Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mr. Hayden took a sip too, still looking at Jenny. So beautiful ... he felt like he was standing next to a model. A really young, gorgeous, painfully hot model.

Jenny kept a neutral expression as he stared at her. She didn't encourage him, but she didn't turn away either.

"How about we watch the DVD?" he said, finally managing to tear his eyes from Jenny. He put the DVD into the machine. As it started up he picked up the wine bottle and said "Refill?"

"Sure," Jenny said. She drank down the remaining wine in her glass, then offered it for a refill.

Mr. Hayden refilled his glass too, then they both sat on the sofa. Their production of Chicago began playing. Yet Jenny sensed his eyes were on her, not the TV screen. She noticed her skirt had ridden up when she sat. She felt Mr. Hayden's eyes on her legs. She could've adjusted her skirt to push it down, but didn't. She kept her eyes on the screen, pretending not to notice his looking.

"More wine?" he asked as the DVD went to the intermission.

"Let me this time," Jenny offered. She reached for the bottle on the coffee table, knowing the motion would cause her skirt to hike up higher. She refilled his glass and then her own. She didn't fix her skirt when she settled back into the sofa. She knew her skirt was way high up her thighs now. She pretended not to notice as Mr. Hayden stared at her.

Mr. Hayden edged closer to Jenny. He said nervously, "You know Jenny, you're about to graduate, you should call me John."

Jenny looked at Mr. Hayden. She could tell he was nervous, and was breathing hard. She was sure if she looked down she'd see an erection tenting his chinos. All of this reminded her of Sophie's March Madness party, of talking with Mr. Tower – Larry – in the back hallway. That'd just been a few weeks ago, yet everything in her life had changed. Her boyfriend cheated on her. Her father cheated on her mom and moved out. Both of them – the two most important men in her life – deserting her.

"Okay John," Jenny said, feeling empty inside.

As they watched the TV Mr. Hayden edged still closer to Jenny. The wine steeled his nerves and lowered his inhibitions. He put his hand on her knee. "You're a wonderful dancer Jenny," he said again looking into her lovely face. "So talented ... and so beautiful."

"I don't feel talented and beautiful," Jenny said. Both Colin and her father gone. What was wrong with her? She wasn't pretty enough to satisfy Colin. She wasn't a good enough daughter to make her father care.

"You are Jenny," Mr. Hayden assured her, moving his hand up her leg. "So lovely."

Jenny didn't love Mr. Hayden. She wasn't physically attracted to him. But, at that moment, she wanted to be with him. She needed him. She needed his approval. She needed his love.

So when Mr. Hayden lowered his head to kiss her, she didn't stop him. When he unbuttoned her blouse and unsnapped her bra, she didn't stop him. When he pulled down her tights, she didn't stop him. When he opened her legs, she didn't stop him. When he pushed his cock into her pussy, she didn't stop him.

Jenny got a look of him before he entered her. He was smaller than Colin. According to her school girl test, he was just over 2 hands (whereas Colin was 3 easy), and would easily fit inside a toilet paper roll (whereas Colin wouldn't). But with Mr. Hayden, Jenny discovered there was more to good sex than just size. Mr. Hayden had a lot of experience, he knew how to give pleasure. He made Jenny cum, and her orgasm was just as good as Colin ever gave her.

Mr. Hayden taught Jenny something else. The difference between fucking and making love. Whereas Colin fucked, Mr. Hayden made love. Jenny discovered the emotional contentment of making love. The closeness and intimacy were so wonderful, they almost made the orgasmic pleasure a secondary thing. (Almost.)

Regret fell over Mr. Hayden after cumming inside Jenny. He just cheated on his wife, the person he loved more than life, the mother of his children! To make things worse, she was pregnant with his child!

Jenny sensed his mood change. She quickly dressed. "I'll drive you home," Mr. Hayden said. Jenny nodded, as it was too far to walk.

Jenny directed Mr. Hayden to a dark park a few blocks from her house. "I'll walk from here," she said.

He nodded, appreciating her discreetness. He said "It goes without saying ...."

"I won't say anything," Jenny promised him.

