Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Watch the Mets game I guess," Mike said. "Think about what you're doing."

Mike DID sound down. She knew he got lonely when she was away - even borderline depressed - especially if she was with another man. Did he want her to stop?

At this point, Jen didn't want to stop. She was into the game, she was interested in Carrington. His preppy boy handsome looks, boyishly combed dirty blonde hair, Ivy-league charisma, crew-hardened body. She'd never fucked a Yale boy. She wanted to tonight. But did Mike want to stop?

Reading her mind, Mike said "Don't worry about me. You know how I get. Did you find the care package?"

"Yeah, um, it was useful," Jen said giving Carrington a glance.

"You already used it?" Mike asked surprised.

"Um, what?" Jen said, not understanding. Then she got it, he was talking about the condoms. She felt relieved. If Mike was talking about condoms, he didn't want her to stop. "Not yet," she said.

"Okay," Mike said. "I was just thinking, you were right. Once was enough."

"Yeah," Jen agreed, giving Carrington another look. She hoped to god he couldn't hear Mike. "They'll, ah, be useful. If it comes to that."

"I can't wait to see you," Mike said.

"Me too," Jen said.

"I love you baby," Mike said.

Jen was about to tell Mike she loved him back, but realized a show of affection might kill the mood with Carrington. So instead she said (a little dismissively) "I'll talk to you tomorrow Mike."

Then Jen had a brainstorm. She knew how to lift Mike's spirits. Pretending to end the call, she put her iPhone face down on the bar counter, between her and Carrington. With the connection still open, Mike would be able to hear their conversation.

"Everything alright on the home front?" Carrington asked.

Jen shrugged but didn't say anything, letting Carrington assume what he wanted.

"I get it," Carrington said. "Home life's not wonderful for me either."

"What's wrong?" Jen asked.

"I told you, 10 years of marriage," Carrington said with a humorless chuckle. "The excitement went out of our relationship a long time ago."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Carrington said. He gave Jen a smile. "I find my excitement elsewhere." He boldly put his hand back on Jen's knee. "You?"

"Sometimes," Jen said with a smile back.

Carrington's smile grew wider. "You know, I'm not really feeling a 5 course gourmet dinner tonight." He edged his hand under Jen's dress.

"What are you feeling Carrington?" Jen asked as his fingers reached her lacy stocking tops.

Carrington grinned. "Let's go to your hotel," he said fingering the lace under her dress.

"You're the client," Jen said moving to get up.

"Not a client yet," he corrected her.

"No, not yet," Jen conceded.


Carrington drove an expensive BMW. As they rode to Jen's hotel he put his hand back on her knee. This time she stopped him.

"What's going on Carrington?" she asked. Her iPhone was in her purse. The connection with Mike was still open.

"Two consenting adults spending time together," he said with that same charming smile.

"Come on," Jen prompted. God his smile was so freaking awesome.

"Okay, cards on the table?" Carrington said. "It's down to your firm and Ogilvy. Whomever I choose, I'll have to work closely with their point person. I believe in work hard, play hard."

"So, if I sleep with you, I get the account," Jen said bluntly.

"You make it sound like a sacrifice," Carrington said with a laugh. He said confidently, "I think you'll enjoy yourself."

"God, you have no idea how many times I've heard that," Jen said with a laugh. "I'm married you know."

"So am I," Carrington said. "Does that really bother you?"

"No," Jen said. Knowing Mike was listening, she said "He's clueless."

Carrington smiled. "Actually, most of my lovers are married," he said. "Less chance of loose lips."

"You have that many?" Jen said with an awkward laugh.

"I'm a guy," Carrington said with a laugh back. "What about you?"

Jen thought about her affairs. Mr. Hayden, her history professor. Wesley. They were both married or engaged. "I guess I'm the same way," she said. It was weird talking so casually about her cheating. Cheating on Mike. Getting a married man to cheat on his wife. She wondered if the talk excited Mike. She suspected it did. That got her excited. Also, sitting next to a hunky man like Carrington didn't hurt.

They arrived at Jen's hotel. "So, what do you think?" Carrington asked.

Jen hesitated. "I get the account, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, you get the account," Carrington said with a laugh.

Jen hesitated a moment, then said, "Let's go up to my room."


Jasmine Kelly stormed into Leo's office. "Did you tell my father about the polling numbers?" she demanded.

"Hey, hold on," Leo said with his hands out. "What?"

"My polling numbers," Jasmine said irritably. "Did you leak them to my father?"

"No, Jasmine, no," Leo said earnestly. "Come on Jas, we're on the same team."

"Okay, whatever," Jasmine said, only slight mollified. "My dad says the party won't support me. No money or endorsements. I'm not worried about money ..."

Leo wasn't worried about money either, not with their chair of the finance committee. But endorsements ... credibility ... they needed that. "We're got to get our numbers among women up," he said. "Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much money we raise."

"I know that Leo," Jasmine said impatiently. "But how -."

At that moment Deidre (Jasmine's publicist) entered the room. "Jas, you won't believe who just called."

"What?" Jasmine said. "Who?"

"Jennifer Andrews," Deidre said. "She wants to meet."

"What? Why?" Jasmine said looking bewildered.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:55 PM

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