Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"That's a unique combination," Wesley said with a grin. "I graduated a few years ago. I got a marketing gig at Hershey."

"Really?" Jen said suddenly interested. For obvious reasons she was interested in the kind of jobs marketing grads got. Just then they were joined by a number of their friends, mostly guys. The guys gave Jen and Allie a lot of attention. Jen did her social butterfly thing and talked to everyone, but she mostly focused on Wesley because she wanted to find out what he did at Hershey.

Allie pulled Jen over to the keg. "Isn't Wesley hot?" Allie whispered to Jen as they refilled their red Solo cups with cheap beer. "He likes you, he told me."

"Allie you know I'm with Mike," Jen whispered back. She sipped the beer. The combination of sun and alcohol was making her tipsy.

"A little fun on the side," Allie teased, bumping her hip against Jen's. She was also tipsy. "Come on Jen, I can see it in your eyes, you need a good fucking."

"Allie stop ..."

"If you don't hook up with Wesley I'll do you myself," Allie joked sultrily pressing her big tits against Jen's tiny ones. She teased, "You need fucked babe." They both laughed, partly because of the beer, but also thinking of the collection of sex toys (including a big strap on dildo) their sorority kept for gags with new recruits.

Allie's face turned serious. "Jen honey, you can't go from a heavy relationship with Colin to a heavy relationship with Mike," Allie said. "You need to have fun, date a lot of guys. Trust me, Bubble boy will still be there. Look at Wesley, he's gorgeous. You're too young to play house with Mike, go have some fun."

"Hey come on let's hit the pool," Brian said coming up to Jen and Allie.

"Yeah, you guys look too serious for a pool party," Wesley said grinning at Jen. He put his hand on her back. "Am I going to have to throw you in?" he playfully threatened, grinning at her.

"You know I'm still wearing my dress," Jen said to Wesley in a dismissive, chastising tone.

Undeterred by her brush off, Wesley grinned and said "I'll help you take it off." He gave her a movie star smile. Then his eyes moved up and down her body, as if eating her with his eyes. He really was gorgeous, and he was clearly hitting on her! The combination (along with the alcohol) sent an exciting shiver down her back.

Jen looked over at Allie. Allie had a "come on let's have fun" smile on her face. Jen glanced towards the game room. She didn't see Mike, he must still be inside watching the baseball game.

"Fuck it," Jen thought to herself. "Okay whatever," she said to Wesley with a crooked grin and a laugh in her voice. Crossing her arms in front of her, she whipped off her sundress and then kicked off her flats. Jen let Wesley take her hand. Smiling and laughing, they jumped into the pool together. Allie and Brian jumped in too, along with a bunch of other people.

Mike's gut tightened up as he watched Jen talk to guys. With him not there, it was like a swarm of guys vying for her attention. The fact she looked so pretty and sexy in the short sundress didn't help.

Mike saw Jen talking mostly to Allie's friend. He was clearly hitting on her, and if anything, Jen was encouraging him.

Jen had this thing when she spoke to people, especially guys. She'd look into a guy's eyes as he said something to her, giving him all her attention like he was the only person in the world. She'd laugh whenever he told a joke, no matter how dumb. When she said something, she'd touch his hand or arm when making a point, and sometimes got close and whispered things into his ear. In other words, Jen didn't just talk to guys, she flirted with them. That was how Jen was acting with Allie's friend. He was hitting on her, and she was flirting back.

Mike found himself intensely jealous. But he was rock hard too. It was like at the football game a few months ago. Watching Jen flirt with another guy turned him on.

Mike watched as Allie's friend laughingly pulled Jen towards the pool, obviously egging her to jump in. Jen was laughing too, putting up only light resistance. Giving the guy a crooked grin, she whipped off her sundress. Then she jumped into the pool with the guy. As she did, she held the guy's hand.

She fucking held the guy's hand.

Mike knew he should go out to the pool. He should confront Jen, tell the guy off, and then drag her ass home. But he couldn't move, it was like his feet were glued to the floor, his eyes glued to the pool. He was rock hard watching Jen flirt and laugh with the guy.

Mike needed to calm down. He couldn't go out to the pool with a hard-on tenting his shorts. Despite being sexually worked up, he felt heartsick. Just that morning, Jen seemed to be his completely. When they woke up she said she loved him, and they made love. Now, just hours later, it was like she forgot he even existed. She was having the best time with another guy, and he was just a geeky math student who got in the way of the butt of a shot gun. A geeky student with a hard on.

Mike finally forced himself to leave the game room. He walked to the pool. Jen was still there with her new guy friend, laughing and horsing around. Even as he got angrier and more upset, he willed his cock not to get hard again.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned. It was Colin.

"Hey man," Colin said. "Got a minute?"

"No I don't, I need to get to Jen," Mike thought to himself. But he said "Yeah, sure." He let Colin lead him to a quiet corner.

