Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 13

Author's note: It's funny how readers who are not into the cuckold fantasy read this story and say I'm taking the C stuff too far, how terrible Jen is to Mike, how Mike needs to stand up for himself. And then other readers (often through PMs) say I'm not going far enough, how Jen really needs to cuck Mike and how he just needs to bend over and take it. As I've said before, I enjoy getting all comments. I find the different points of view interesting.

In some of my earlier stories, I drifted too far to the extreme and wrote myself into a corner. As I've mentioned before, with this series I've tried to be as realistic as possible, asking myself what the real Mike and Jen would do given the situations they find themselves in. I'm Mike so that's fairly easier. It's harder with my wife Jen, but since I know her really well I think I can project pretty good (by the way, someone asked via PM if Mike and Jen are our real names; the answer, as you may have guessed, is no).

When I write I let the characters talk. I've heard real writers say that before, and I was surprised as anyone when it really happened. The characters talk as I write. If I write something that's wrong, it bothers me so I rewrite until it feels right for that character.

Some people have asked for clues on what happens next. The problem is, I don't know yet. I know how the story ends. But I'm not certain of everything that happens getting there, as it depends on the characters. Will Jen put Mike in a cage? Will she deprive him of sex? Will they experiment with pregnancy again? I think I know, but even I'm not certain until we get to those points of the story. I do know what the ending is, and why I'm calling the next story Sabbatical. But that's about all I know for sure.


Cheating and Rivals - Part 13

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

Later that night Mike and Jen were in bed, after putting Anna down. Jen was in her new white nighty, on her back, her legs open for her husband. "You're still swollen," Mike said as he lay between her legs, gently fingering her pussy lips.

"I'm still sore," Jen said. "Will fucked me really hard."

"You liked it though," Mike said with a kiss to her clit.

Jen shuddered as Mike kissed her ultra-sensitive bud. "You know I like it that way," she said.

"You wanted Deshawn," Mike said, more statement than question.

"You know I'm not into black guys," Jen said. "Anyway, it's too complicated with Stacy and Jim."

"But you wanted him," Mike said, gently stroking between her pussy lips.

"Are you going to tease me all night?" Jen said with a frustrated laugh.

"Tell me," Mike said.

"Yeah, I wanted Deshawn," Jen admitted. "I thought you might get upset." When Mike didn't say anything, she asked "Would you have gotten upset?"

"I don't know," Mike said honestly. "Maybe not bad upset."

Jen sensed her husband was conflicted about the party. He was like that with his C fantasies. Changing the subject, she smiled and said "Is my pussy still pretty?"

Mike gazed at his wife's pussy. The lips were still red and swollen, and they gaped a little, but it was still so pretty and sexy. It was like a teenager's pussy (although at the moment it looked well used). "It's beautiful," he gushed. He went down on his wife, gently licking her to orgasm.

"God that was so good," Jen gushed, panting and aglow from the wonderful orgasm Mike just gave her. "I so needed that."

"Still hot from the party?" Mike joked with a grin.

"I guess," Jen admitted with a giggle. She reached down to Mike's cock. He was rock hard of course. "Time to give something to this big guy."

"But I'm not big," Mike said referring to their play in the taxi.

"Baby you know I was teasing," Jen said earnestly. She reached into Mike's shorts and wrapped her hand around his shaft. "Yours will always be my favorite one."

Mike only partially believed his wife. But he didn't hold it against her; that was the point of the game after all. "I need to tell you something," he said. He moved up the bed so he was next to her.

"What?" Jen asked.

"This arrived the other day," Mike said, handing Jen the results of the paternity test.

"Oh," Jen said, reading the test results and seeing that Drums was Anna's biological father. They were silent for long moments.

The test was a reminder that Jen had let another man get her pregnant. Jen knew that. "I'm sorry," she said to Mike, waves of guilty and remorse hitting her.

"I'm not," Mike said, reading her melancholy mood. "We have Anna."

Suddenly Jen started crying. Mike pulled her into his arms. "It's okay. We have Anna. I wouldn't change anything."

"I know," Jen said between sobs. "I'm so bad."

"You're not honey," Mike assured her. "I understand what happened."

"It's just ... what I did to you," Jen said still sobbing. "And Joe ..."

"What about Joe?" Mike asked. He held her as she continued sobbing. Finally she calmed down. He asked again "What about Joe?"

"I don't know," Jen said tears still flowing down her cheeks. "I guess, I hoped it would be Joe. I knew it wasn't. All the chemo. But I hoped."

Mike's fears and insecurities about his brother rose to the surface. He had to know. "Because you loved Joe?" he asked.

"Of course I loved Joe," Jen said. "If Anna was Joe's ... it would be like he was still here with us."

"Yeah," Mike said, feeling like Jen had stuck a knife in his heart.

