05-04-2022, 11:09 AM
Part 3
SO when Suash call me in the next day I was at college, working. I took my mobile phone and walked few distance away from the class room.
Hi rose bud! How are you feeling today?
I am fine Subash. I am actually in a class. Cold you please call me later!
Oh! sorry to bother you then. But this is very important could you come with me to visit a friend of mine today? I have something to show you.
Ah... Is it that important? Mayby Ajay will come with you.
No my sweety. It is important that you come with me, not Ajay, and you should come alone too.
I was silent for a moment.
Well what do you say? He said in a unpatient manner.
Ok then I have to ask from Ajay.
Well do it and get ready quickly. I will come there and pick you up in an hour.
Now? I asked in a terrified voice.
Yes! My angle. We have to do it now.
But couldn't we wait until evening? And I have to finished my lecture too.
Oh... He said in a very sad tone.
Please excuse this fool. What a fool am I to think that you will agree to come with me. Please! Please! Please forgive me!
I felt soo sorry for him. No! That is not what I meant Subash. Ok let me talk to Ajay first. Then I will call u back.
I heard the relefe sound he made. I am so lad He said. You actually is a rosebud. Please call me with a positive answer. take care sweetheart! Saying this he hanged up.
So I called Ajay. Eventhough he wasn't very pleased he didn't object too.
SO after one and half hour from that call here I am travelling in his car to a unknown destination.
We travelled about half an hour. THen he turned the car into a private driveway and stoped it infront of a huge gate and got down.
Ok rosebud. Getdown from the car and come with me. He said.
So I obeyed.
A security guard opened a small door and let us in.
A instant fear came into my heart while walking inside. THe place looked all deserted apart from the guard. So gradually I got more close to him. He looked at my face and smiled. It was such a smile that it just secured all my inner feelings made my heart worm.
Don't you worry my angle. I am right here with you. Nothing will happen to you here in this house. THen he just hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. I felt good. It wasn't lust. But the way he did that made me to beleive and trust him to the fullest.
Then without even knocking to the door he just opened it and entered to the house and I followed him in too. Then he took off his shooes and silently walked towerds a door oporsit the main entrance. That door was already open. So as silently as possible we entered it.
I was stuned by the interior of that place, Beyond that door was a hall full of various paintings in eyery inch of the walls. Even the celing was coverd with various paintings.
But the most amasing thing was the opersit wall. Which was filled by a live sized group of females. They all were naked and were performing verious day today actvities. One was sweeping, one was cooking, one was eating, one was reading a book and etc etc. I was shocked and in the same time facinated by it. It was almost looked real. THe colors were so real. I just stand there and stared at it eyen without a blink.
So not until -Subash gently took my hand and sat me on a chair next to him- I realised that we are not alone in that hall.
Infront of us there was a wooden stage and a group of people were gathred arouned it. They were all artist or at least looked so to me. So to conferm I looked at Subash. But he was so silent and totally focused at that group. I returned my gaze back at them. They were standing behind sketch bords facing from various angles to the stage and was getting ready to paint something. Still the wooden stage was empty.
SO when Suash call me in the next day I was at college, working. I took my mobile phone and walked few distance away from the class room.
Hi rose bud! How are you feeling today?
I am fine Subash. I am actually in a class. Cold you please call me later!
Oh! sorry to bother you then. But this is very important could you come with me to visit a friend of mine today? I have something to show you.
Ah... Is it that important? Mayby Ajay will come with you.
No my sweety. It is important that you come with me, not Ajay, and you should come alone too.
I was silent for a moment.
Well what do you say? He said in a unpatient manner.
Ok then I have to ask from Ajay.
Well do it and get ready quickly. I will come there and pick you up in an hour.
Now? I asked in a terrified voice.
Yes! My angle. We have to do it now.
But couldn't we wait until evening? And I have to finished my lecture too.
Oh... He said in a very sad tone.
Please excuse this fool. What a fool am I to think that you will agree to come with me. Please! Please! Please forgive me!
I felt soo sorry for him. No! That is not what I meant Subash. Ok let me talk to Ajay first. Then I will call u back.
I heard the relefe sound he made. I am so lad He said. You actually is a rosebud. Please call me with a positive answer. take care sweetheart! Saying this he hanged up.
So I called Ajay. Eventhough he wasn't very pleased he didn't object too.
SO after one and half hour from that call here I am travelling in his car to a unknown destination.
We travelled about half an hour. THen he turned the car into a private driveway and stoped it infront of a huge gate and got down.
Ok rosebud. Getdown from the car and come with me. He said.
So I obeyed.
A security guard opened a small door and let us in.
A instant fear came into my heart while walking inside. THe place looked all deserted apart from the guard. So gradually I got more close to him. He looked at my face and smiled. It was such a smile that it just secured all my inner feelings made my heart worm.
Don't you worry my angle. I am right here with you. Nothing will happen to you here in this house. THen he just hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. I felt good. It wasn't lust. But the way he did that made me to beleive and trust him to the fullest.
Then without even knocking to the door he just opened it and entered to the house and I followed him in too. Then he took off his shooes and silently walked towerds a door oporsit the main entrance. That door was already open. So as silently as possible we entered it.
I was stuned by the interior of that place, Beyond that door was a hall full of various paintings in eyery inch of the walls. Even the celing was coverd with various paintings.
But the most amasing thing was the opersit wall. Which was filled by a live sized group of females. They all were naked and were performing verious day today actvities. One was sweeping, one was cooking, one was eating, one was reading a book and etc etc. I was shocked and in the same time facinated by it. It was almost looked real. THe colors were so real. I just stand there and stared at it eyen without a blink.
So not until -Subash gently took my hand and sat me on a chair next to him- I realised that we are not alone in that hall.
Infront of us there was a wooden stage and a group of people were gathred arouned it. They were all artist or at least looked so to me. So to conferm I looked at Subash. But he was so silent and totally focused at that group. I returned my gaze back at them. They were standing behind sketch bords facing from various angles to the stage and was getting ready to paint something. Still the wooden stage was empty.