"I just wanted to tell you things got out of hand at the Crypts," Colin said. "Didn't mean it to go down that way."

Mike nodded, but didn't say anything. Was this Colin's version of an apology?

"Okay, well, that's all I had to say," Colin said with a shrug. As a passing shot he said "Take care of my girl for me."

"She's not your girl, she's mine," Mike said glaring at Colin.

"Sure, think that if you want," Colin said with an arrogant laugh. "But Jenny's always come back to me."

"Her name's Jen," Mike said angrily at Colin. Both guys glared at each other. Colin was half a foot taller and at least 50 pounds of muscle heavier, but Mike's hands were clenched into fists and he was ready to fight.

At that moment Jen appeared. "Hey baby," she said taking Mike's hand. She squeezed herself between Mike and Colin, defusing any possibility of a fight. "Come on honey, I want to show you something," she said leading Mike away.

Mike saw the party was quiet, everyone looking at them.

"Jenny," Colin said calling after her.

"I'm with my boyfriend Colin," Jen said without even turning to look at him. She tightly held Mike's arm as she led him away.

Mike felt like he should be thrilled, with Jen loudly announcing to all her friends - all the populars - that he was her boyfriend. But the memory of Jen flirting with that guy and playing with him in the pool - and holding his hand - still weighed heavily on his heart.

They left the pool area and followed a pathway that lead up a hill. At the top of the hill they sat in a grassy alcove. They actually weren't very far from the pool distance-wise. From the alcove they could easily see the pool, but from the way the hill and alcove were positioned, no one at the pool could see them.

"You've been here before?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said, leaning her head on his shoulder and still holding his arm.

Mike looked around. This was a perfect make-out spot. In fact, the only reason to come here was to make out. Had she been here with Colin? Was he going to follow them here? His body tensed going into fight mode, preparing for the worst.

"Never with Colin," Jen said reading his thoughts.

So with other guys, Mike thought. How many guys?

"You know I've had other boyfriends, right?" Jen said reading his mind again.

"So why'd you bring me here?" Mike asked, still feeling mad and upset.

"Why do you think, you goof," Jen said with an affectionate smile in her voice, straddling his lap. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

They kissed and petted. Mike realized Jen had put her sundress back on with the wet bikini underneath. "Are you cold?" he asked rubbing her back. The sun was going down and sometimes State College could get chilly at night, even during the summer.

"I like you holding me," Jen said melting into his arms.

"Who was that guy at the pool?" Mike asked. After making out his anger was gone, but he still felt jealous.

"Allie's friend, Wesley," Jen said. She felt guilty, knowing she'd been bad. "Sorry. I get flirty when I drink." Then she admitted, "Allie's a bad influence sometimes."

Mike felt better, talking about it. At least Jen didn't pretend like nothing had happened, that would have hurt.

"I love you Mike," she said hugging him tighter. "Sometimes I flirt, I can't help it, but it doesn't mean anything." She almost added Colin always got mad at her flirting, but she knew mentioning Colin right now would be a bad thing.

Mike felt incredibly better after hearing this. He said "I love you exactly how you are, I don't want you to change."

"You like seeing me flirt?" Jen joked with a laugh.

"No, not that," Mike said with a laugh back. "I like watching you talk to people. You walk around, like a graceful ballerina, you talk to people, you make them happy, feel good about themselves."

"Stop!" Jen said with an embarrassed laugh, blushing at his compliments. "Like you know all this."

"We've been dating a while, I've been watching you," Mike said grinning at her. He didn't mention before they started dating he'd watched her from afar. He didn't want to freak her out, make her think he stalked her.

"You've been watching me huh?" she said grinning at him, her arms around his neck. "I like you watching me." They kissed again.

"I'm all wet," Jen said with a giggle. Her wet bikini had soaked through her sundress. "Help me baby," she said rising up on her knees. Mike reached up her dress and pulled the strings of her bottoms. He pulled them off, dropping them on the grass. Then Jen pulled the strings of her top. Soon after it landed on the grass next to her bottoms.

"Much better," Jen said sitting on his lap again.

"Yeah," Mike said looking at her front. The wet sundress molded itself around her tits. She looked achingly hot!

"You're so perfect," he gushed, cupping her. Her nipples felt hard in the palms of his hands.

"So how do you know Maria?" Jen asked abruptly.


"Maria Fernandez," Jen said. "How do you know her?"

"She's in engineering, I think," Mike said with a shrug. "I TA'd a couple of her classes."

"Did you ask her out?"

"No," Mike said with a laugh.

"But you wanted to right?"

Mike studied Jen's face. She wore a smile and was keeping her voice light, like this was no big deal. But he sensed an edge to her questioning. "Not really," he said carefully. He grinned and said "I like blondes." He said it like a joke, but it was true, he was really only interested in blondes. Also Maria was out of his league (almost as pretty and popular as Jen probably), but he didn't say that of course.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:38 PM

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