Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi - Mam good to see you early.. aman sir told that you will be coming only late today

Latha- Ya but got a good friend in singapore who has helped me to finish my work and tender .. bcos of him we got the tender

Swathi- Ya mam .. aman sir told me.. he was proud of you (she dint tell him what he wanted)
Latha- Ya .. but aman wants me to do all this stuff here see these guys
dont want us to be independent...

Swathi - Ya mam ... (swathi was surprised with her richness in dresses lying.. her makeup kits..everything must be in lacs .she thought)

Latha - look at you .. see you also did your masters and still a kitchen cat...

Swathi got dull .. Ya mam ..what to do ..too many restricitions...

Latha- These guys always wants us to be on our toes.. few friends are different though.. like the one i got in singapore..

Swathi - Oh thats nice.. mam ya .. i have only one friend who thinks that women should pursue theri dreams too (she rememebered rohit-=) .. where is your friend mam

Latha- I guess he is still sleeping..he had put lot of efforts in singapore for our work... i dont want to disturb him right now... may be ill intro him to you in the evening..

Swathi - Sure mam ...

Latha - Come lets go to the parlour and get ready and have a nice bath... we should be ready by 7 pm...

Swathi - Mam chotu and dhruv?

Latha- Don't worry the admin guy raju is here only.. aman told him to look after the kids till tomorrow as we will be busy..

Aman and Mahesh fully got busy with HR team in reviewing the events to be done..Aman was quite happy with the way Mahesh had kept them intact and ready ... Aman and mahesh came back around 5 .. and got ready ... Anamika has messaged Mahesh that Rohit has landed back in India.... Mahesh thanked her and messaged that her profile pic was good..she sent a blush smiley..

Mahesh informed Swathi as she came back from the parlour after facials etc.. she was clean and neat.. Mahesh smiled and informed her that Rohit is back to India ...Swathi became happy hearing that...but her happiness faded as she wont be able to meet him till sunday..somehow she wanted to see Rohit.. and want him to make love to her like he does.... she thought the counters with aman are good but not e xciting as its with rohit...but she is worried if aman is going to make her .. his... latha is she will be safe she thought...

Mahesh got ready in a party suit and went away to the event to look after things.. Aman stayed back and he was playing with his son..dhruv and chotu ..while latha was busy in making herself ready to the event...

Aman got ready as it was 7 and neatly in a party suit.. and clean shaven... Aman enquired about lathas time of arrival ... she said she will come by 8 .. Aman asked about her friend.. She replied ..she completely forgot as he dint call or she dint call himtoo.. she said may be they will both come the same time

She called her friend after aman left .. after lots of giggles and smiles she said ok see you at 9 ... Latha was so happy ..she got ready and left to the party along with Swathi..Swathi was dressed in a gorgeous transparent white saree..and her back was fully open like yesterday..but due to all the parlour things..her features were very sharp and appealing today... Latha complimented her that its so simple yet elegant... Swathi was however jealous of Latha..she was looking like a fairy angel in that black dress...and her absolutely fair skin made her stand out from the others.

Both of them entered and there was a buzz in the crowd for Latha and Aman as they both came togehter... Swathi and mahesh were behind latha and aman ... and almost everyone applaused for latha and aman.... and all the clients and wellwishers made a lovely gestures for such a long and enjjoyable events...

Swathi and Mahesh felt themselves as a tiny part of all the event now..suddenly they seem to lost their importance with latha and aman... as both of them dint care about them .. and why should they.. Latha started interacting with clients and friends.. no employees were called to the event..except for Mahesh and HR team to arrange the event.. Mahesh felt as if was being used and exploited for this event.. He looked at Swathi..who also thougth the same.. Mahesh said to Swathi .next year I will be in our company with Rohit... Swathi replied... not I .we... Smiled to him..Mahesh smiled and said Lets see

So soft music played as guests were talking... and Swathi was thinking about Rohit... Rohit was smiling and coming towards her... She smiled to herself that she is thinking about Rohit is coming..she is thinking so much about him these days.. Mahesh mouth was open... Rohit was walking towards Latha and Latha hugged him..Swathi shaked her head and she is suprised, shocked and shaken..AS IT WAS ROHIT BY ALL HIMSELF. Latha hugged him and was introducing to Aman..while Swathi and mahesh dint know what to do ...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick - by sarit11 - 20-05-2019, 07:51 PM

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