Jen heard something strange in Mike's voice. She looked at him. He looked anxious, hurt. "What's wrong baby?" she asked.

"Can I asked you something?" Mike said. When Jen nodded he asked "If Joe was still with us. If Anna was his baby. Would you -."

Jen interrupted him. "You mean if Joe was the biological father. Anna is your baby."

"You just said if Anna was Joe's," Mike pointed out.

Jen gave him a frown. "You know what I meant," she said.

"Okay, well ... my question is, would you sleep with Joe?"

Jen saw where this was going. She gave Mike a sly smile. "Is that what you would want?"

"You always had a crush on Joe," Mike said.

"Not really," Jen said, giving her husband a quizzical look. "We flirted sometimes ..."

"You just said you loved him," Mike said.

"Baby, of course I loved him, he was my brother," Jen said. "He was your brother. I love you, so I want to be close to your family. For you."

"Okay," Mike said, although he didn't seem convinced.

Jen straddled Mike's lap. She took his head in her hands and frowned at him. "Baby, what is going on in this head of yours?" she asked. "Okay, if you wanted me too, I would've had sex with Joe. But it would've been pity fucks, that's all."

Mike's eyes widened at how Jen's comment so closely followed his fantasy. He said "It might start as pity fucks."


"I don't know," Mike admitted, feeling foolish. "The game. Sometimes it takes me to bad places."

"You need to stop fretting about it baby," Jen said. "I love you." She kissed him tenderly. "Okay?"

"Okay," Mike said, forcing a grin. He felt better, but it was one of those things he'd never know. That was probably a good thing, but it also left things unresolved.

"You'll be okay, if we keep playing the game?" Jen asked wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes.

Mike was hard. Despite his mixed feelings sometimes, he definitely wanted to keep playing. Even the bad things, like his recent paranoia about Joe, got him hot. The doubt and angst hurt but were so delicious too. He was addicted to their game.

"Yeah," Mike said. He reached between them, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. "You're too sore?"

"I'm okay," Jen said, knowing her husband needed release. She reached down and took his cock. She gently slid down onto him.

"How do I feel?" she asked.

"You feel incredible!" Mike gushed.

"Not loose?" Jen said with a giggle, remembering their pillow talk in the cab.

"You're not as tight as usual," Mike said. "You're always that way, after being with someone."

Jen slowly rocked up and down on her husband. "Does that get you upset?" she asked with a kiss to his lips.

"Yeah. Good upset," Mike said. "It turns me on."

They made out as Jen continued rocking on him. Mike reached under the white nighty and fondled her breasts.

Panting, Mike said "You want to keep playing?"

"Yeah," Jen said, panting too. She was grinding on Mike's cock, rubbing his shaft against her clit.

"You want to go to another party?" he asked.

"Maybe," Jen said, feeling an orgasm approach. She knew Mike was close too. "Can you hold off? I'm also there."

"I think so," Mike said. "Would you fuck Deshawn?" he asked, returning to their earlier conversation.

"Not Deshawn, he's Stacy's," Jen said. "Maybe another black guy."

"Are you into black guys now?" Mike asked.

"No, I just want to try one," Jen said.

"You talk about them like meat."

"How do you think they see me?" Jen said with a giggle.

Jen's comment made Mike feel better. She saw it as just sex. "You want just one?" he joked with a grin.

Jen gave him a sly smile back. "Is that what you want baby?" she teased. She was riding him harder now. "To see me gangbanged by black men?"

"Maybe," Mike said.

"If we go to another party it might happen," Jen said.

"I know," Mike said. They kissed and fondled again, more urgently now. Then they both came.


A couple weeks later, Jen met with Leo, Deidre and Frank Tower about coordinating Jasmine's image campaign and fund raising. Afterwards Frank invited Jen for a drink to catch up. Jen had a white wine while Frank ordered tequila.

"How's Sophie?" Jen asked. "God I haven't talked to her for forever, since her shower." (See Making It Work - Part 2)

"She's good," Frank said with a tight smile. "She and Paul have 2. They live in Houston. She's got her own life now. I don't see her often."

"Oh," Jen said feeling bad for him. "I'm sorry Mr. Tower."

"Frank remember?" he said with a smile. "I'm happy for Sophie. After her mother died ... I'm happy she has Paul and the kids."

"I heard about Mrs. Tower," Jen said. Frank's wife had died of cancer a couple years ago. She reached over and squeezed his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"I wasn't the best husband," Frank admitted. "But I think I made Sally happy."

"I'm sure you did," Jen assured him. "You always seemed so happy together."

Frank gave Jen a thankful smile. "So what about you? Marketing star. Married to Mike Andrews, the brilliant inventor of Sapphire and misunderstood patriot." He chuckled. "You've been busy since high school."
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