Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Drums gave another shrug as he put the card in his pocket without looking at it. He asked "How's Jen?"

"She's fine," Mike said stiffly, glaring at Drums.

Drums returned Mike's glare. He said tauntingly "Have you heard my second album? The songs are about me and Jen."

"You used her name?" Mike hissed angrily, the conversation quickly going from bad to worse.

"No, better than that," Drums said. He laughed, like he was picking a fight. "I call her Mary. You know, from Thunder Road? Jen's favorite Springsteen song?"

Mike's fists were clenched. "Take the test," he growled. "Then leave Jen and Anna alone."

"Does Jen still fuck other guys?" Drums said with a mocking grin. "I've got to admit Mike. That wife of yours loves big dicks."

"If you ever bother us. If you ever try to contact Jen or Anna. I'll kill you," Mike threatened in a low voice.

"Yeah right," Drums said with a dismissive laugh.

"You need to understand me," Mike said in the same low dangerous voice. "I went to jail over something I barely cared about. You don't think I'd kill for people I love? If you even try to contact Jen or Anna, I'll kill you."

Fear flashed across Drums' face. But he quickly recovered. He said tauntingly "I'll take your fucking test. You know why? So you'll know Anna's my baby. Every time you look at the brat, you'll know Jen was mine. Your precious wife. You'll know I fucked her whenever I wanted. You'll know she begged for my cock. She loved me, had my baby. All while you were rotting in jail. What do you think about that Mike? Your dick hard?"

Mike violently lunged at Drums, swinging his fists at him. Drums was ready for it. He blocked Mike's punch and threw one of his own, landing a hard blow across Mike's cheek and eye. Mike punched back and the two men pounded on each other. The bouncers pulled them apart, but by then both Mike and Drums were bloody.


"How stupid," Mike silently chided himself as he taxied home. He held a bag of ice against his eye and cheek. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Mike had held all the cards, he was supposed to be in control. He was supposed to manipulate Drums, not the other way around.

Instead, Drums had goaded him into a fight. Mike had gotten in a few blows, but he wasn't a fighter and Drums was bigger. Mike winched at the pain as he held the ice pack against his cheek and eye. He was going to have a major black eye.

Mike was encouraged by 2 thoughts. First, Jen wouldn't be home for a couple days. He didn't want to admit her former lover/"boyfriend" got the better of him in a fist fight. Maybe by the weekend he could come up with a story so he wouldn't have to mention Drums.

Second, and way more important, he was pretty sure Drums would take the paternity test. Clearly Drums hated Mike, and he wanted the paternity test to stick it to him. It was a big "fuck you," not only fucking your rival's wife, but getting her pregnant.

Mike hated himself - despised himself - as he felt himself get an erection. He hated Drums as much as he hated Scott. But thinking about Jen's former lovers - not just lovers, but boyfriends - that never failed to get him hot, no matter what. God he was so pathetic.

Mike had left Anna with Maggie. When he got home, Mags wasn't there, neither was Anna. He was shocked though to see Jen.

"Mike what happened?!" Jen said immediately at the sight of her husband's bruised face. She went to him and took off the ice pack. "Oh my god," she said horrified, seeing the black eye and swollen cheek. She walked him to the sofa.

"Where's Anna?" Mike asked concerned.

"She's sleeping over with Maggie," Jen explained, getting a warm towel and gently washing Mike's face. "I came home early, so we can talk." She gently swabbed his swollen cheek and eye. "Oh baby what happened?"

Mike was a lousy liar, and he hadn't had time to come up with a story. "I saw Drums about the paternity test," he said honestly.

"He did this?" Jen said horrified. It was her worse fears. Frankie had shown himself to be violent, and he was a lot bigger and stronger than Mike. "Oh baby," she said tenderly stroking his face and looking pityingly at him.

Jen's reaction - the worry and pity in her eyes - hit Mike like a blow to the gut. It was like she didn't think he could hold his own against Drums. "Drums looks bad too," he said trying to salvage his pride. Puffing out his chest, he added "I made him agree to take the paternity test."