They looked at each other in the moonlight, reflecting on what they'd just done. 43 year old teacher and 18 year old student. Mr. Hayden again had a hard time taking his eyes off Jenny. Her face so beautiful. Her body so tight and amazing. Her pussy beyond description. Despite his guilt over cheating, he felt himself getting hard. Even on her best day, his wife Mary didn't measure up to Jenny. He felt guilty at the thought, but it was true.

Jenny had a lot of emotions swirling around inside her. About her dad, Colin and now Mr. Hayden. They had no future, and she didn't love him anyway. She certainly didn't want to break up his marriage and family. But he was here, and she needed someone. She put her hand on his thigh and hesitantly asked "Can I see you again?"

"You want to?" Mr. Hayden said surprised. Even in his peak of youth, he never stood a chance with a girl as lovely as Jenny Johnson. Yet now she was offering herself to him again. He again thought of his wife Mary, pregnant with their third child. He knew it was a terrible betrayal, but when would he ever get another chance to be with a girl like Jenny again? He found himself saying "Yes, we can see each other again."

Jenny nodded. She whispered "When's your wife coming home?"

"Not until next week," he said, whispering back. Why were they whispering? He asked "Tomorrow?"

"Okay," Jenny said. She slid her hand to his crotch. She felt his hard-on. "I really enjoyed today," she said rubbing him. She grinned at him and said "You're freaking amazing."

Then she did something that blew Mr. Hayden's mind. She unbuckled his pants and took out his hard cock. Then she went down on him.

Mr. Hayden's body stiffened as he felt Jenny's lips around his shaft. "Oh my god, oh my god," he chanted inside his head. "My cock is inside Jenny Johnson's mouth!"

Jenny and Mr. Hayden saw each other every day until his wife and children returned home. Each time they made love in the marital bed he shared with his wife. They continued to see each other after that, going to hotels outside town.

Jenny's time with Mr. Hayden healed her somewhat. A glimpse of what real love was like. Because, even as he made passionate love to her, she could tell he loved his wife.

The irony of the situation didn't escape Jenny. Colin cheated on her, her father cheated on her mother. Now Mr. Hayden was cheating on his wife. She felt guilty, but not too much. Mr. Hayden was an adult, he was making his own choices. Anyway, Jenny had no intention of taking him away from his wife and children. She didn't love him. It was just, at that moment in time in her life, she needed someone. And he was there.

After a few weeks, Mr. Hayden felt himself falling in love with Jenny. She was so beautiful, both inside and out. It was when he started feeling love for Jenny that he knew their affair had to end.

They made love one last time. When they parted, Mr. Hayden felt his heart breaking. He loved his wife, but he wondered if he would ever get over Jenny Johnson. As a keepsake, Jenny gave Mr. Hayden her high school ring, the one she just got (as she was about to graduate). Mr. Hayden hesitated taking it. It would be bad if Mary ever found it. But he wanted something of Jenny, so he accepted her gift.

Jenny cried after their breakup. Not because she loved Mr. Hayden – she didn't. But because she was alone again.

Jenny's father moved back home a week before her high school graduation. "You're taking him back?" Jenny asked her mother, not knowing what answer she wanted to hear.

Mom nodded looking sad. "I love him," she said simply.

The night before graduation Colin came over. Jenny sat with him on the porch swing.

"I heard your parents got back together," he said. "That's a good thing right?"

"I guess," Jenny said with a shrug. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not.

"Do you think you can forgive me, the way your mom forgave your dad?"

"Have you been with Amanda?" Jenny asked.

"... yes," Colin admitted after a few moments, deciding to come clean. He hurriedly added "If we get back together I'll never see her again, I swear."

"God Colin how do you think that makes me feel?" Jenny said tears coming to her eyes.

"Jenny I'm sorry!" he said feeling bad. "I'll never cheat on you again, I swear!" At that moment, Colin was being honest. He desperately wanted Jenny back, he was more than willing to swear off all other girls. But he didn't live up to his promise. Once back with Jenny, and especially once he became a star quarterback at Penn State, he couldn't keep his eyes from wandering or his dick in his pants.

Jenny was sobbing. Colin took her into his arms. "Please Jenny, come back to me," he implored. "I love you so much."

Jenny forgave Colin, and they became a couple again. Her unconditional childhood love of him was broken though. But she thought they might someday have real love, like the love Mr. Hayden had for his wife Mary. And this way, as Colin's girlfriend again, she didn't have to be alone.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:34 PM

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