Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Thanks," Jen said, startled at Leo's candidness. Leo gave Jen a friendly smile and stepped out.

With nothing to do, Jen walked around the conference room. Her attention was drawn to a big side table. Photos and articles about Jasmine were carefully organized chronologically on the table. There were photos of Jasmine in bikinis and revealing dresses, with movie stars and star athletes, at abortion clinics, at elementary schools reading books to kids, at star studded galas, boarding private jets, at Knicks and Rangers games, at a women's shelter, at a Taylor Swift concert in Paris. Jen frowned, trying to make sense of it all.

Jen was still studying the photos and articles when Jasmine and Leo walked in. "Please put those down," Jasmine said in a chastising tone.

Jen immediately put the article she was reading back on the table. "Sorry," she said.

Jasmine sat down at the head of the table. Leo sat next to her. Jasmine didn't invite Jen to sit. Seeing that, Leo awkwardly motioned for Jen to take a seat.

There was an uncomfortable silence. Then Jasmine brusquely said to Jen, "Your meeting, your agenda."

Jen did not like Jasmine. Clearly by Jasmine's rudeness, the feeling was mutual. Jen hated being in the same room with this bottle blonde bitch, but she held her temper. This was important to Mike, she needed to make this happen for him.

"You know the agreement the government forced on Mike for his release," Jen said. "We want to change part of the deal."

"We?" Jasmine said.

"Me and Mike," Jen said.

Jasmine waved at Jen's side of the table. "Why isn't Mike here?"

"I'm handling this," Jen said.

"Why you?" Jasmine said with a scowl.

"Because I'm his wife," Jen said, scowling back.

The two women glared at each other. Then Jasmine gave a "whatever" wave, inviting Jen to continue.

"I don't trust the government," Jen said. "They might arrest Mike again. If they do, we need a backup plan."

Jasmine got it immediately. "I'm your backup plan. They arrest Mike, I go public like before."

"Right," Jen said, nodding.

Jasmine crossed her arms and gave Jen an incredulous look. "Why in the world should I help Mike?" she said angrily.

"Jasmine -," Leo said.

Jasmine glared at Leo, cutting him off. Looking back at Jen, she repeated "Why should I help Mike?" She added sarcastically, "And you've got a lot of nerve asking me. Before, you told me I was only helping Mike to advance my career. You didn't do anything for him, yet you criticized me."

Jen grimaced at the memory. She HAD told Jasmine that. "I was wrong Jasmine," she conceded. "Mike's lawyer told me I couldn't help. I was frustrated. You were helping Mike and I wasn't doing anything. I lashed out at you unfairly. I'm sorry."

Jasmine smiled triumphantly, clearly loving Jen's groveling. "You still haven't told me why I should help Mike," she said. "He embarrassed the administration, a lot of top Senators. The party's practically shunned me for helping him once. I'd be crazy to help him again."

Jen didn't know what to say. She stood up to buy time. She drifted back to the table with all the photos and articles of Jasmine.

Leo tilted his head, curious. He asked "What do you think of them Jennifer?"

Jen shrugged, at the moment only barely aware of the pictures and articles. She said "I'm not sure what they are."

"They're from my campaign. I'm running for the Senate," Jasmine said, talking to Jen like she was a dumb blonde.

"I know," Jen said, holding back her temper. She waved over the pictures and articles. "I'm saying, I don't know who you are."

Leo's eyes widened, like a light bulb going off. Jasmine though scoffed at Jen's opinion. "Not like you're a political expert," she said dismissively.

"No, I'm not," Jen admitted. Swallowing her pride, she said earnestly "If not for you Jasmine, Mike would still be in jail. You helped, I didn't, I admit that. But he did something good, right? Now he just wants to get back some of what the government took from him. It's important to him. Can you help?"

Jasmine was surprised at Jen's complete capitulation. "Why isn't Mike here to ask me?"

"Honestly? I don't want him around you," Jen admitted, her cheeks turning red. She looked at Jasmine girl-to-girl. "Do you blame me?"

Jasmine shrugged, looking away from Jen. Internally, she forced herself to push her personal feelings aside and think about this politically. Yes, Mike had done good things and he'd been unfairly punished. But what could she do? She was barely hanging on now. Mike was radioactive, she couldn't survive another misstep or more bad publicity with the Democratic party.

Jasmine was about to tell Jen no when Leo spoke up. "Maybe we can work something out," he said. "Jas and I will talk about it. We'll get back to you."

"Really?" Jen said hopefully.

"Yes. I think we can support Mike. Just give us a few days to work it out," Leo assured her.

When Jen was gone Jasmine angrily turned to Leo. "What was that?" she demanded. "I can't help Mike. Even if I wanted to - which I'm not sure I do - I can't. He's radioactive with the administration. I'm barely hanging on with the party as it is."

"We need a favor Jas," Leo said sagely. "Think about your numbers."

"I know my numbers," Jasmine snapped. "But how is a favor from Mike Andrews going to help me?"

"Not Mike Andrews," Leo said, looking at the table with all the photos and articles. "Jennifer Andrews. We need her help."


Author's note: This chapter ends Cheating. The next chapter starts Rivals.
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