Jen sensed her mistake. Knowing male pride and bravado were delicate things, she decided not to say anything more about the fight. Instead she kissed him and said "That's so good baby."

Mike wasn't a braggart though. He shrugged and admitted "Not the way I planned though."

"What was your plan?" Jen gently asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"I hacked into his phone and computer," Mike said proudly. He explained about the sex pictures and software demons.

"Oh, um, that's really smart baby," Jen said hesitantly, hiding her true feelings because she didn't want to further hurt Mike's pride. But she immediately knew his plan wouldn't have worked against Frankie. He'd get off on the sex pictures being leaked. As for the off-shore accounts, Frankie would've just joked about it with Artie, Mal and Jay (all the while mocking Mike's attempt to frame him), and returned the money. They'd have known it was Mike trying to set up Frankie.

Worse still, Frankie could've used all that to press charges against Mike. Mike had the motive, he had the expertise to hack Frankie's computer, and he had the Cloaking Device to do it secretly. The government knew all that.

Jen feared Frankie might have won if he'd pressed charges. Mike in jail again? The thought terrified her.

This was why she insisted on setting up the talk with the government about Mike's proposed deal. It had to be carefully planned, and Mike couldn't do it, he had too big a blind spot. He was brilliant with computers and numbers, but he didn't think things through, especially when it involved people.

But Jen didn't voice any of that, because she didn't want to hurt his feelings. Instead she said "Um, maybe you should delete the pictures and demons." Thinking fast she added "You know, we don't want Frankie to find them. It would ruin it if we need the leverage later." She didn't want Mike to be tempted to use them.

"Yeah, good idea," Mike said. He got on his computer and deleted it all. "I can always set it up again if we need it."

"Right," Jen agreed. Wanting to make sure he didn't get himself into trouble, she added, "But, um, tell me first okay?"

She continued to gently soothe his sore cheek and eye with the ice pack. Curious, she asked "Why did Drums agree to take the test?" She was careful to say "Drums" instead of "Frankie" (even though she still thought of him as Frankie).

Mike didn't answer. Jen noticed his hesitation and it worried her. Had Mike applied other leverage on Frankie, leverage that could be turned around on him? "Tell me Michael," she said firmly.

"He's doing the test to throw it in my face," Mike finally admitted. "That he's Anna's father."

Jen wasn't surprised. Frankie was such an ass. "You're Anna's father," she assured him, rubbing his arm.

"I know," Mike said with a nod. After a moment he added "He said it'd remind me you had his baby."

"Your baby," Jen said, gently correcting him. God this is bad, she thought. She knew Frankie would throw this shit at Mike. She wished he hadn't talked to him.

Jen looked concerned at Mike as she continued to soothe his sore cheek and eye with the ice pack. "Your baby," she said again with a tender kiss to his lips.

"He said it'd remind me you loved him," Mike said.

"I never loved Drums," Jen said, careful again to say Drums and not Frankie.

"But you were with him a long time," Mike said.

Jen could tell Mike was turned on. He was upset too. That's how he was, conflicted about his fantasies.

"You were with Drums a long time," Mike repeated when Jen didn't answer.

"I guess," Jen said, kissing Mike's shoulder. "He didn't mean anything, he was just there."

"But you fucked him all the time," Mike said.

"Yeah," Jen admitted.

"Did you buy his second album?" Mike asked accusingly.


"He said it's about you and him. He called you Mary, from Thunder Road."

"Oh ..." Jen said surprised.

"Did you buy it?"

"No, but, um ... I have it," Jen admitted hesitantly. "Drums gifted it to me a few months ago."

"You downloaded it?" Mike asked again with that accusing tone.

"I mean ... yeah," Jen said. She hadn't given it a moment's thought at the time, she just clicked the gift icon on iTunes and then promptly forgot about it. "I haven't listened to it."

Jen reached down and cupped her husband's crotch. He was so hard. Understanding his desires, she asked "Do you want me to listen to it?"

Mike looked at her. He wanted a lot of things at that moment. But he didn't dare voice them.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:54 PM

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