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Roleplay addict
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Para player here who loves detailed long roleplays. I enjoy the scenes more than the actual sex as I don't like to rush to sex directly. I am fine with incest and non incest and can do both romance or force, seducing or blackmailing. I believe in discussing the likes and interests on my partner and make plot together . I like to play with actress pics if my partner can do the same.

So any detailed Roleplayer, who can play female role can message me at hangouts vineeth.hamsa;, kik vineeth412
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Messages In This Thread
Roleplay addict - by Jalimmard - 14-05-2019, 05:16 PM
RE: Roleplay addict - by Jalimmard - 14-05-2019, 05:19 PM
RE: Roleplay addict - by Vineeth412 - 21-05-2019, 03:51 PM

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