," she said with a laugh.

Frank smiled at her. "This is white organic tequila, estate grown blue agave. It's very smooth. Want to try?"

"Sure," Jen said, not knowing what all those words meant but thinking it sounded impressive. She took the glass from Frank and took a sip. "Wow, it is smooth," she said, impressed.

"Taste the hint of pepper?"

Jen took another sip and concentrated. Her eyes went wide. "Oh my god yes," she said, surprised at the tequila's subtle nuances. "I never knew tequila was so good."

They talked for a little longer, then Jen said she had to get home. "You know, we barely knew each other before," Frank told her with a smile. "I've enjoyed this."

"Me too, definitely," Jen said, smiling back. "I guess we'll be working together."

"Yes, I guess we will," Frank said. "Can I be candid? Jasmine's not my favorite person. I'm helping as a favor to her father." Frank chuckled. "He's not my favorite person either. But he's a good business partner. I've made a lot of money with him over the years."

"Oh," Jen said, suddenly liking Frank even more (once again proving the axiom true, the enemy of my enemy is my friend). "I can't stand her."

Frank grinned. "You'll have to tell me sometime how she roped you in. Jas has a way of doing that. Anyway, what I want to say is, now with you here, I'm actually looking forward to working on Jasmine's campaign."

Jen opened her mouth in surprise. She'd never felt so flattered. "God Mr. Tower - I mean Frank - that's so nice," she sputtered out.

Frank gave her a big smile. They hugged goodbye. Frank hugged her close to him, probably closer and longer than appropriate. Jen let him. Always the flirt, she reached up on her tiptoes and gave him a peck goodbye, letting her soft lips linger a moment on his cheek. They shared another silent moment smiling at each other. Then Jen caught a cab home.


"You won't believe who's working on Jasmine's campaign," Jen told Mike later that night after putting Anna down to bed. "Frank Tower. Sophie's dad. You remember, my friend from high school? She was one of my bridesmaids. He chairs Jasmine's finance committee."

"You still talk to Sophie?" Mike asked.

"Just on Facebook sometimes," Jen said with a shrug. "We kind of lost touch. I guess she moved to Houston. Frank doesn't see her either." Jen giggled. "It's weird calling him Frank. I keep calling him Mr. Tower, I can't help it."

Mike slowly nodded, looking at his wife. "Have I met him?"

Jen tried to remember. "I don't think so. He wasn't at our wedding. Anyway, I'll be working with him. Kind of weird working with a friend's dad." She giggled again. Mike thought she was starting to sound like a silly school girl. "Anyway, you will. Frank invited us to a basketball party at his house next weekend."

"You accepted without asking me?" Mike asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby," Jen said rubbing his arm. "I thought you'd want to go. Frank always had the best sports parties growing up. You know, Superbowl, Final Four. He's having a playoffs party with, um, Cleveland and San Francisco."

"Golden State," Mike corrected her. "The series might be over by next weekend."

"Yeah," Jen said. "Frank said we'd watch the women's soccer World Cup then. He said that might be a better game anyway."

Mike frowned. He noticed how Jen was suddenly saying "Frank said" a lot. It bothered him she accepted Frank's invitation without asking him first.

Jen read her husband's mind. She knew he hated parties, especially where he didn't know anyone. He was shy and hated small talk. "I'm sorry baby," she said rubbing his bad leg. "I should have asked you first. A lot of Jasmine's staff will be there. I guess I want to get to know them better, since I'll be working with them."

"You've changed your mind about Jasmine, you want to work on her campaign?" Mike asked gently, knowing Jasmine Kelly was a sensitive topic with his wife. "Now that I'm consulting with the government, we don't need her as a backup anymore."

"I know," Jen said, still rubbing Mike's bad leg. "I don't like being around Jasmine. Just like you wouldn't like being around Clint, right?"

"Yeah," Mike agreed.

"It's more like, this is opening doors for me," Jen said. "Marketing for political candidates, it could lead to things, like movie stars and sports. Also, politics are interesting." Then she admitted through gritted teeth, "Jasmine's positions don't suck." As if wanting to get that bad taste out of her mouth, she said "And they're paying me a lot. Now I understand why they have so much money. Frank is a freaking awesome business man."

Mike nodded slowly, taking this all in. Jen's words "Frank is a freaking awesome business man" rang in his ears.

Jen was still rubbing Mike's bad leg, working on the kinks. "Are you doing your stretches and exercises honey?" she asked.

"Yeah, I try to," Mike said.

"You have to baby," Jen urged him, her fingers digging deeper into his thigh muscles. She did this a lot, massaging him. Mike's leg probably would never be like before the accident. (See Consequences - Part 7) He still walked with a slight limp. But regular exercise and stretching would limit the pain and stiffness and prevent it from becoming chronic.

Mike took Jen's hand from his leg and kissed it. "How old is Frank?" he asked.

"How old?" Jen said. She thought about it. She remembered Sophie saying her parents had married young. "I don't know. Early 50s?"

Early 50s. Mike knew his wife had a thing for older men. Like Clint and Mr. Hayden (her high school history teacher). Jen had been naughty in high school. During a break in her relationship with Colin, she'd had a brief affair with Mr. Hayden. Had she done that with anyone else?

"Did anything happened between you and Frank in high school?" Mike asked.

A smile came to Jen's face. She'd known once she started talking about Frank Mike would want to play. She said "Well -."

"Wait," Mike said, putting a finger to Jen's lips. "Let's get ready for bed. Put on the nightie okay?"

"Of course baby, I always wear the nightie," Jen said.

"I know. I like seeing you in it."

In their bedroom, Mike watched as his wife undressed and put on the white nightie. He definitely liked seeing her in it. The nightie was short, not even reaching her mid-thigh. She looked really leggy in it and he loved that.

Normally Jen would wear comfy VS cotton panties to bed under the nightie. But she knew they were going to play, so she didn't bother. Knowing Mike was watching, she took her time brushing her long blonde hair to a silky luster. Then she put on red lipstick that made her lips look wet.

Jen picked up a bottle of moisturizer. She always used moisturizer in the morning and evening to keep her skin soft and youthful looking. "I'll do that honey," Mike offered.

"Okay," Jen said with a smile. She never passed up a massage!

Mike poured lotion onto his hands. Like a good husband, he rubbed his palms together to warm the lotion. He started on his wife's arms then moved to her legs. He rubbed up and down, going beyond just applying lotion. He gave her a massage, working his palms and finger tips into the muscles of her toned shapely legs.

Jen's legs were amazing. So long and shapely. Toned like a dancer's. Her skin so smooth and perfect she looked air brushed.

Jen moaned as Mike rubbed her. She could tell he was worshipping her legs, her body. She loved when he devoted all his attention on her (well, she liked it when any guy did that, but Mike was special of course). Also Mike was teasing her, scbanging his nails behind her knees, lightly tickling the soles of her feet, getting close to but not touching her clit. Her husband wasn't the best lover. But knowing her body so well, he could always turn her on. (It wasn't the turning on part that Mike lacked. It was finishing her off. Jen craved getting fucked hard and dirty like a slutty whore. Mike didn't have the personality for that. Also, he was too small, and didn't have the muscular body to pound her into the bed. But that didn't mean she didn't love when he made love to her. She just needed more sometimes. That was the whole thing about their game.)
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:03 PM

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