Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I don't want to spend my life fixing iTunes bugs," Mike said with a shrug and humorless laugh.

"I think it's because you want to make a difference," Colonel Banks said. "Like how you're teaching kids, you're making a difference in their lives."

Understanding hit Mike. "Are you offering me a job?" he said surprised.

"Pay's not bad," Banks said with a grin. "You make your own hours, work where you want."

"You tortured him, and now you want him to work for you?" Jen asked incredulously.

"Would you rather he be Code Master for Apple?" Colonel Banks said to Jen, giving her a knowing look. "Would you rather he still be working on Wall Street, Mrs. Andrews?" It was like Banks was looking into her soul. Jen quickly shut up.

Banks turned back to Mike. "This is your chance to make a difference Mike," he said. "Your chance to be a hero." He handed Mike a thumb drive. "I need to know what's on this."

"I haven't decided whether to take the job," Mike said.

"Okay fine," Banks said. "Then treat it like a puzzle, like Sudoku." He tapped the thumb drive with his finger. "I really want to know what's on this."

"Don't I need a security clearance or something?" Mike asked.

Banks laughed and gave Mike an almost friendly smile. "Believe me Mike, we know everything there is to know about you."


"I'm sorry it didn't work out," Jen said regretfully to Mike. They'd just dropped Sam off at the airport.

"Thanks for setting it up," Mike said. He cautiously asked "Jasmine really agreed to your back up plan?"

"I feel like I've sold my soul," Jen lamented. Putting on a brave face, she added "It won't be so bad. I've always been interested in politics. And they're paying me. A lot. Her campaign must be well funded."

The subject of Jen's income depressed Mike. Mike grew up believing the husband should support the wife and kids. But Jen's income was more than his. The government salary would help, but she would still make more than him. It made him feel like an inadequate, meager provider.

It affected their game too. Jen's lovers might have better bodies, but in the past he could always console himself that he was more successful professionally. That was no longer true. Now, not only were Jen's lovers better in bed, they made more money.

Jen sensed his thoughts. "I don't care about money baby," she said hugging and kissing his arm.

It was true, Jen didn't care really about money. True, she couldn't afford Chanel dresses or Jimmy Choo high heels anymore, but it wasn't like she didn't already have enough designer dresses and shoes in her closet. They were financially comfortable in a really expensive city, they owned their loft apartment (while many of their friends still rented), and that was saying a lot. They were saving for Anna's college, they had a rainy day fund, and they had fun doing things in the City. If she couldn't go to high end boutiques anymore, why did it matter? Anyway, it was fun to shop the sales for clothes the way she used to do before Mike made a lot of money.

Jen felt guilty. Not about the Cloak, she had no control over that. But about what Colonel Banks said. The bastard read her perfectly. Jen DIDN'T want Mike to take the Apple Code Master job. And she'd never liked it when he worked on Wall Street.

Mike was an academic, a geeky math major. He was better suited to teaching college or high school math. Working high pressure jobs like Code Master or Wall Street didn't suit his personality. He'd never be happy in those jobs. The money wasn't worth it.

But it was more than that. Jen remembered when Mike was running the Ring and all the young, barelegged female interns were calling him Aragon and making eyes at him. She thought about how it must have been at Apple, with Mike being the shy, mysterious, brilliant software god. All the girls (like Tara) must have found him adorable and irresistible.

Jen wanted Mike all to herself. She was a jealous person, she didn't like the idea of adoring girls being around Mike all the time. So she was just fine with Mike staying a high school teacher, or working at home for Colonel Banks. Also, she liked Mike at home taking care of Anna. Any mother would understand that.

Jen felt guilty over wanting to keep Mike all to herself. Mike was a loner, he preferred his solitude, but it wasn't healthy to not get out and be around people sometimes. Smiling inside, she knew how to make it up to him. Big time make it up to him.

Hugging his arm, she asked "Baby, have you heard from Jim lately?"

"Yeah, they're going to a party this Saturday, they invited us," Mike said.

Jen squeezed his arm again. "Maybe we should go," she said.

"You want to?" Mike said suddenly excited.

"I know you do," Jen said with a laugh.

"But do you?"

"I'm not sure," Jen said with another laugh, this one a slightly nervous one.


[Saturday night ...]

Mike and Jen met Jim and Stacy for a drink before the party. "Oh I'm so excited to finally meet you," Stacy said excitedly, taking Jen's arm and pulling her away from Mike. They were soon giggling like school girls as they got to know each other.

"They're getting along," Mike said as he and Jim walked a few steps behind the girls.

