Mohini exposed by her husband by divya_baby
Their last day arrived, and Sudhir wanted to make it a memorable one. They got out the car in a parking lot, though it wasn't attached to a mall. Mohini gripped his arm to steady herself, while adjusting a shoe strap. While she leant forward he looked down the front of the dress, for a good look at her breasts. She would do for what he had planned.

'Here you are. This is your stop,' he said, and halted at a bus stop.

'What do you mean?' she asked.

'We're going by bus,' he announced.

'It'll be crowded this time of day. Oh! I see. So where are we going?' she asked.

'Just anywhere and back,' he grinned.

'Whoops!' she exclaimed, while trying to keep the dress down. 

It was only a slight breeze yet the light summer dress blew up around her hips. Wearing a sensible pair of panties was better than usual, only they were three sizes too big, and threatened to fall down around her ankles.

'Just keep your thighs together,' he laughed.

'When do I get off, I mean, which stop?' she grinned.

'Don't worry, I'll be there, and I'll let you know,' he reassured her.

Mohini got on a packed bus and had to stand. There was a cross section of people riding into the city centre. She eased her way between a couple of workmen, as though looking for a space. She knew there wasn't one, so had to stand between them, as planned. 

Reaching for a strap to hang like the others was a little late. The bus jerked forward, and she fell against the guy behind her. Turning her head, she apologised to the guy. Looking up through long eyelashes at the guy in front of her, didn't deter him. He was pressed up against her, pushing her against his friend every time the bus accelerated. The other one pressed himself against her rear every time the bus braked.

The motion of the bus was gently rocked their bodies against hers. There wasn't much she could do to stop them rubbing her up, without making a fuss. Besides, that was why she was there. The top of the dress bulged out, and the guy was looking down at her breasts. The push up bra hardly covered her nipples, so he had a fine view. 

She lost her grip of the strap when the bus suddenly braked. Instinctively she put her arms out and managed to push them around the guys waist. She looked up at him, and mouthed the word, sorry. He gave her a big grin.

'Best hold on to me,' he quietly said.

'If you don't mind. That strap is too high. Oh! I need to get my purse,' she said.

Mohini was enjoying teasing them, enormously. A young innocent face didn't have to be put on, it was natural. She squeezed down between them, to reach the dropped purse. Her cheek rubbed over his hard-on, and the other guy pressed himself against her bottom. The bus ran over a bad patch of road, and she had to struggle to reach the purse. They were shaken around, with her face in a crotch, and a hardness rubbing between her cheeks.

There was no way she had thought of going this far. Exposing herself had been fun, but this was going too far. It was relatively safe as there were plenty of people around. Maybe it was just an extension of what she had been doing in the mall. She was squashed between them, and could hardly move. It felt as though two men were taking her at once, front and back. She was beginning to pant.

Still bent over, she turned her head to look at the guy. 'I can't get up,' she said.

One hand was on the floor, holding the bag. The other gripped his trouser leg, and her face was pressed against a big trouser bulge. She watched him say something to his friend. The bus was too noisy to hear much. A pair of large hands wrapped around her waist, then went higher, gripping her breasts. 

He hauled her up, lifting her off her feet. She was dangling like a doll between the two big rough workmen. So heated was she, her mouth was dry and wouldn't work. The male smell of the jeans and his cock was strong in her nostrils. The one in front pressed close between her legs.

The guy behind her said to his friend, 'This is our stop.'

'We'll catch the next one,' he quickly decided.

The guy let her down, though still held onto her breasts. Her legs were still either side of the guy in front, and he discreetly rubbed himself against her belly. She wanted to be lifted up and lowered onto his cock. In such a crowd it was safe to relax and let her arousal free reign. Or so she hoped. 

It wasn't possible to see past the big men, so she had no idea where her husband was. The dress had been scbangd upward, from when the stranger behind lowered her between them. Her stocking tops were on show, except no one could see them while tightly pressed between the workmen. They were letting the jolts and jiggles of the bus caress their bodies against hers. She was sandwiched between them, being rubbed up the right way.

Knowing they were getting off at the next stop meant she could let go, though not too much. An orgasm would be going too far in a public place, but she let herself get close.. She was hotter than when getting in that young man's car. She could hear herself gasping, when the man in front moved his leg between hers.

She felt hands on her outer thigh, and it went under the suspender straps. With his leg between hers, he couldn't get at her sex. her bottom was covered by the guy behind her, so that was safe from wandering hands too.

The bus ground to a halt, and the two guys had to go. He leaned into her, and kissed her mouth. His tongue invaded her body, for just a moment, and left her higher still. Most of the others disembarked, leaving her standing in disarray, looking confused. Some would recognise the look of arousal. 

Just as a new lot were boarding, the wind blew in the door. No longer surrounded by bodies, the dress arose around her hips. Stocking tops, suspenders, and her panties were shown off to the new guys. These weren't tough looking workmen, they were college boys. They hesitated with mouths agape, then they were shoved in by the boys behind them.

Mohini didn't know where she was or that a college was nearby. They were eighteen-year-olds in the last days of high college. Once the bus started off they became boisterous once more. They were crowded around her, though this time she would be safe enough from boys, despite being stoked up. 

When the bus jerked away from the kerb, one of them pretended to bump against her. From experience she knew what he was up to, but kept quiet, while pretending nothing was out of the ordinary. Let the young guy have his thrill, she thought.

When a hand imperceptibly cupped a cheek, it was time to do something. After being tightly sandwiched by two real men, this imposition felt innocent enough. The bus hit a pothole and the hand glanced across her thigh. It was an accident from the rough ride, so she ignored it. The hand remained. With the movement of the bus it stroked her thigh. Maybe it was a corner of his bag, not his hand.

Looking straight ahead between the boys, she nevertheless caught their grins from peripheral vision. One of them was lightly stroking her inner thigh, and receiving encouragement from his friends. There was nowhere to move away in the crowded bus. Rather than say something, she dropped her purse, and bent to pick it up. It was an audacious move, meant to shock the boy, and move away from them.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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RE: Mohini exposed by her husband - by Givemeextra - 20-05-2019, 10:13 PM
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RE: Mohini exposed by her husband - by raj6556 - 30-05-2021, 07:41 PM
RE: Mohini exposed by her husband - by raj500265 - 26-05-2019, 12:48 AM

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