Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
A few days later, Jen was leaving her modern dance class when she saw Colin waiting for her.

"Can we talk?" Colin said approaching her.

"We don't have anything to talk about," Jen said coldly, moving away from him.

"Jenny, come on, hold up," Colin said, catching up to her. "How's Mike doing?"

"Oh like, you're worried about him now?" Jen said sarcastically. "After you and your friends ganged up on him?"

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Colin said exasperated. "I told you, things got out of control. I didn't have anything to do with those Mexicans."

"You hurt him as bad as those thieves," Jen snapped. She looked incredulously at Colin. How could he possibly think he was innocent in this? "You covered your ass good, with that thug Sandusky."

"He's a good coach," Colin insisted.

"He's a thug!" Jen hissed. "And you're an ass, for showing him those pictures! How could you Colin?"

"The coaches put a lot of pressure on me when you pressed charges," Colin said looking sincerely regretful. "What'd Mike say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Coach Sandusky showed Mike the pictures, to get him to drop the charges," Colin told her.

Jen's eyes grew wide in surprise and alarm. "What?" she said, her words so soft they were barely audible. A cold shiver ran down her back. Mike saw the pictures? She turned, suddenly needing to see Mike.

"Wait, Jenny," Colin said, grabbing her wrist.

Jen turned to him. "What?" she snapped, pulling her hand away.

Colin looked embarrassed. He looked awkward too, not used to being in situations like this. "I'm sorry, things got out of hand," he said looking regretfully. "I'd like to, you know, apologize to Mike sometime."

Jen looked at Colin. She'd known him since high school, loved him once. He wasn't a bad person. A player, an arrogant jock, but not a bad or evil person. Jen could tell he was regretful over what happened at the Crypts. "I don't know Colin, we'll see," she told him. Then she hurried to Mike's frat house.

Mike's eyes lit up when he saw Jen. "Hi," he said smiling at her.

"Hey baby," Jen said smiling back. Mike reached for her and she melted into his arms. "Um, can we talk?" she said awkwardly.

They went to his room and sat on his bed. Mike saw she'd just come from her dance class. She was still in her dancewear with a loose Penn State sweatshirt on top. She had her hair up in a ponytail, and her cheeks were still flushed from the exercise of the dance class. She looked so adorably beautiful! He wanted to hug her, kiss her, make love to her. But he tried to avoid coming on too strong, as he didn't want to scare her away.

"Um, I ran into Colin today," Jen began. "He, ah, he feels bad about what happened. He'd like to apologize sometime."

Mike nodded slowly. He didn't like talking about Colin, and he didn't like the fact Jen had seen him. It wasn't about what happened at Crypts. Mike felt insecure around Colin, especially since he knew he wanted Jen back. Why would a pretty, popular girl like Jenny Johnson want to go out with him, when she could be going out with a guy like Colin? He knew his insecurities about Colin were irrational. Colin had cheated on Jen multiple times, and did nothing at the Crypts to defend her. All signs pointed to Jen being completely over him. But still, Mike couldn't help feeling uneasy whenever Colin came up.

"You met up with Colin?" Mike asked cautiously.

"I didn't meet up with him," Jen said, hugging his arm reassuringly. She knew about Mike's insecurities about Colin and all her friends, the "populars" as he called them. "We ran into each other, we talked for a few minutes."

"Okay," Mike said still being cautious and wondering where Jen was going with this.

"Um ...," Jen began. She paused, not knowing how to begin the conversation. Finally deciding to be direct, she said "Colin said Coach Sandusky showed you pictures? Of me and Colin?"

"Yeah, when I was in the hospital," Mike said.

Jen edged up to Mike so her shoulder touched his. "Why didn't you tell me baby?" she asked. "Did you get upset seeing them?"

"Colin's an ass for giving them to Sandusky," Mike said.

"Yeah, I know, but ... I'm sorry I let him take them," she said regretfully.

"That's okay," Mike said with a laugh. "I don't blame him."

"Seriously?" Jen said. She tried to give Mike the evil eye, but she ended up grinning, relieved he wasn't mad.

Mike shrugged and laughed again.

"So, um, what happened to the pictures?" Jen cautiously asked.

"Sandusky didn't leave them," Mike said keeping a straight face.

"Oh okay," Jen said. She was relieved, but still unsure. Had he seen it, noticed? She could gamble he didn't, but if he had it would be better to talk about it. She moved even closer to Mike and took his hand. "Mike, you know I'm completely over Colin right?"

"Yeah," he said putting his arm around her.