"I told you, they'll get along brilliantly," Jim said confidently. He gave Jen's backside a long look. She was wearing a short tight skirt to take advantage of her best assets (her ass and legs). "Fuck Mike, Jen's gorgeous, even prettier in person."

Mike couldn't help smiling and feeling proud. It always made him feel good when another man praised his wife's good looks. "Stacy's looking good too," he said. He meant it too. Stacy wasn't cover-girl model gorgeous like Jen, but she was definitely attractive. She had long strawberry blonde hair and a curvy, hour glass figure. From how her tight black dress hung on her, it looked like Stacy had gotten back her pre-Dannika figure.

In his mental ranking of girls he knew, Mike placed Jen at the top, then Jasmine Kelly, followed closely by Allie (who also had her pre-baby figure back), and then Stacy. Tara was probably tied or maybe just behind Stacy. Mike never shared this ranking with Jen of course.

"She's definitely fuckable," Jim said proudly. "She never has problems getting partners."

"Guys at the party?" Mike asked.

"That's right mate," Jim said with a laugh, giving Mike a friendly hit on the arm. He gave Jen's backside another long look. "Jen won't have any problem either."

"We're not sure how far we're going tonight," Mike said immediately. Despite his excitement, he was conflicted about tonight, afraid things might get out of control.

"No worries mate, no one's going to pressure you," Jim assured him. He nudged Mike in the side and said excitedly, "This might be the night Mike."

"Seriously?" Mike asked just as excitedly.

"She's been seeing a new guy, Deshawn, a few weeks, they have a connection," Jim said nodding. "He'll be there tonight."

"He's okay with it?" Mike asked.

"More than okay, he gets off on it," Jim said. "Deshawn knows Stacy's not on the pill. She told him he didn't have to use a condom tonight."

Mike didn't know what to say. As they walked behind the girls, he looked Stacy up and down. She definitely looked good. She must have worked hard to get her body back after having Dannika. Now, tonight, she was going to give her hot body to a black man, let him shoot his fertile seed into her unprotected pussy. Jim and Stacy both wanted Deshawn to impregnate her. Mike was so hot he was almost dizzy.

At the bar Jen and Stacy continued talking, sitting a little away from the boys. They'd gotten through the mandatory preliminaries - where they grew up, went to college, how they met their spouses, descriptions of their kids - and now they were talking about the upcoming party. Jen found she really liked Stacy. Also, to her surprise, she found it reassuring to talk to another girl involved in the "lifestyle."

"So there are cute guys?" Jen asked, whispering like a schoolgirl hoping to be asked to the prom.

"A lot of hunky guys," Stacy said in her English accent. "Really good looking and awesome bodies. I'm meeting someone there. Deshawn. God he's so hot!"

"I'm not really into black men," Jen said in a polite "I don't mean to offend you" tone.

"More for me," Stacy giggled. She thought that Jen didn't know what she was missing. Black men were so much stronger than white men, so much bigger, so much better. Blacks came in a lot of shades, but she was most attracted to those with dark ebony skin. She loved the contrast of a black man's skin against hers. Just the thought got her wet.

But she didn't begrudge Jen preferring white guys. After all, she (like Jen) had a white husband. Although, to be honest, and it's something she'd never tell Jim, if she knew then what she knew now, she might have married a black man. But Jim let her do what she wanted, and he was a good father and provider. For now Stacy was happy with their marriage.

Stacy said to Jen, "There will be white guys there too." She looked at Jen's gorgeous face, long lush blonde hair, tight body and long legs. Stacy knew Jen would likely be the prettiest at the party. In fact, she suspected Jen was probably the prettiest girl wherever she went. Stacy didn't hold Jen's beauty against her. First of all, Jen wasn't into black guys so she didn't see her as competition. Second, Jen was really nice, she wasn't stuck up over her looks. Also, in Jen she felt she'd found a kindred spirit.

Stacy said, "I think you'll be real popular at the party. Don't worry, you'll have your pick of guys."

"Thanks," Jen said, demurely looking down. It was embarrassing to talk about this with a person she just met. "Um ... are there girls too?" She glanced at Mike.

Stacy followed Jen's eyes, seeing Mike and immediately understanding her concerns. "More guys than girls," she said. "Don't worry, the girls will leave Mike alone. He'll be with you. Anyway, Mike's not really the alpha guy type."

"No he's not," Jen agreed with a giggle. That definitely wasn't her husband.

"You know, Jim used to be a bull," Stacy said.

"What? No way," Jen said. She'd assumed Jim had cuckold fantasies like Mike.

"Yeah, when I met him," Stacy said. She added matter-of-factly, "Guys change sometimes, going from alpha to beta, or the other way. It's what you're into, who you're with."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:00 PM

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