Jen snuggled into his arm. She began to nervously play with the buttons of his shirt. Wanting to get it over with, she blurted out "The last time I was with him, I think it was after we met." She hurriedly added "But it was before we were exclusive."

"It's okay baby," Mike said soothingly, hugging her closer to him.

"Baby" had become their pet name for each other, and Jen was relieved to hear him call her that now. "So, um, you saw the picture?" she asked hesitantly.

Mike paused, then admitted "Yeah I saw it." It was a picture of Jen with her face and hair splattered with Colin's spunk. The picture's timestamp made it clear it'd happened after they started dating.

"It was the only time," Jen assured him, holding his hand. "And only because we weren't exclusive yet."

"It's okay honey," Mike said kissing her forehead.

Jen pulled back a little so she could look into his eyes. "I'm just saying, I'd never do something like that now. Not just cause we're exclusive. But because ... because I love you Mike."

Mike's eyes grew wide. She just said the L word! "I love you too," he gushed as his heart did cart wells. He blurted out "I've always loved you."

Jen gave him a crooked grin. "You have huh? But you waited for me to say it first, right?"

Mike went red-faced at being busted. "That's okay," she said with a smile in her voice, hugging him. She had to admit, he'd played it smart. If he'd come on too strong things might have turned out differently.

"I hope you know what you're getting into," Jen told him. "I get kinda possessive."

Mike's head was spinning. She wanted him! Jennifer Johnson really wanted him! "Possessive is good," he managed to sputtered out.

Jen couldn't help smiling. She was charmed by his "I can't believe this is happening" reactions. It made her feel good inside, that he was so happy she was with him. It was like, he was putting her up on a pedestal. Guys had lusted after her, loved her maybe, but no one had ever adored her like Mike, accepted her unconditionally. That really made her feel good inside.

As they hugged, Mike's hand moved down her back, to her ass. He caressed her there, his fingers tracing along the leg openings of her leotard, then his hand drifted to her tights-covered thighs.

"You're really into legs, huh?" Jen said with a giggle.

"Yeah," Mike admitted. He'd learned he could be honest with Jen, as she never made fun of his kinks. "Your legs."

Jen crossed her arms and pulled off the sweatshirt. She wore only a leotard and tights (underneath the leotard she had on a sports bra). She straddled Mike's thighs and said "You like my dancewear?"

"Yeah," Mike said, his heart pounding. He cupped her breasts and fondled her. Even through the leotard and sports bra he could feel her nipples hardening.

Jen put her arms around his neck. Smiling at him with a sparkle in her eyes, she asked "Last semester, that ballet recital I was in ... you went to every show, to see me, huh?"

"Yeah," Mike admitted.

Jen looked into his eyes, her face more serious now. "You HAVE loved me forever, huh?" she asked. Suddenly she desperately needed to know. Now having admitted their love, she needed to be sure of his love of her.

"Yeah, from the moment I saw you," Mike said truthfully.

Jen's smile returned as her heart leaped inside and a warm glow spread all through her. "Well, good, that's how it should be," she said grinning crookedly at him. She leaned in and they kissed. "I bet I know what you'd like," she whispered huskily into his ear.

She tossed off her sneakers, then got her ballet slippers from her bag. Standing in front of Mike (who was sitting on the edge of the bed), she put her right foot on his knee. His heart pounded as he looked at her slim pretty foot, his eyes focusing on the thin seam of her tights running over her toes.

Grinning at Mike, Jen slipped her foot into the pink ballet slipper. She carefully wrapped the pink ribbon around her calf. She repeated the process with her other foot.

When she was done, she took a step back and did a pretty pirouette. "You like?" she asked, still balanced on her tiptoes.

"Yeah," Mike said, his eyes eating Jen up, especially her tight ass and long sexy legs. The ballet slippers and pink ribbons crisscrossing up her calves made her look so sweet and innocent, yet so painfully sexy.

"Do you like this?" Jen asked in a sexier, sultry voice as she put her right foot back on his knee.

Mike couldn't stand it anymore. Like a man possessed, he urgently hugged her leg to him, running his face over her tights-clad knee and calf, his head spinning with lust as he felt the soft pink lace of her ballet slipper run across his cheeks.

"That's it baby," Jen said encouragingly, tenderly stroking his hair as he practically worshipped her leg. She leaned close and whispered into his ear, "Maybe someday I'll wear the ballet outfit from the recital for you," she whispered into his ear.

"You'd do that?" Mike said, his words coming out like a moan. His cock was so hard it hurt.

"I love you baby, I'll do anything for you," she promised him. Then she slid to the floor, onto her knees, and went down on him.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:35 PM

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